Chapter 1: Winnie

1991 Words
We were unloading the last few boxes out of the uhaul that my brother and I had rented. Everything became more real. I was more than determined to make my junior year at USC different from the last two. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure how I could make that possible. My father, the former football coach of USC, basically gave me no option but to become roommates with my twin brother and two of his football teammates, Parker and Cole. I wanted to live with my best friend Ally. That got shut down quickly. It wouldn't have been a big deal if my brother and father had let me have a normal college experience. Instead, I wasn't allowed near any man that was on any sort of team. Basketball, hockey, soccer, baseball, and especially not football. I was to stay away from all of them. Even if one showed some interest in me, my brother would instantly shut it down and scare them into next week. I wasn't even allowed to dress how I wanted to. At least not since high school. One scare changed everything for me, and for them. But all of this changes today. I'm no longer going to allow them to control me. I was 21 one for crying out loud. I was a 21-year-old virgin. There i said it, and it sucks. I want a relationship. I'm ready for one. Now that my dad won't be on school premises anymore except for games, he no longer can embarrass me by telling me to go change my clothes. My mother has tried to get him to let up on me and let me be a normal girl. He just states he knows how these athletic college boys think because he was one of them, and his baby girl won't be a subject to that. Blah, blah, blah. I know he just doesn't want to see me hurt. But enough already. One guy hurt me, and now I'm convinced he thinks every guy will, and somehow, dressing sexy is the key to getting hurt. He's controlled me for so long, and I let him. I forgot how to use my voice. Yeah, not anymore, buddy. My best friend Ally since diapers is taking me shopping as soon as I drop off these boxes. Mom gave me her credit card and gave me no limit. She's basically encouraging me to come out of my shell. She told me that since I haven't asked in years, to go ahead and go nuts, and that's exactly what I plan on doing. I dug through the boxes, trying to find a pair of jeans to wear to go shopping in. My wardrobe didn't consist of much. Jeans, sweats, and plain t-shirts. I didn't own any makeup besides mascara, and we won't even talk about my underwear situation. I've seen so many of the "fan girls" as I like to call them prancing around in nothing but their bras and panties. They were all lacey and revealing, and most importantly, they always matched. That was definitely on my list. I wanted to feel confident and sexy like they do. I fixed my pony tale and adjusted my glasses. Whelp, this is as good as it's going to get for now. I heard a knock on the door, and I quickly grabbed my purse to head out. My brother and Parker were unpacking the dishes, which I found hilarious. Before we got here, he honeslty thought I would do all of the unpacking because he thought i would need something to do because I don't have much of a social life. Fricken ass hat. I went to walk right past Wes when he grabbed my arm. "How are you possibly heading out, Winnie? You haven't even unpacked yet. What are you girls doing?" I rolled my eyes. "Shopping. Is there a problem?" "What could you possibly need already? Why don't you unpack the kitchen. You're a girl." Ass. I gave him an evil grin. "We need tampons. Want to join?" Ally snorted and was standing at the front door. Both boys' faces turned beat red. "No, we're good. You go ahead and go. We got the kitchen right, Parker?" "Yeah, you girls, go have fun?" Wait, what? Did Parker really just say that? His face got even redder when he realized what he had just said. "Umm, thanks?" Cole came out of his room. "Do you all realize that the four of us have to share one bathroom? I don't understand why they don't put two in here. " Cole froze instantly. "Who is this firey red head.?" I rolled my eyes. "Cole, this is Ally, my best friend. I hadn't realized that you guys haven't met yet." "Trust me, I would remember meeting a girl with a body like that." He gave her a wink. Ally flipped him off. "How about you go ahead and remember that." I laughed. "Okay, let's get out of here." We walked out to her car. Ally started to jump up and down. " Ready to do this or what? Where to first?" I gave her a naughty grin. "Victoria secret." Ally yelled, "Hell yeah. It's about damn time you get out of those granny panties." I put my head into my hands. I really hope no one heard that. The windows were down. We pulled into my mall, and Ally grabbed onto my hand as we walked in together. At first, Victoria secret looked intimidating and felt my cheeks redden with embarrassment. Ally gave me a reassuring smile. "I'll help you. Every step of the way with everything. " I gave her a determined nod, and we headed in. There were so many options I didn't even know where to begin. Ally picked up on how overwhelmed I was and started putting matching sets together. All lace bras with different matching