
1005 Words
I am woken up by my brother Dax shaking me. “Wake up we are here.” he says."Take a look." Looking out the window, I see a beautiful huge marble gate opening and all around it are purple flowers of some kind. We pass through this gate, and right before my eyes a whole city appears out of nowhere. I looked through back window and then through the front and Dax is watching me with a smirk on his face. I tried to ask him a question, but he shook his head. We arrived at the biggest home I had ever seen in my life. It is a marble stone entryway of stairs all the way up to the main front door. There is a fountain in the middle with a dragon sculpture. I see bushes of flowers and green everywhere! The home is at least three stories that I can see. There are huge windows that appear to open like doors on every level. At the top, I see people standing almost like they are guarding something. We pull up to the walkway and everyone starts getting out. People come out and greet my parents with such admiration, but I have never seen or heard of them until now. They look at me and smile and give me a hug as well. “I can not imagine the questions and confusion going on with you right now. I wanted to assure you that this place is your home, and you are free to do and go as you please. I can not answer any questions as that is your mother’s place, but I can assist with anything else you need.” This blonde hair green eyed woman states to me. Something about her is so inviting and her words make me feel as though I can trust her. "This is Josephine and her husband Ale. They are long friends of your fathers and I. This is Blue Spruce Palace." My mother says to me. I nod and follow everyone inside. I am looking around this masterpiece of a home. There are ten foot paintings and walls and sitting areas with huge fireplaces. It smells phenomenal here, like fresh baked pie and cinnamon. The decor is unlike anything I have seen. Everything matches and has the colors blue, green, beige, and a hint of purple. I see back windows and go over to them. Looking out them, I see a pond in the back with a little boat tethered to the side. There are seating arrangements at every patio. I notice the curtains near the windows reach out to touch them. The fabric is almost velvet like, they have these tassels around the edges that are a little itchy on the skin. I twirl the tassel around my finger as I am still investigating the outdoors. My mother as she grabs my hand, we walk down a hallway that leads to another hallways and another. We entered a quaint room with bookshelves, paint everywhere and all the windows have seat nooks. These rooms walls are colorful unlike the rest of the house. Each wall has a different color blue, pink, orange, yellow, and green. This room has spirit and the freeing of being creative. I see a painting of a family and they all look familiar to me. The bookshelves books look to have a lot of character. I haven't seen some as old as these. I wonder where they came from, some of the backings look ancient. There is dust on the some and I pick up one blowing away the dust. "Ancient Potions of Love" it reads. She lets me linger around the room for at least ten more minutes. “I am ready to answer any and all questions you may have, Tova.” She speaks. “What is going on? What is this place? Why does this place feel like I have been here before but cannot remember anything? How did something appear out of nowhere?” I say, as a million other questions are coming as well but I figured to start with those. “This is the Blue Spruce Palace in the Eastern Kingdom’s capital city, Sirations. This is the home I grew up in and this is the home you had when you were little. That is why it is so familiar to you. The reason you cannot remember anything is, because we have been on the run for all these years and your memory had to be wiped of any past. We could not risk you exposing yourself before you are ready.” She says sitting down next to the window on a puffy purple cushion seat. I drop my notebook and stare at her as I cannot believe what she has just said. They did what with my memory? This is her home and mine. None of this is making sense, so I continue on with questions. “What do you mean this is our home and you have removed memories throughout these years? What is an Eastern Kingdom and how does it appear out of nowhere? None of this makes sense mom. This all can not be real or maybe I am having a very elaborate dream.” I say, as I sit in the maroon chair next to her. The seat cushions are so soft, I bring my legs up and cross them. Looking over to her, I start to see worry in her eyes. My mother doesn't tend to worry too much. That is from what I can remember, as now I guess I have re-evaluated my memory. This is all starting to seem like its going to be a long day. It is not how I wanted to spend my birthday, I wanted a sweet party out in the woods. Moms cake and everyone homemade gifts, a good time, and laughs. I am seeing that, that not what I will be getting this year. I focus my thoughts back to reality.
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