Chapter 2: Parker

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I flopped down on our couch after unpacking my bedroom. I was doing anything I could to avoid being around Lynda and her best friends Raquel and Emily. Sure, I've screwed both of them on countless occasions, but when I was around them earlier, all three of them annoyed the s**t out of me. I'm not sure how Wes has been with Lynda for so long. I think it's because of his sister that he doesn't screw around from girl to girl and sticks to being in a relationship. Props to him. I just couldn't see myself doing it. Thinking of Wes's sister brought a smile to my face and about all the shopping bags she brought home. Especially that big pink one. When it fell, showing all the scrapes of material that she would be wearing as panties actually shocked me. I never expected her to be the girl to wear something like that. But then again, she keeps herself completely covered. I couldn't help but wonder what she looked like under all those layers of clothes. Wait, stop, Parker. It's your best friends sister. You can't imagine those types of things. I heard the bathroom door creek open, and Winnie slowly moved out of the bathroom. s**t she's in only a towel, a very small towel. Oh my God, her legs, her very tan toned legs. I clasped my eyes shut and pretended to be asleep. I didn't want to embarrass either of us by her knowing that I saw her. Hmm. Never would of expected Winnie Marshall to have legs. I guess I shouldn't be surprised her dad was a former football player, and her brother plays. I guess she could be somewhat athletic. As far as I knew, all she did was study and tutor. I've never once seen this girl out at a party or out on a date. Actually, I don't think I really saw her at all unless it was in the library or attached to her dad's hip at the games. I decided that I probably should least lay here for twenty minutes so she would actually think I was sleeping and didn't see anything. Once, I thought an appropriate amount of time passed. I headed to my room to get ready. I turned on some music, and a few buddies came over to the pregame before I was headed to the football house to celebrate the new school year. Our first game wouldn't be for a few weeks, so it was our chance to let loose. After a few drinks, I got a text from Wes. "Hey, check on my sister. Make sure she's good for the night, please." I just texted back. "Fine." I guess I'm one of her babysitters now. Fricken great. I was already worried about moving in with her. I thought she would get all weird if we brought girls back here, but Wes assured me she really doesn't care as long as she can study. I didn't sign up to be one of her dads. I knocked on her door, ready to get this over with. She took a moment before she opened the door and only opened it part of the way. She was in a silk robe, and her hair was down. I don't think I've ever seen her hair down before. Her thick raven hair was done in waves and her green eyes. Wow, I never knew she even had green eyes. She was short compared to me. If I were to bet, she was only five foot one. I cleared my throat. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that we're all headed out to a party at the football house. I told your brother I would make sure you were okay. He already headed out with Lynda." She opened the door slightly more.She gave me a good look at her bare legs. Crap, I'm checking out Winnie Marshall AGAIN. "Okay, I'll be fine." "I figured you would just be studying or reading or something like you usually do." I watched her scrunch her eyebrows together. "Right." There was awkward silence. "Can't help who you are. Even if you are nerd." Now she looked really pissed. Man, this is not coming out right. She bit out another. "Right." There was more awkward silence, and now I think she might be plotting my death. I cleared my throat. "Well, I'll tell your brother you're in for the night." I fled straight to the door like my ass was on fire. At least I wouldn't have to see her for the rest of the night. By the time I got the football house, it was flooded with people. We usually held the best parties, and I was ready to let loose. I wasn't even through the front door when I had two girls wrap their arms around both of my sides. The one to the right of me that was in tiny white shorts, and a crop top rubbed her hand up my arm. "We were wondering when you were going to get here Parker. We've been waiting." The other girl in a halter dress that was barely covering her ass started to pout. "We're starting to wonder if you weren't going to show at all." I don't even know these girls' names, not that it matters. I'm sure they've screwed nearly every football player here. It got announced this summer that there's a good chance that if i don't get hurt in the next two years that I will be one of the top picks for NFL. Let's just say word got out, and now girls are throwing themselves at me. Well, they did before, but even more now. The one in the dress whispers in my ear. "Do you want to head back to your place?" Twos weeks ago, I wouldn't even think twice about hooking up with these girls. In the last few years, that's all I've done. But now I'm not sure if I want to. "Umm, not right now. I just got here. I could use a drink and catch up with everyone." The one in shorts. "Of course. You just find us later when you're ready to get out of here." She rubbed her boobs against my arm before she walked away. Wes came over and put an arm around me. "You're never going to change, are ya buddy? Better hope they dont have an STD. Remember, what happened to Cole last year?" I gave Wes a disgusted look. "Yeah, I won't be able to