Borrowed Jets

1235 Words

(Lucas) “Go on.” I was barely breathing, clutching my phone so tight it was on the verge of breaking. “She’s not at her apartment.” “What-” “Just listen. I’m trying to track her now.” “What did you do?” I was shaking. He didn’t protect her. “Just because she's not home doesn’t mean anything.” He tried to calm me down. “Then why the f.uck did you tell me not to get crazy?” I almost shouted, barely remembering that I was in public. Cam ushered me towards one of the smaller conference rooms we were using before. “She didn’t answer her phone. For me or Charlotte when we called this morning. We didn’t think much of it. She said she was tired and emotional and-” “Get to the point.” I could feel my Beta aura expanding, even Cam took a step away from me. “So, we went there and she wa

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