Pack Conference

1421 Words

(Lucas) I rubbed my eyes and internally cursed myself for making Cam stay up with me and drink. It quieted my thoughts last night but this morning I would pay for it. A sharp knock on the door and Cam appeared in the doorframe of the open door he almost knocked off its hinges, “Rise and shine.” He smiled and I groaned, throwing a pillow at him, not even bothering to check if it made contact. “Why are you so-” “I went to bed before you, drank less than you, and got up and led an early training for those that wanted it.” I looked back at my phone, how did he do all of that already? I lifted my head to scowl at him again. All were perfectly polished and freshly showered. Fresh f.uck, I knew that didn't even make much sense but even my internal insults were lagging this morning. “Jus

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