Hospital Company

1929 Words
The week went by fast and slow. I finished all the homework that I had, which surprisingly, wasn’t as much as I expected it to be. I read ahead so I would be prepared, I told myself, but it was really insurance so I wouldn’t fall behind if I had to miss more classes. Thanks to Sam’s detailed notes, I was able to understand everything I missed and turn in my homework for partial credit since I already emailed our professor explaining the delay. Even though my work was perfect I was only able to receive 80% but that was more than nothing and I was extremely grateful that my professors were understanding of my situation which I described as a mental health emergency, as I couldn’t place it as anything else. I wondered yet again if I should see a doctor about it. I would have to talk to Rodney again, he said he was looking into some clinics but I knew it worried him. Rodney and I talked every day, a few texts here and there and a phone call usually that I initiated. For him being so overbearing when he was with me he seemed very distracted with his friends. Again, probably because he could see that besides my two grocery runs, I have been holed up here. I stared at my phone as no new notifications came in. I wondered if I should reach out to my friends. I thought about them more often now that I was alone and I really missed them. I knew they were mad at me, and I didn’t think they would forgive me so easily, at least Rodney didn’t think they would. But what did he know? After the first few times of getting to know them, he stopped trying. Apparently, my friends and him both thought the other was a bad influence. To be fair, it wasn't him that took me away from them. It was my fault. I was head over heels for him and I wanted to spend every waking second by his side. It wasn’t just him but, of course, they would blame him for it and not me. I decided against it, even if I did text them what would come of it? A polite conversation, a promise to meet up and then what? Nothing. No, it was better to leave it than drag back old emotions just for the sake of a temporary pity party. I laid back on the couch, apparently the only thing I’ve been doing this week. Laying on the couch, sitting on the couch, sleeping on this d.amn couch. My phone buzzed and I reached for it lazily. I sat up when I saw it was a text from Lucas. I swiped it so fast that I almost dropped it and it was only a photo of him. What I was assuming was him. It was taken from a bed. A massive cast down his leg was all that I saw and my stomach dropped. He was alive but how hurt was he? I didn’t have a chance to think, didn’t even text him back before I was Facetiming him a second later. I wanted to make sure, I needed to make sure. “Lucas! Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I would have, well I don’t know what, but I mean. I am so sorry.” I blurted out rambling out any thought that came to my mind. “Wait wait, calm down.” His brilliant smile flashed across the screen and it made my chest tighten for some reason, “I was in the middle of texting you. I wasn’t serious.” “You’re in a hospital.”I raised an eyebrow, taking note of the hospital gown that was coming in and out of frame. “Yes, it's not what it looks like. I, uh-.” He reached out of the camera and then pulled a shot of whiskey towards him. A shot of whiskey? “They’re letting you drink in the hospital?” I almost laughed. Where the h.ell was he? He didn’t answer for a few moments, he was staring at the screen but it seemed like he was a million miles away. “Lucas?” I asked quietly and he snapped back to reality. “It’s a long and complicated story.” He ran a hand, a large muscular hand through his already tousled hair. I swallowed. “I have time.” I tucked my knees under me and propped the phone on a pillow so I wouldn’t get distracted by that face, those eyes. I pulled a blanket up over me and settled in. “I wish I could explain, and I will explain, but there is a whole h.ell of a lot of backstory, and unfortunately it would take days, not just hours.” That made my stomach clench for some reason, but I was used to being kept in the dark. I don't know why it even bothered me, but I nodded. “Well, what can you tell me?” I didn’t want to pry but I was insanely curious now. “I’m not really injured,” he whispered. I let him go on, more curious than ever now, “I’m helping a friend out. Faking it for his sake?” The last part came out as a question and I raised an eyebrow, wanting him to go on. “Also trying to kinda avoid an ex who doesn’t know she's an ex.” He rushed out. A soon-to-be ex, so a girlfriend? “Oh.” I said and nervously twisted a curl around my finger trying not to focus on the weird feeling in my stomach, “Well, that is one way to get out of a