forget that." I went and grabbed a beer with Wes, and then we went and stood against the wall while he watched his girl dance. I'll admit Lynda is sexy as f**k. She's a little too skinny for my liking, and the girl has hardly any boobs. But she has nice abs and a killer face. I don't think there's a guy here who wouldn't try to get with her if they had a chance. After the song was over, Lynda and her friends came and stood next to us. Her friends awkwardly were feeling me up trying to get a rise out of me. Sorry for them, it wasn't working. A girl with raven black hair caught my eye on the dance floor. Her hair reminded me so much of Winnie that it wasn't even funny. I watched this girl sway her hips in her tight, skinny jeans that snugged her apple butt perfectly. She danced so easily in her black strappy heels. I felt my c**k stir in my pants. Now this girl I was interested in. Maybe even enough to take the images of Winnie out of head. I heard Cole hell from the stairs with some girl wrapped around his arm. I think everyone here knows what they were just doing. "Holy hell, is that Winnie Marshall on the dance floor?" Wait, what? Wes and I both bolted forward and looked in the direction Cole was pointing to. Sure enough, the girl I was just checking out was Winnie, and there she was with her trusty side kick Ally. What the hell are they even doing here? She never goes anywhere. It couldn't be because of what I said to her earlier, was it? But now that I think about it, she did have makeup on, and her hair was styled just like it is now. I watched Winnie turn her body towards me, moving her hips against Ally with so much seduction that my mouth was starting to go dry. Her body swayed to the music with such ease. I never knew she could move her body like that. My eyes drifted upward towards her top. Oh. My. God. How did I not know that Winnie was blessed with such large mounds. If I didn't have cotton mouth before, I do now. Holy s**t. Her cleavage I could get lost in there. Shit. s**t. s**t. Stop thinking like this, Parker. This is your best friends twin sister. You can't go there. Wes and I stood there frozen and in shock. I heard a lot of the guys holler and whistle at Winnie and Ally. Including Cole. I was ready to punch him in the mouth. Cole started dancing on the side and hollered again. "Holy cow, little Winnie Marshall, you've been holding out on us." I watched Lance make his move from across the dance floor. It was like a wild animal making his move for the final kill. I hate this guy. He's a fricken womanizer. He's the type that wants to be in a relationship with someone but also wants some on the side and expects his girlfriend to understand. I don't think that's been working out for him so well. He plays baseball and is expected to go pro. He's the type that's let it get to his head, and now he thinks his s**t doesn't stink. I watched him zero in on Winnie, and he slid up behind her and started to dance. His hands landed on her hips, which she seemed fine with, and he slowly started to move them up the side and graze the side of her breasts. She instantly moved his hands back to her hips. It didn't stop him from continuing to try. His hands roam down her thighs and in between her legs. I watched her face turn into panic. I looked over at Wes, and we both moved closer to Winnie without even realizing it. I was ready to punch this guy. I heard Winnie yell. "Get off of me. What is wrong with you? Let me go." I watched her struggle and his hand holding her against him roughly. I heard her yell even louder."I said let go of me!" That's when I heard Lance say barely above a whisper. "Don't be such a tease and just take it." I lost it. Wes and I charged towards him. Wes grabbed her arm away from him, and she buried her head in Wes's chest. Lance put his hands up in surrender. "Hey I was giving the little b***h what she wanted." I gave an evil snort. "You do realize that is Wes Marshall's twin sister, right?" He looked at Wes and then back at me with an "oh s**t" expression. I didn't even give him a chance to bolt, and I punched him square in the nose. I heard it break. He landed on the ground with a loud thump and started to cry like the little b***h that he is. I yelled. "Cole, grab Ally. The girls are leaving now." Ally went to protest, but when she saw how angry I was, she shut up instantly. I grabbed Winnie and flipped her over my shoulder. Wes gave me a weird look and then gave me a nod. "Take her back home and nowhere else." "You got it, boss." I felt Winnie lift her head. "I'm a grown ass women. You guys seriously can't do this. I was handling him." Wes yelled loud enough to shut her up. "Parker, don't put her down till she's in our apartment with the door locked." We headed back to the apartment with Ally and Cole leading the way. I heard Winnie whisper. "If we don't fix my top, I'm going to flash everyone that we pass." "Huh?" "Parker, I'm in a strapless top, and it's sliding down to my waist." "Oh, crap hang on." I pulled her up from over my shoulder, and she slid down my body, rubbing her body against mine slowly. When she landed on the ground, I looked down at her, and she wasn't kidding about her top. It was around her waist, exposing a strapless black lace bra that barely covered her boobs I gulped. Holy hell, her breasts are amazing. I shielded her from people passing as she adjusted her top back over her breasts. She looked up at me. "Thanks. I can walk now. I won't go anywhere. " Part of me was disappointed. I liked having her in my arms. But I knew it was for the best. We walked in silence all the way back to our apartment.
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