Chapter 8

1897 Words
Beatrice's PoV I finished getting dressed and exited my room; I saw George leave the house, so I went downstairs and turned off the electricity. I left the house, turned off everything, including the lights, and approached George. I was taken aback when George opened the door, so I went inside and fastened my seat belt. I looked at what he was wearing because it suited him; he was dressed in long red sleeves with neat hair. "The clothes suit you, master," I said, and he started the car, drove, and I told him where we were going. I showed him the mall's location we were going to, and we arrived there in less than a minute. The mall's name was S.X Mall. Because I told him there was a parking lot in this mall, George parked his car. When he was finished parking the car, I unbuckled my seat belt and exited. "Do you have any money?" When I asked George, he locked his car. "Of course, I have plenty of money," George responded to me. "How much is that?" When I asked George, he looked surprised. "Why are you asking that? Do you have to ask that to buy a phone?" I laughed when George asked. "Yes, so we can figure out how good of a phone we're going to buy and what brand of phone is the best for your budget," I said, and he frowned. "I have 20,000 in my wallet," George said, and I thought about it as we entered the mall. Many women were staring at him as we walked, so I hurried to make him walk faster. I was surprised when George put his arm around me as he did before in the market; perhaps he didn't want any women looking at him. "Why am I always the one to be used as your woman? Do you realize you could hurt my feelings?" When I told George, he was taken aback. "Hurt? What do you intend to say? Beatrice, I'm sorry, but I don't understand you right now." I laughed as George said this to me. "So you can't understand me because I'm mortal, and you aren't–" When George covered my mouth, I was unable to continue speaking. "Don't plan on saying what you're about to say now, remember we are in a public place," George said to me, and I took his hand away from my mouth. "I'm sorry I almost slipped there," I apologized to George, and we continued walking until we came to a phone store. We went inside the Yphone Store and surprised the Salesman and saleswoman who assisted the buyers. Beatrice approached me after I looked at the 15 thousand worth android phone. "Hurry up, people are looking at me," George told me. "What if they are looking at you? They will not harm you," I told George, and I switched to a different phone model. "I'm not used to being here in the presence of mortals. You know I smell them even if they don't have any wounds," George said softly to me. "Then you shouldn't come with me inside the mall and stay in your car," I said, and George averted his gaze. "You should use to be with me. What if we develop our feelings? You can't date me," I told George, and he didn't say anything; he walked out of the store when I looked at him. George's PoV Why must it always be Beatrice? I can't stop myself from remembering how I felt when I was with Caroline when she was still alive. When I entered the store again, it appeared that Beatrice had already chosen the phone. She was inside the store for nearly 30 minutes; it was so difficult to buy a phone like this; humans spend their lives like this; once I'm used to it, I won't tell Beatrice to hurry up with what she's doing here in the mall. "I've already picked out a phone for you, so you might want to come in again," Beatrice said as I entered. "Is this the first time we'll have a phone, sir? We can teach you right now," said the Salesman, and I motioned for him not to. "I know how to use a phone; how much is this?" The Salesman put the phone back in the box after I asked. "We have a one-year warranty for 15,000, sir. If you have a problem for less than a year, you can come here for a replacement, but the one-year warranty is no longer valid if it is damaged. Let's go to the address because that's where the phones are made, and there's a fee," The Salesman asked me. "I can get a new phone if this one breaks, don't worry," I said, and he didn't respond right away. "You're harsh, George," Beatrice said, and everyone laughed. I took out my wallet, and Beatrice was the one who paid and wrote and signed on the paper. Next time, I'll just let her buy the things I don't have yet, and when we're done, the sellers at the Yphone Store thank us. "Your cute said the woman inside, and they whispered you're innocent," Beatrice said to me, and she thinks I didn't hear? "I heard I can read their thoughts, but with so many of them, I can't focus on someone who thinks a lot," I explained to Beatrice. "Let's go to the food court here, and I'll teach you how to use it," Beatrice said, and I'm not sure what she said, but I heard food as a word. "A food court? What exactly is that? Are there any seats available?" I inquired