relationship.” I tried to force a smile and he just shrugged. “That’s not exactly it. I promise you, Isabella. I will tell you everything one day.” I paused. That made me feel better for some reason. “Promise?” I smiled genuinely this time and grabbed the phone back towards me. “I promise.” He settled back into his pillows and smiled at me. “If you ever want to talk about it, not that I’m in a position to give advice,” I tried to laugh but I knew it sounded dry. I played with a loose thread on my blanket as I went on, “But, I’m here.” I shrugged. Before he could say anything else I continued on, already regretting what I said, “What have you been doing these past few days all alone in the hospital room? Bored? Thinking of how wrong you are about disliking Shrek 3?” I gave him a wicked grin. He tried not to laugh, turning his head away from me, but his signature smile was still obvious, “I stand by what I said, anything after Shrek 2 is complete and utter flaming garbage.” “Flaming garbage?” I looked at him, “How eloquent you are.” We talked about movies and mundane things. Mundane to me at least, what I’ve been doing this past week. Nothing. What I’ve been studying. It all felt so natural though, there weren’t any awkward pauses or questions that made me want to pretend I had to go. I would analyze it tomorrow, but for now, for now, I was enjoying this slice of calm. Lucas looked off to talk to someone, the doctor it seemed, “I’m better than good, sure link me.” That was all I got before he turned back the attention of his piercing green eyes. “Link?” I asked him, not sure what that meant. “Oh, uh, just some slang that we use.” He shrugged. “I didn’t know you and the doctor were so close. What hospital are you in any way?” I was curious now, “It's a smaller clinic actually, and the doctor happens to be my best friend, wife's adopted father.” He shrugged again. “Now that is a story I want to hear,” I laughed, “ Let me grab a glass of wine, I can’t have you drinking alone.” I set the phone down and went to the fridge, opening up a bottle of wine I didn’t touch that I bought days ago. I snorted, thinking about how Rodney thought that I was a f.ucking gremlin or something once I had a glass of wine. I pushed away the thought as I filled up a glass and smiled, rushing back towards the couch feeling lighter than I had in ages. I resumed my position and pulled the phone towards me again, “Now, about this doctor-adopted father to your friend's wife?” I pressed, I was honestly excited to hear this story. “You got the gist.” He smiled at me, at me, “She’s a good friend now too, practically a sister, but I knew Jackson first.” He leaned back and grabbed a shot of whiskey and took a sip. It looked awkward but felt classy and I laughed into my wine glass. “So it all started when Jackson, our other childhood friend, Cam, and I were going to a massive party-” Heavy footsteps sounded outside the door, his footsteps. He wasn’t supposed to be back yet, or was he? Did he even tell me? “S.hit, s.hit.” I looked around. I grabbed the remote to turn on the TV. Every part of me was buzzing, panicking for some reason. I heard the lock turn and I reached for the phone, “I have to go.” I turned off the phone and then downed the rest of the wine, the entire thing for some reason, before tucking the glass next to me under the blanket. I didn’t want him to see me drinking but I didn’t understand why. Instinct maybe, self-preservation. “Hello.” He was behind me with lethal quiet feet and I jumped. “Rodney, you’re home.” I put on a smile and made myself lazily hold the remote pretending to draw my attention away from something interesting that I was watching. “Obviously.” His face flashed and my stomach dropped. Was he mad at me? Did he know what I was doing? Was he okay? “I’m happy you’re back,” I pressed on, “Do you want to watch something?” I motioned with the remote towards the TV but I honestly had no clue what was on. “I’m fine, just exhausted.” He dropped his bag by the office door and turned to me before going to the bathroom. He really did look tired. Worn out, stressed. Basically, the exact opposite of what I would have expected of him after a fun trip. “How was your trip? How was your day?” I tried to continue the friendly conversation. “It was nice but long. I think I’m going to just sleep all day tomorrow, catch up.” He looked back towards me and he did seem drained, almost sad, it was nice to see him so vulnerable, a side that he only showed me. I nodded, “Whatever you need babe.” My nerves were immediately changed to pity. “Come to bed with me?” He asked as soon as he got out of the bathroom and my heart fluttered. “Always,” I stood up, taking his hand. Everything was alright.
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