Side Story 4

2150 Words
Garry's PoV We exited the library because Summer and I were leaving to go to Randolf. As I finished putting on my gray coat, I looked at Summer. She had just come downstairs because she had changed her clothes and was already wearing what we had purchased earlier. The clothes suit her, and she took her sword with us when we left my house. I put a shield around my house, then locked all the doors, and then went to my garden because my horse was there. "We're going to use a horse?" Summer inquired. "Yes, I'm not like George, who will use the car for adventure," I told Summer, instructing her to ride my horse first. We had already packed everything for our upcoming trip so that everything we needed was in our horse. There were saddlebags and even a duffle bag to ensure that everything we needed was organized as well. "Isn't everything we need already packed?" Summer spoke up, and I nodded. "Everything is here for our mission," I replied to Summer as I helped her ride my horse as well. I also got on my horse. After that, I let the horse walk, and when I came out of my house's gate, I made him run. Fortunately, there weren't many houses nearby in the village where Randolf lived. Randolf lives in Leonar Village, which is a village mixed with werewolves. Many royal vampires also go there to escape their strict families. Summer is in the back, and I could feel her warm body.; I just smiled as we approached Leonar Village. The guard who was watching over the village waved to me. This village has a guard, but the other towns do not have their guards. "I just got here, and they have a guard. Maybe it's strict here in this place," Summer said, and I got off the horse. I also put down Summer. "Yeah, it's rigorous in this village; you can't get in unless you say what you're going to do in this village," I told Summer as we walked over to the horse park near Randolf's house. "Is this Randolf's house?" Summer inquired, and I nodded. "Yes, this is Randolf's house," I said to Summer, and we went inside. "You are quick to get here," Randolf said, and my adventure companions looked at me, Summer clutching my hand. "I'm always on time. What's my mission?" I inquired of Randolf, who was waiting for me. "Before I tell you the mission, I'd like to know who you're going to take with you on your adventure," Randolf said to me, and I confronted Summer. "You didn't say you had three men with you on your adventure," Summer said softly, and I laughed as I walked away from her. "Why did you walk away?" Randolf approached Summer as soon as she asked. "Do you want to know what my power is? You could all perish!" Summer said boldly, and the three acted to laugh. "How can I include you in this group if we don't know your power?" Randolf asked, and I was taken aback when Summer became sad. "I'm weak. If only I knew what you needed was strong, I shouldn't go with Garry; all I want to do is help," Summer spoke up, and I was about to approach when Skies signaled me not to. "Are you that frail? Why don't you cry now if you're so weak?" Randolf teased, and I noticed Summer's sword on fire. "Boss, she's irritated," Haiyan said, and they backed up a little. "I see you're not weak, so don't say you're weak; many say they're weak, but they're those vampires with hidden super strong powers," Randolf said, surprising Summer. "Do you mean you four are strong as well?" Summer inquired, and they both nodded. "I'll show the four of you how strong I am as well; I'll take you four at once," Summer said. She became serious now. Bryan, Skies, Haiyan, and Randolf were also taken aback by Summer's challenge. "Are you certain about this Summer one against four?" I asked Summer, but she smiled. "Ok, challenge accepted," Randolf said, and Skies, Bryan nodded. They went outside to watch Summer prepare for sparring and stretch. "Are you going to be all right?" I inquired of Summer while she was preparing. "Don't worry, I'll be fine; I'll just show these guys how to fight," Summer replied to me. This is my first time seeing Summer challenge them, and it's an excellent opportunity to observe her abilities as well. Randolf, Skies, Haiyan, and Bryan are also sword users. Still, I know that Summer's skills are far superior to theirs, and she will not take them seriously in this sparring. "I am ready, and I hope you four are as well," Summer said to them as she assumed her ready stance. In the center of the circle, Summer was with a severe expression on her face and her sword in her hand. Randolf, Haiyan, Skies, and Bryan were about to attack at the same time when I sensed an aura that stopped them. Summer was also getting ready to draw her sword. As Summer drew her sword, I noticed that there was no flame on it, implying that she was not taking them seriously as well. Skies attempted to attack Summer first, but because he was moving slowly, Summer took advantage of this by blocking his attack and pushing him away, making him go down hard, which surprised him. Bryan tried a new strategy to Summer, but Summer's defense on point blocked all of his attacks as well. Skies rushed in, but she noticed as she grabbed her sword and pushed him away, throwing her sword. Skies, Bryan, and Haiyan were all taken aback by what Summer could do. "All right, you have the skill, I will take on," Randolf said, and Summer held her sword with only one of his hands. Randolf swung his sword at Summer, but she blocked it twice with her sword. As Randolf stood up, he launched a powerful sword attack, but Summer could deflect it, pushing Randolf away. Summer was severe, and Bryan, Haiyan, and I watched them. Randolf centered strategy to Summer, backing away from him as she swung his sword; Randolf aimed for her head, but He could block it twice. Summer swung his sword at Randolf, but he spun and blocked her attack