Floating Bowls

1002 Words
It’s three days now until my birthday, and I am so excited. Every time we have a birthday in the family everyone celebrates by creating something. Last year my brothers made me a beautiful hand-crafted wooden necklace. My mother made me a sweater, as always, and my father wrote me the most precious poem. We make all our decorations and cake and go camping. I cannot wait to see what they have come up with this year. I have not been in society much since school. My mother and father always said they can teach me what I need to learn and that being with family is what is important. Yes of course, I am curious of the cities and villages, but I prefer seclusion and nature to them. I am always starred at or mocked when I am in public and school is not fun for me. I did not have many friends as we moved all the time, and I was so smart I completed school two years early. I had one friend during 9th year, and she was so sweet. Her name was Ally, and we were inseparable until the day we had to move. I tried keeping in touch, but she never wrote me back. That was when I just kept on doing life as is and exploring nature and books. We never lived in or visited any big cities and I have only seen glimpses of them through paintings on sides of the buildings or in a library. None of the small village libraries have many but old basic books. My favorite books are fantasy, specifically dragons and faeries. I find that sort of thing fascinating, and to see what some writers come up with is the most intriguing. Sometimes I think these strange things that keep happening are all in my head. Maybe one day I can venture to a big city and explore a library there, for more stories. I am shaken out of my daydreaming by a scream and run downstairs. Coming around the corner I see my mom standing there with a floating bowl. She makes eye contact with me and the bowl drops breaking all over the floor. She looks at me so concerned and then runs out to the back yard yelling at my brothers. “Dax, go and get your father from the store and hurry!” She yells. “Sean, the time has come there is no more waiting. We do not have time to waste. The bowl was floating, and she was upstairs.” She says and Sean’s eyes grow wide and then he becomes focused. “I thought we had at least three more days. I will be back by nightfall.” He says and grabs the keys to the truck and heads off. I stand there in the doorway wondering how in the world I heard all of that when I am at the house, and they are at the barn. I look up and see my mother staring at me with worry in her eyes. I start to ask what is wrong when my father and Dax show up. “How long do we have Sarah?” He asks her to embrace her with a hug. “We only have until tonight; Sean will be back by then. Its time Bailey, its time.” She kept saying and they eventually turned to me. I am now a little nervous as everything starts to hit me and realize okay something is going on and something doesn’t feel right. I walk backwards in the house and start to pick up the shattered bowl, as I am too confused to do much else. “Honey there is no need for that,” she says, and she moves her hand and all the pieces come together again. The bowl is one piece, and it is sat back on the counter. I look at her with a dumbfounded look and shock. I am frozen in place it seems. “I know this is all going to just shake up your entire thought process, knowledge of life, and existence; but you have to remain as open minded as you can.” She asks. I am staring at her for a moment, unsure of where my brain wants to take this, my emotions on the other hand are all over the place. I have no idea what to ask or what is even going on right now. "I will always try and stay open minded mom, however, I do not know how to feel right now. This is all so odd. I would like to know what is happening right now?" I ask. “I cannot explain everything right now as we are in danger. I will however tell you that everything you have been raised to believe is a lie other than the truth of us being family. When reach our destination tomorrow evening, I will tell you everything.” She says and then rushes upstairs. Everyone packed most of the day, and the sun is starting to set. I am sitting on the roof looking off wondering what is happening, when I see two trucks. Sean is back and he is not alone. He has two females with him and one male. They all pile out of the trucks looking up at me with smiles. They walk into the house. I rush in my window, tripping over the seal and falling. I get up as quickly as I can and scramble down the stairs. Everyone is whispering and I cannot hear them, they all stop and turn to me as they notice me. I stop and begin to ask a question when my mother speaks, and everyone seems to follow suit. “Let’s go we have no time, if we hurry no one will be able to track us.” Everyone follows her out the door to the trucks. I find my place in the back and quickly fall asleep.
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