underwear in thongs and bikinis. "You have the ass for these. You might as well show it off." She's the only person who knows about my curves. I hide them well. I've been so embarrassed about my double D boobs that I've never bought a top that shows my chest. "Come on, you have to try this stuff on. You have sleep sets, right?" I shook my head no. "She picked up at least seven different silk tanktop and short sets for bed and a couple of silk robes. I headed to the changing room and started with a black lace bra with a matching bikini bottom. It was completely see-through, but wow, did I feel sexy. I just wasn't sure about the whole seeing my n*****s through it thing. Ally knocked on the door. "Well, how does it look." When I didn't answer, she came barging in. "Woah, I didn't realize how flat your tummy is. If it wasn't for your bubble butt I think you would tip over from how big your boobs are. You should totally just wear that to school. You want attention, right? That is one hell of a way to get it." "Not what i meant. But I do want to go on a date and dance with a guy and lose my fricken virginity." Ally bowed down. "Amen. If I was a dude, i would totally get in your panties. Especially those ones." I laughed. "I'm getting everything. I already love how I feel." We headed to four or five more stores buying heels, jeans, skirts, tops, and makeup. There wasn't any room left in her trunk or back of her car. We each carried up a load to my room. Between the two of us, we were able to carry everything. Ally placed everything in my doorway. Luckily, no one was here. "I hate to drop in run, but my dad is here with the rest of my stuff." I gave her a hug. "Thanks for all the help. Call me later if you need help with your place. I'll see you tonight, right?" "Will do girly. Have fun putting everything away and put in those damn contacts, and yes, I'll meet you here at 9." she winked at me and walked away. I picked up some of the stuff into my room when I heard the front door. s**t. Hopefully, it's not Wes. I heard Parkers voice. "Hey Winnie, do you need help with all of this stuff?" I practically bolted out of my room. "No, I got it. Thanks, though." I grabbed the remaining bags in my hands. I accidently dropped one, and it spilled over with all the contents in it. Oh, please, God, please don't be a Victoria secret bag. I looked down, and my very lacey sheer panties were on the ground. f**k me. I saw Parkers smirk and placed the panties back in the bag. He clearly wasn't embarrassed like I was. "I can help with this one." Ugh, that arrogant ass. He walked into my room and placed it on my bed. He cleared his throat. "I'm going to go unpack while um, you unpack that." I saw him eyeing the pink bag that he had placed on my bed. He shook his head and went to his room. Such a man w***e. I spend the next few hours unpacking my bedroom. I was impressed with myself that I got everything done and organized. It went more smoothly than I anticipated. I even managed to put all my books in alphabetical order. I took a deep breath and decided it was time to get ready for tonight and my first real college party. I grabbed all my shower stuff and headed towards the bathroom. I looked around but didn't see anyone home again After I was fresh and clean shaven, I stepped out to dry my body. I realized I had forgotten my lotion and decided to just head to my room in a towel since no one was home. I put my ear to the door and heard nothing but the TV. But that was already on from before. At least I thought it was. I stepped out with my towel wrapped around my body. I took a quick few steps when I noticed that Parker was asleep on the couch. I tiptoed as quietly as I could into my room. Man, that was a close one. I blowed dried and stylied my hair in waves like Ally taught me a couple of weeks ago at her house. I put these stupid contacts in. It took me nearly twenty minutes to put them in. I really hated touching my eyes. But I did it, so Ally should be proud. I heard some commotion out in the living room. I thought about getting dressed and seeing who's all out there when my phone dinged. It was from Ally. Black strapless top. Red lipstick. I send a thumbs up. Well, I guess that covers what I'm going to wear tonight. I put on my black strapless bra and a matching lace black thong. I heard a knock at my bedroom door and quickly grabbed my robe to slip on. I opened the door slightly to see Parker standing on the other side. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that we're all headed out for a party at the football house. I told your brother I would make sure you were okay. He already headed out with Lynda." I opened the door a little more."Okay, I'll be fine." "I figured you would just be studying or reading or something like you usually do." I tried not to be offended, but I totally was. "Right." "Can't help who you are. Even if you are nerd." Yup, I'm totally offended now. "Right." He cleared his throat. "Well, I'll tell your brother you in for the night." I watched him walk away, and I flipped him off behind his back. I really hate football players.
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