with both of his hands. Summer used her right hand to swing her sword at Randolf, but Randolf managed to block it as she turned her sword three times, and Randolf jumped away to Beatrice. "I'm not yet serious. You have a lot to learn to be honest," Summer admitted seriously. Randolf charged in with his sword, but Summer remained composed, blocking all of his attacks as well. As she stopped Randolf's attack, she made a circular motion with her right hand to his sword, causing Randolf to let go of his sword. Summer swung her sword at Randolf without hesitation, but Randolf rolled away to safety. He was taking up his sword and turning to face Summer. Summer used her right hand to point her sword at Randolf, proving that her abilities far exceeded those four. "Is that all you got?" Summer said to Randolf. "Let's all attack her at the same time," Randolf yelled to Haiyan, Skies, and Bryan as they drew their swords. On the other hand, Summer returned her sword to its sheath and assumed a combat stance as the four of them charged in. She let go of her sword, launching a whirlwind attack while she spun that didn't harm any of the four of them and returning the word to her sheath. "You four have a lot to learn; I've worked hard and honed my skills as a swordswoman as well." Summer said, smiling as I noticed the blue color circling her body. Summer yelled, and I covered my ears, but Randolf and the three of them didn't, Skies and Haiyan fell, and Bryan laughed. "Summer is compelling! She's good, but her sword appears to have a different power." Summer was concerned about Skies and Haiyan, according to Bryan. "Will they both be alright?" Summer inquired of Randolf. "They are fine. You're already a member of this group. You're good with the sword as well. Garry will look after you if something terrible happens to you," Randolf informed Summer. "Thanks!" Summer rushed up to me and hugged me. "You did well. You worked hard on your swordsmanship skills. Those four didn't get a chance to regroup," I told Summer as she smiled. "And you understood that a weak person has a hidden strength, like Beatrice, who, despite being a bit weak, knows how to fight with a sword," I told Summer. "Your mission is to save a princess. Well, for me, she is feeling princess because she claims to be a royal vampire," Randolf said, and Haiyan laughed as we returned inside Randolf's house. "Who else can we fight there?" Skies asked, and I just listened to Randolf. "Her caregivers will most likely pursue her. Rachelle Cerpent is the name of this woman. She's upstairs, and it's up to you to get her to where she needs to go," Randolf said as he ascended upstairs. When Rachelle came down, she looked at us, but she was more interested in me, so she approached me and clung to me. "I had no idea this man was going to save me!" Rachelle exclaimed, and I could read what Summer was thinking. 'If she isn't a princess, I would have strangled her,' I tried not to laugh because of what I read on Summer's mind. "Let's get started," I said to the four as we exited Randolf's house. Summer approached me, but Rachelle quickly bumped into her; I was concerned because she had kept Summer away from me. "Let me mount on your horse!" Rachelle exclaimed. "I would be the to mount on his horse," Summer explained. "What is your name? You're just a normal vampire, so please go away," Rachelle said, and I took a deep breath. "Summer go mount on Skies's horse," I said to Summer, and she turned her back on us while riding a horse she floated herself. But earlier, she let me lift her onto the horse, so I put Rachelle on the horse and rode away. I was surprised when Rachelle hugged me. I can already tell that Summer is irritated. I could still read Summer's thoughts as I rode my horse, and I wanted to laugh aloud. I came to a halt, and the three of them did as well. "What brought us to a halt? We've arrived in the middle of the forest." I looked at Summer as Rachelle spoke. "Rachelle, you shouldn't be on board with me because I'm the leader in this group, and I need to be in the front, and you need to mount on a member to be able to protect you," I explained. "You are capable of defending me. I think you're a royal vampire!" Rachelle told me this while hugging me even tighter. "But I'm married," I lied and began to block my mind so that no one could read it, not even Rachelle. "What exactly did you say? Who is your wife?" Rachelle inquired. "What is the point of knowing? It's terrible for me to be in love with someone other than my wife. "Skies looked at me as I said this to Rachelle. Rachelle and Summer were both went down. "Perhaps you're the wife he's referring to. You're just like any other vampire, aren't you? Give up on him! You have no right to be a member of the royal family!" Summer suddenly smiled as Rachelle explained why she was surprised. "Is it my fault that I'm Garry's wife, and he doesn't like you being so loud?" Summer said, and I didn't say anything; I know this is a woman's fight. We men aren't supposed to get involved with them. "Do you want us to fight? Let's see who's the strongest of us!" Rachelle said as she shoved Summer, but Summer immediately yelled back. Rachelle was startled, and her ears. Rachelle suddenly came out with a spear and was about to stab Summer. "You two stop; I have to finish this mission; if you don't get organized, we'll leave you here in the middle of the forest," I told them, and Rachelle and Summer both put down their swords. Rachelle didn't say anything and went to Haiyan at the same time Summer came to me, and I went down to pick her up. "Even though I know you can ride my horse, I know you want me to lift you," I told Summer, and her cheek flushed. Skies, Haiyan, and Bryan, followed me and let my horse run. **
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