Loss of a Heart

1089 Words
“Your father and I are royalty dear; we rule the easter kingdom and live here in Sirations. That is why we leave for a week each month on those trips we would go on. Dax and Sean are not your brothers but your protectors, they have sworn to protect you at all costs. You my dear are the sole heir to this kingdom. The reason we have been on the run is not as simple as one reason, but I will start with how your father, and I met. If that is, okay?” Mother asks with a questioning look. I nod. “Many years ago, I was training to become the Queen of Sirations. My mother died early on at age nine and so my father entrusted maids and warriors to raise me. This is the home that he sent me and all of them too. They are my real family. My father was harsh and ruled harshly as well. The older I became and more aware of the life of others I noticed I did not fully agree with a lot of the decisions he made. I fought back more and tried to let my voice be heard in meetings. He stopped letting me attend after a while and eventually I never saw him. I was a year away from twenty-one when I was told I needed to start learning the trade better. I had a teacher show up at my home and that teacher is your father’s father. He was kind to me and taught me not just with the trade but with life as well and how to be loved. He eventually asked me to attend dinner at his house and that is when I met your father. He was the most strikingly handsome man I had ever seen. I could not take my eyes off him.” She smiles and looks outside. I smile as well. “We became inseparable at that point. We fell in love. The day prior to my birthday, my father came to visit me and said I would be coming to the center home and then he left. He gave me no room to object or accept. I cried all night. The day of my birthday we decided to run away together. His father helped us and all my family and friends I had made helped as well. This did not settle well with my father and the nobles. We created a life of our own and then eventually we had you. We told my father about the birth of his grandchild, and he was so happy and said he would forget the past if we came home. So, we did, we came back to Blue Spruce, and we all lived here until you were about five years old. There was a problem though that would arise and that was the South and North kingdoms rulers. They were not happy that I did not take a noble as a mate and that I was not pursuing the duties of a Queen. They gave my father an ultimatum, I had to marry the South Kingdoms second son in order for him to keep his throne. This caused turmoil within the houses and the kingdom and the villages. People were on edge that another war was going to happen. My father gave in and said I would marry, without consulting me on this matter. So, your father and I and you left, once again. We had Dax and Sean swear to us their allegiance and several others have along the way as well. We moved every year, so no one caught our tracks. Well, your grandfather has passed away and word got to me. Remember the year I had to go away?” I nodded at her, it was such a long year I had missed her so much. “That was the year I had to become Queen officially. When I did, I learned a lot about what my father and other nobles were doing. None of which are good. I got rid of all that were loyal to him and replaced their places in council and courts and noble stations with kind and generous and just people. This caused a huge uproar within this city and the other kingdoms. Species started to rebel and create wars. In order to keep you safe, we continued on our travels. We traveled to the areas where I needed to make peace and settle disagreements. How are you doing so far Tova?” She asks. “I am not sure to be honest mom. Everything I know is a lie and I can not even trust my own memory. How did I never know this or find it out? Why is twenty-one such a big birthday for this place? Why did you not bring me back with you that year? What did you mean by species?” I ask still fully confused and shocked. “The reason, and I am going to need you to bear with me on this one, okay? The reason twenty-one is important is because it is the year you will get your dragon and harness your powers.” She says with the most serious face I have ever seen her have. Is she serious, I laugh so loud. “What! What do you mean dragon and powers? Mom, I am beginning to think all of this is made up and you are admitting me to some institution because of all that has been happening to me lately. Well, I am not crazy, and I am not going to be admitted anywhere.” I say and stand up to grab my notebook. “Tova, this is not a joke and…” I turn around and see blood dripping down her chest. Red is gushing everywhere on her. She reaches out for me looking at me smiles and then mouths the words I love you. Dax and Sean storm into the room they try and reach to grab me, and I dart towards my mother. “No, Tova! Get back from the window.” Dax yells. I look out the window and my vision focus’ on someone in the tree line on a hill about thirty miles. I do not know what came over me, but I jumped out the window and started running. Running towards that person. I have a rush of emotions right now but one is protruding the others, rage. Suddenly, all I see is black.
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