Chapter 3

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George's PoV   When Beatrice saw my car and started to notice my disposition, I averted my gaze. When I heard her enter my house, I unbuckled my seatbelt and exited the car with my bag.   I passed right in front of my house and didn't approach Beatrice because I didn't want her to get hurt if I approached her. I also recall Caroline's words, which I will remember as long as I live; I sat on the floor and am now on my rooftop.   I took a deep breath and just waited for the night so that when I came down, I would be calm, and she had bandaged her wound, and after a while, I could hear Beatrice's actions, okay maybe she is okay, and I can't smell the blood anymore.   I stood up, took my bag, and went downstairs, where I saw Beatrice enter the guest room.   "How did you get to the roof, Master? Didn't you leave?" Beatrice inquired.   "When I got back, I just wanted to hang out on the rooftop," I clarified, and Beatrice nodded.   "I'm going to cook, but I'll just change my clothes because it's wet," Beatrice explained.   "Don't include me in your food. I've eaten outside." I lied to Beatrice and went into my room.   When I entered my room, I put my bag down and took out what I had brought, displaying the picture of the theme and Caroline putting the tea left in her drawer. I smiled and looked at Caroline's portrait again, then got down on my knees.   "I didn't realize I was doing this Caroline, please come back to me," I said softly, my voice still stuttering.   "Master, are you all right?" I was surprised when Beatrice asked.   "Why are you here? Didn't I–"   "I didn't go in, but I wanted to check on you," Beatrice said as I approached the door.   "I'm fine," I said, and now I can see her because I have a vision of a vampire and can see the door behind this barrier.   "I was concerned because you said you wouldn't eat, and you ate outside; perhaps the dish I prepared tasted bad," Beatrice explained.   "Your cooking is delicious; there's no problem with your cooking," I told Beatrice, and I noticed a smile on her face.   "I will serve your breakfast tomorrow in the morning, Master. Good night" Beatrice said to me.     "I'm leaving early tomorrow, so all you have to do is eat your breakfast and do the cleaning," I informed Beatrice, and she bowed to show her respect.   "All right, master," Beatrice said as she walked away, and my nervousness was gone.   I assumed Beatrice would enter my room, but she didn't because she understood the rules I set. I went to the shelf, took the book Caroline always reads, sat down on the sofa, and began reading books.   Beatrice's PoV   I feel George is lying to me, but I'm going to ignore it because he's my boss, and I can't do anything about it. When I finished cooking, I set down the dish I had prepared and the water; I was astounded by how much food he had in the fridge.   It was as if he had an unexpected visitor every day, and George was prepared because he was a very boy scout at the time. I started eating, and while I was eating, I heard something fall from a great height. Still, instead of being concerned, I just let it go because if I went back to the front of his room, he might get angry again.   I looked at my phone and saw my former classmates; they were still good, content with their lives, and making a lot of money right away. While I was here, I stopped studying solely for the sake of my mother.   Dad is gone, and my brother that mom expects to earn money; when I get paid, I'm sure mom will be happy because I already have to buy her medicine; I was surprised because someone suddenly called my phone, and I'm not sure who this is.   I answered the phone.   I can't hear anything like the wind, only the strange thing, why is that? I looked up the phone number and discovered that I didn't know who the caller was at all.   "If you are pranking, I shouldn't be the one you choose," I said calmly as I hung up the phone.   I returned to the social media that I was using and scrolled down. Still, the caller called again, and I answered it, surprised because someone shouted on my phone. I stood up and backed away from the noise, and the call ended spontaneously at the rate of my heartbeat.   "What happened, Beatrice?! Are you all right?" I turned to face George when I heard his voice.   "I'm okay. I have an odd number that is calling," I said as George looked at my phone.   George went there and took it, which surprised me because he knew how to use a phone, but why didn't he have a phone in the document shown to me?   "Since you are in my mansion, expect that unknown number will call you. I have so many enemies that they are investigating the information of someone who is with me in this mansion," George said to me. I'm scared now.   "Aren't they causing harm? Maybe I'll be in heaven when I wake up tomorrow." When I told George, he just laughed.   "What's funny?" I asked George.   "Because that's not going to happen," George said as if he was going to protect me, even though I'm just a maid.   "You're right, that won't happen," I said to George, handing my phone to him.   "Have you finished eating?" George asked me, and he didn't treat me like a maid, as if he'd known me for a long time, and this was how he'd speak to me.   "I'm done," I said, and George walked away.   When I looked at George, I realized the man in my dreams was the same. Because I was dreaming of a man who had the same body and voice as him, I don't know why, but it was only a dream, and I couldn't even see the natural face.   And I fell in love with that man in my dream; what if my boss was a part of my life? So that's what I dreamed? But I'm aware that things like that only happen in fiction, and I'm not interested in that.   I put my food away after I finished washing it, and after I finished washing the dishes, I looked outside. The pace of the day today has been incredible, and I can't believe it's already my second day; it's late, and I need to rest.   I went upstairs and entered my room, where I lay down on my bed and checked my phone. I deleted the number that called me earlier. Still, I remember the last digit so that if he calls again, I won't answer because I know it's the same number.   I went to my phone games and played for a while. Then I was surprised because it suddenly thundered, so I looked outside, heard it raining heavily, and closed the window here. Because I was afraid of lightning, I shouted again, let go of my phone, and covered my ears.   I heard a knock.   "Beatrice? Are you all right there? What's wrong?!" I could hear George's voice.   I couldn't respond because I couldn't move in my seat; I heard him open the door but didn't know how he did it or if I had locked it.   "What's going on?" When George approached, he asked me a question.   "I'm afraid of lightning," I said softly, and when I heard it again, I hugged George.   "It's only lightning; do you want me to stay here?" I was surprised when George asked.   "It's embarrassing!" I told George, and I let go of the hug.   "I apologized if I hugged you," I said to George.   "It's all right; I remember my wife Caroline to you. She's also terrified of lightning and will scream if she hears it too loudly," George said.   "We're the same," I said, flashing again, so I yelled.   I noticed George laughing and spreading out his hand, and I wondered why he did so.   "Why did you spread your hand?" I inquired to George.   "I will hold your hand so that you won't be scared anymore," he said, and I held his hand. I didn't know why my hand moved on its own.   We just kept quiet, and when the lightning struck again, I was worried because I was holding his hand, but George didn't complain, and he wasn't hurt. It's so embarrassing, and I can't fall in love with him.   "Go to sleep if you want; I'm just here," George said, and I lay down on my bed with him, covering me with a blanket.   I even looked at him before closing my eyes.   George's PoV   I noticed Beatrice was closing her eyes and gripping my hand tightly, and I remembered Caroline with her. Caroline is also afraid of lightning, and they have similar temperaments; what if Caroline's soul is in her body? What if Caroline has already been reborn?   I stared at her intently, wondering if she was the woman I was looking for; they didn't look the same. If Caroline's soul is in her body, then she should look like Caroline. If it were her, I'd ask her if she remembered the two of us; I read that she was dreaming of a man with the same body and same voice as me and that we'd love each other.   "I miss you so much if you're Caroline's reincarnation," I said softly as I stroked Beatrice's cheek.   I heard Beatrice speak after some time had passed.   "I'm so in love with you..." I was taken aback by what Beatrice said; was she dreaming about that man? What if I was that one?   I was shaken because I read in Beatrice's mind that the man's face was blurred, making it impossible for me. But I read that we shared the same body and voice. When I looked at her again, I noticed she was smiling.   "Caroline, if that's you, please remember me," I said, but she didn't wake up, and I knew she couldn't hear me because she was sleeping.   I heard the heavy rain stop, and she was still holding my hand. I was wondering if she could not let go of that man she was holding in her dream.   It's a good thing I'm calm now because I genuinely believe Beatrice is my wife; they both have the same movement, and she was very honest to me. They are the same as Caroline, who is very scared; I'm not sure what her other characteristics are, but I will observe her tomorrow and not leave.   There's nothing wrong with me observing her; I want to know if she's the reincarnation of my wife, and I know there's a chance she'll remember me if I turn her into a vampire.   **  
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