Chapter 7

1832 Words
George's PoV   "The problem has been solved right away; the issue is the person who orders to us is nitpicky; she wants to meet the boss in this market," my employee explained.   "Is that a woman?" I inquired.   "Yes, she's a woman," My employee replied, and I gasped. I'm not sure why today's vampire women are so different.   "Let me see her location; I'm going to see her right now," I said, and he handed me a piece of paper with the woman's address written on it.   "Continue with your work; I'll deliver it to her," I said to my employee, taking a pack of blood that had been ordered.   It was just a pack, and she is very nitpicky; I came out of the market and entered my car.   "Are you going to be okay, boss?" Edwardo inquired.   "Yes, I can handle something like her," I said as I started the engine of my car.   When I started the engine, I put on my seat belt, started my car, and used my GPS to avoid getting lost. After a minute, I arrived at her house, which was white and lovely.   "You're George Leopold?" I was taken aback because the woman who had ordered a pack of blood was standing right in front of me.   "I am. What makes you want to meet with me?" When I asked her, she smiled.   "I heard the boss at C.G Market is handsome, so I thought I'd meet you and pretend there's a problem," She explained, which irritated me.   "I'm sorry, but I'm married; you should change your taste," I said solemnly, and she laughed.   "As far as I know, your wife died. What are you talking about that you are married? You are a widow," She said to me, and I destroyed the pack of blood in front of her.   "You know people like you are annoying, you don't know me, and especially you don't know my entire life," I told her seriously. She was surprised when I made her feel my aura.   "Do you not want a new wife? What are you going to do with the deceased? Do you want to do nothing but wait? Your wife will never return," When she said that, I strangled her.   "My wife will come back, so shut up!" I let out a sigh and threw her away.   I got in my car and drove back to my mansion; if I had a phone, I would have texted Edwardo immediately to ban her. I hate everyone who mentioned Caroline like that she's so annoying that I want to kill her. When I arrived home, I parked my car, got out, and went inside, where it was quiet.   When I entered the library and saw Beatrice sleeping, I approached her and looked at her reading. I folded it, returned the books she had read to the shelf, and then picked her up.   "You're handsome..." I just smiled because I was surprised by what Beatrice said.   I wrapped a blanket around Beatrice and exited her room, going downstairs and straight to the kitchen. I took the beer from the fridge, opened it, and sat in the high chair, unable to control my power while drinking.   Time passed, and my head didn't hurt because I was a vampire, but my power was uncontrollable. I heard a footstep coming down the stairs and realized it was Beatrice; I looked up the stairs, and she saw me.   "What's the problem? Why are you drinking here alone?" Beatrice inquired.   "I want to, how about you? You read books about me?" I asked Beatrice, and he turned to me.   "I'm fine. I will continue reading about you tomorrow," Beatrice said, and I smiled.   "Why the materials room floating master? You can't control your power?" Beatrice inquired.   "I can't control it," I replied quickly, and I was surprised when Beatrice touched my head and smiled at me.   "It's okay if you don't say you have a problem, but I know what's on your mind is your wife," Beatrice said, and I became sad.   "You're right," I said, even though the woman who made me angry is the one who ordered the one pack of the blood, and she said something about Caroline that I don't like.   "Don't be sad now; I'm here to guide you and keep an eye on you," Beatrice said, and I laughed when she said she would guide me.   "I'm not young enough for you to guide anymore, but I think guarding me it can still be," I told Beatrice, and she laughed as well.   "Of course, you're even older than I am," I said to Beatrice as I sipped my beer.   "Can you drink a beer?" I inquired.   "Yes, but a little bit because I might get knocked out," Beatrice said, taking a small glass from the kitchen.   I put alcohol in her glass, and she drank it slowly, surprised by the taste because the wine I was purchasing was expensive.   "Does it taste good?" I inquired of Beatrice.   "Yes, but it's better to drink when there's a snack or food," Beatrice explained, and I was perplexed.   Snacks? I didn't understand what Beatrice said, but I would appreciate it because she is a mortal.   "I don't understand what you said about snacks," I said to Beatrice as she placed the chips in front of me; I had food and snacks in the fridge as long as I only bought it for when I had a mortal visitor.   "I mean, when you eat snacks like these chips, it means it tastes better when you eat it with alcohol," Beatrice explained, handing me a piece that I ate while drinking alcohol.   Beatrice is correct, it's delicious to eat when you're drinking alcohol, and I smiled because I couldn't believe I had learned something about mortals today.   "You know, I have friends in my area, but I'm not sure if they're my friends," Beatrice said to me as I ate chips.   "Just tell me a story, and I'll listen," I told Beatrice, and she refilled the glass with a bit of alcohol, and she drank it in one shot only.   "They became my classmates at school, and I was always with them when they went for a walk. They taught me how to drink this type of alcohol and learn what these snacks and alcohol feels like to eat and drink it at the same time," Beatrice told me, and I was depressed as I listened.   "Then, when they discovered that my mother was ill, they abruptly walked away from me, as if they were avoiding me because they found that my mother was sick. They seem to think I'm filthy," Beatrice stated. I noticed the sadness in her expression when she spoke to me.   "Don't think about them; forget that people like that, mortal are really into something that you won't expect what they can do to you except for you," I told Beatrice, which surprised her.   "Except for me, of course. I'm also mortal, so what's the difference," Beatrice said to me, and I surprised her by touching her cheek.   "I don't know, but I feel like you're my wife," I joked, and Beatrice laughed.   "That's impossible! Maybe she hasn't been reincarnated yet!" Beatrice said to me, and I don't know who you are, that you don't just realize, but I will do everything to make you remember me.   All of her actions and habits are identical to Caroline's; if I'm not mistaken, she was the reincarnation of my wife.   "Perhaps it's impossible, but let me at least be happy now," I said, and Beatrice was about to drink again when I stopped her.   "Stop that. You might get drunk. I know people who get drunk quickly when they drink a lot," I said, and Beatrice sniffed.   "All right, but let's go to sleep now, please!" I was surprised when Beatrice said did she forget that I was a vampire?   "I won't be able to because I'm not sleeping. Have you forgotten I'm a vampire?" I inquired, and Beatrice appeared to have her eyes closed.   I smiled and picked Beatrice up, quickly going to her room and laying her on the bed, but as I was about to leave, she pulled me closer, and I was on top of her. But I restrained myself from pressing my body against her; she smiled, and I felt compelled to kiss her.   I brought my face closer to Beatrice and kissed her, and when I was done, I felt like I had kissed my wife. I know she's this; I can't go wrong with her, but I still need more proof that she's Caroline's reincarnation.   I walked out of the room, and my heart began to race, I clutched my chest, and I have no idea how I felt now. When I entered, I went to my room because it had been 21 years since the person whispering to me had stopped and I knew it was Caroline.   She may have already been reincarnated, and I thought as I grabbed my head and remembered that I needed a phone. I need to buy it tomorrow, and I'll ask Beatrice what a good phone is, and I hope she teaches me how to use it. Because Johnny didn't take care of everything, he didn't buy me a phone when Edwardo had one.   I heard Beatrice's footsteps and the door to her room open the following day. I exited my room and went downstairs, where I saw her holding her head and approached her.   "Is your head hurting? I'll take care of it." When I told Beatrice, she looked at me.   "I'm not okay," Beatrice said, so I hugged her and supported her head.   "I said I'm fine," Beatrice said, and I healed Beatrice with my power.   When I finished that, I let her go when I hugged her, and she averted her gaze and drank some water.   "I'm going to cook breakfast," Beatrice said, and she was ready when she did.   "You are the only one to eat, is that okay?" I inquired of Beatrice.   "It's okay, but if we are outside, you should eat what I order for you and eat together," Beatrice explained, and I smiled.   "Sure, the house is spotless. Can you come with me today?" I ask for her to accompany me.   "Where are we going?" She inquired to me.   "I'd like to buy a phone, and I know you know those, so I'd like you to choose when I buy a phone," I explained.   "I'll take care of it," Beatrice said as I stood in front of her and watched her make breakfast.   "I haven't asked you how old you are," I clarified to Beatrice.   "I'm 21 years old," Beatrice replied, which surprised me.   "You're still young," As I said this, she laughed.   "And you are grampa, bless your back!" Beatrice said, and she laughed. I laughed too.   **  
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