of Beatrice. "Don't worry, the name there is similar to a food restaurant, but there are a lot of people there, but can you focus on my voice, am I correct?" Beatrice informed me. "Certainly," I replied to her. We arrived at what she described as a food court, where many people were eating, and Beatrice went to a food that was cooking something. Beatrice bought something I don't know what to call it, we looked for a seat, and when we found one, I made Beatrice sit first. "So gentleman," Beatrice said as she placed the box containing my phone in front of me. "Listen carefully," Beatrice instructed me, and I inquired as to what she was eating. "What are you eating?" I inquired. "Siomai, do you want some?" Beatrice asked me, and when she would make me eat that, I blocked my hand. "I'm going to eat it by myself," I said, taking it from Beatrice's hand; as I ate it, I tasted it, and it was delicious. "It's delicious, but I'm limited to eating human foods," I explained as Beatrice opened the box. "You're going to open your phone with this button here," Beatrice said, pointing to the side button, which she pressed for a long time. "When you see Yphone on the screen, it means it is open," Beatrice explained, and I nodded. "The phone is already open; all you need to do is scroll up to see the other app. That means the app contains content like this." Beatrice told me this, and then she clicked on what I had already read. Message. "Here, you'll know if you have a text; wait, I'll text you," Beatrice said as she hung up the phone. When she continued to teach me, I just let her lead me. "There, did you notice the message pop up?" Beatrice asked, and I looked at my phone, where I saw a message that said, 'Hi.' "I'm going to save my number here and put my name so you can easily text me or call me," she said to me, and I just nodded. "You will look for my number here in the contacts. Can you see it?" She asked me, and I saw the 'Contact' she was pointing. "Yes, I can see that," I answer, and she pressed that, and I saw her name. "You can call or text me if you have something important to tell me," Beatrice said as she handed me my phone. "Try calling me," Beatrice said, and when I pressed the phone symbol, I heard a ringing sound on her phone. She answered the call and said 'hi' to me. I put the phone in my ears. I copied what she did when she responded to my call. She put down her phone and pressed something, and I saw that the call had ended. I pressed the symbol of the camera, and I saw my face. "Is this what you call the phone's camera?" I inquired, and Beatrice nodded. "Let's take a quick selfie," Beatrice said, picking up my phone, and when she captured it, I instantly smiled. "You're cute here," Beatrice said, and I smiled. "Thank you, and you taught me; I have a butler, but he didn't tell me and didn't teach me," I said, and Beatrice laughed. "Why did you make him go? If you didn't make him go, then he should be teaching you how to use this phone," she said to me, and she fixed the box of my phone. "Since my wife passed away, I fired all the guards at my mansion, and I also killed my comrades who had fought before," I told her, and she was shocked. "I'm sorry if that happened, but is it all right that I'm in your mansion now?" Beatrice inquired. "Yes, it's okay because my butler is correct. I'll have to forget about Caroline for the rest of my life, but if I see my wife again and she has reincarnation, I might be able to be happy again." When I told Beatrice, she fell silent. "Don't worry, when my wife returns, I won't abandon you. You're still the mansion's maid. I want to assist you because your mother is ill. I want to help you." When I told Beatrice, she raised her head because she was hunched over. "George?! Thank you so much!" Beatrice said to me, and she smiled at me, but if you are the reincarnation of Caroline. I'll be even more delighted. "Perhaps you still want more food. You can still buy since it's lunchtime, I guess," I said, and Beatrice extended his hand. "I need money to buy food," Beatrice said, making me laugh. I took out my wallet and handed over my money, Beatrice stood up, and I kept an eye on her belongings. I could hear the women behind me whispering as I waited; I knew I was handsome, but there was only one content in my heart, and that was Caroline. I noticed Beatrice had returned and had brought some food with her; when she arrived at our site, she placed the food she had purchased on the table. She handed me the food and smiled at me, and I knew exactly what she meant. 'You need to eat because people might think you are weird,' Beatrice thought because she meant to believe that so I could read it in her mind. We began eating, and it was clear to her that she was pleased with what she was eating; the food she purchased was delicious, and if I were a human, I would also enjoy this food. **
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