Chapter 11

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George's PoV Two months later, Beatrice had saved enough money to give to her mother, and I was surprised to see her dressed. Is she on his way somewhere? Why didn't she say anything last night? "Are you on your way somewhere?" I asked Beatrice, and I finally got close to her. "I've been able to save money from my salary, and I'd like to go to my mother if that's okay," Beatrice told me. This is the day I'm waiting for her to leave, and I hope she doesn't think about returning because I'm not worthy of being served. "All right, I'll allow you; just be careful on your travels," I said, and Beatrice smiled. "Thank you, Master. I've already prepared breakfast for you, so you could eat it before I leave," Beatrice said to me, and I looked over at the table, where there was a sandwich. Why did Beatrice make me a sandwich when she knows I'm a vampire? I rushed over to the table and ate the sandwich she had made. I took my coat and went straight to my car, hoping she wouldn't think of coming back. I'm going to the market, and when I get in my car, I start the engine and turn on the ignition. I didn't know where I was going if I was going to enter the market when I arrived at the market and saw Edwardo talking to an employee. I left the market with nothing to say or do and drove to Grove Falls. When I arrived, I parked my car to one side, got out, and sat where Caroline and I always sat. "Are you from around here?" I was taken aback when a woman approached, and it was a human, so I stood up. "I'm not from here," I lied, and the woman was taken aback. "Is that so? It's a shame you're attractive. I assumed I'd see you every day," The woman said to me, and I said nothing. I sat down again, wondering if anything wrong would happen to Beatrice. Still, I felt nothing that indicated she was safe. After time and night passed, I got up and returned to my house. When I get home, I'm not used to not seeing Beatrice, and I always expect the light in my mansion to be turned on. I got out of the car and went inside, where I used my power to clean the clothes I was wearing and then the entire interior of my mansion. I took alcohol from the fridge, remembering Beatrice's advice that a drink isn't good without snacks. I smiled as I remembered taking some chips from the kitchen drawer and opening it. I drank the alcohol, then ate the chips, and I suddenly remembered Beatrice laughing at me because I didn't know what snack meant. I didn't get drunk once after drinking, and I wish I had just finished. Still, I dislike humans, except for Beatrice, because of the war and what happened to Caroline. Beatrice's PoV "It's good that your boss is nice," mom said, and I smiled back. "Yes, mom, George is brilliant, and he doesn't scold me when I do something wrong," I said as my older brother handed me the apple he had peeled. "I can't believe you're going to work with a wealthy man; do you dislike him? So that we've got a lot of money!" I stared at my brother as he said this. "I'm not flirting. He still hasn't moved on from his dead wife," mom was surprised when I said that. "He has been widowed?, so he hired you as a maid just in case she wants to move on while you're with him," mom explained, adding that I should reconsider going back there because I'd only meet vampires. But what is it that makes me feel this way? If I don't return, who will be with him, and will he communicate? Not only does George requires a maid, but he also requires a friend. I feel sorry for George. "I'm wondering if I'll come back or not, and I'm also worried," I told my mother, surprising my older brother. "When you have this opportunity, marry the rich!" Brother Joel told me. "You will not be invited to my wedding when we marry," I informed my brother. "Get used to your brother who likes to joke," mom said to me as she took my hand in hers. "Return to her as a friend, not as a maid; you did say George was sorrowful based on your story that you told us," Mom said, and I heard the message sound on my phone. From: George (Master) Enjoy your life, and don't come back here. I was surprised by George's text to me, so I stood up as I sat down, much to the surprise of my mother and brother. "Mom, I'm returning to the mansion; it's been two weeks, and I'm afraid my boss is going to do something bad!" Mom was taken aback when I told her. "It's good that you will return; who knows what he'll do! It's risky and tells him that his life is valuable." I nodded as mom spoke to me. I gathered my belongings and placed them in my backpack; my older brother said something to me when I got out. "Be careful, Mary, and thank you for assisting me with Mom's medications," my brother said as I smiled at him. "I'll still help because I want mom to be healthy and to help her with her medical bills as well," I told my brother, and he pats my shoulder. I walked out of the house and called a taxi to George's mansion. I got to George's mansion and paid the taxi driver; is he there? Perhaps he's at work. I arrived at the gate and saw his car parked, indicating that he did not leave and the door was open? I grabbed the doorknob, and it swung open, and I went inside, wondering why his door was open. What happened to George? I didn't want to call him; he would be surprised to see me, so I went up to the top and heard the crash right there. He says I should never go to the rooftop, but why is that? I peered in and saw George standing next to an animal; did he drink blood? Is this why he won't let me come up to his rooftop? "I've felt you before; why have you returned?" I was surprised he felt my presence. Oh, I forgot he is a vampire. "I came back because I know you're the only one in your house," I explained, and George looked at me. His eyes are glowing red it had a sharp look piercing thru my eyes. "Let's talk when you're done," I said to George as I left and went to the living room, where I sat on the sofa. I was surprised because George arrived quickly in the living room, and his red eyes were gone; he sat next to me and said nothing. "I came back because I know you're sad, and I'm not sure why I'm feeling it, but after two weeks, I can't stop thinking about you," I told George, and I'm no longer looking at him. "You are correct. I'm sad because I can't consider moving on without my wife. I'd also like to vanish so that I can be with her." When I looked at George, I noticed the sadness on his face. "Even I feel sad when I see you sad, and I don't know why," I told George. He was surprised because tears were streaming down my cheeks. George touched my cheeks, and tears streamed down my cheek. "Why are you crying? Are you all right?" George inquired. "I'm not sure why I'm crying," I said to George, wiping away my tears. George stood up and made a sunflower in his hand, which he gave to me, and my head hurt because I saw a vision when I closed my eyes. A man's hand gives me a sunflower, and he appears to be a past. "Are you all right?" George inquired. "I returned as a friend because you needed to be with me, but I can still serve you so that I can give money to my mother because she needs maintenance for her health," I explained, and George laughed. "It's up to you to do whatever you want as long as I can help you," George told me, and I smiled. "Thank you very much, master!" I informed George. "Even if we're at home, just call me George," George said, and I nodded. I went to my room, placed my backpack on the bed, and lay down, relieved that George had accepted me once more. George's PoV I can't believe Beatrice returning because she's worried about me; she also cried earlier for no apparent reason. But I strongly feel that she is Caroline, and I need to go to Adelphia, who can see someone's past vision. I took my coat and left my house without saying goodbye. I went to my car and got in, I drove there, and when I looked at the forest, there was still an invisible barrier that prevented humans from passing through. "What exactly does a royal vampire need?" Adelphia immediately inquired, and I exited my vehicle. "I need to ask you a question," I said as I approached Adelphia. She went to the pool of vision, where a person's past image could be seen, wearing her flowing violet robe. "Are you going to inquire as to where your wife is? If she has already been reincarnated?" Adelphia asked how quickly she could read my mind even though I had block power implanted in my mind. "Yes, you are correct; could you please show me what happened to Caroline? What if she had a reincarnation?" I asked Adelphia, and she used her power to respond. "I'm also curious if Caroline's soul is in Beatrice's body. They share the same habits and behaviors," I said, and Adelphia smiled as she noticed something in her field of vision. "She is your wife, but her face is different," Adelphia told me, and I was shocked. How did that happen? "How did that happen?" I inquired Adelphia. "Caroline wanted to see you so badly that she begged the god of heaven to reincarnate her so quickly," she explained, and I smiled. "So it's her; how am I going to make her remember everything?" I inquired of Adelphia "You should know that; I'm just assisting people like you who want to know the past vision of someone they know," She told me, and I thanked her. "I appreciate it so much, Adelphia." I got in my car and, fortunately, there was no traffic, so I was able to return home right away. I parked my car and was surprised to hear Caroline screaming inside the mansion, so I went inside right away. "Welcome home. Your wife is enjoying herself here," Louis said, and how did he get into my mansion?! **
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