Side Story 3

1368 Words
Garry's PoV My phone rang, and I looked to see who was texting when I realized Randolf gave me another mission because he wouldn't text if he just said nonsense. From: Randolf I have a new mission with you tonight. To: Randolf Alright, can I bring someone along on that mission? She is also a royal vampire who excels at fighting and mission completion. She is good with a sword as well. Randolf didn't respond right away, and I looked at Summer, lying on the sofa, and she was resting. What was she thinking? We're not doing anything in my house right now because I'm waiting for my mission, so I just let her do what she wants. From: Randolf Okay, introduce her and let her demonstrate her power to me. To: Randolf Okay, thank you very much, Sir Randolf. I approached Summer, and she immediately looked at me; it was apparent that I was the one she thought until now I couldn't get out of my head the way she said she liked me. "There's a mission given to me tonight, and we're going to him," I explained to Summer. "Who assigned you the mission? Can you tell me his name?" Summer inquired, and I told her who had assigned me the mission. "Randolf Golden, someone orders him as well, and he will order someone good at fighting and hunting, and that's me," I said to Summer, who was lying on the sofa. "Does he also happen to be a royal vampire?" Summer inquired, and I nodded. "Randolf is a royal vampire, but he's lazy to fight, but I know Randolf is strong. He's lazy. Sometimes he comes with me when he wants to come with me," I said to Summer, and I sat on the sofa. "I can't believe there's still a royal vampire who's too lazy to fight," Summer exclaimed, and I turned away. "You're right, there is a lazy royal vampire, but there is also a bad royal vampire; only low vampires should be bad because they are the ones who kill their fellow vampires," I said to Summer. I heard her take a deep breath. "Won't you ask about my life when I still had a family?" Summer inquired. I hadn't asked her that question since I first met her. "Okay, now tell me what happened to your family previously. What kind of family do you have?" When I asked Summer, I noticed she smiled at me. "Dad is a low vampire, and mom is just a normal vampire; I don't know how he dealt with dad because she chose a wild husband," Summer explained. "When I was a child, my father attempted to murder me. Mom didn't mean to kill dad, it's a good thing mom, and I have the same voice power." Summer told me that it's unfortunate that low vampires have no control but can have a relationship with a typical vampire. "How come they love maybe your dad is choking your mom and forced to have s*x," I said to Summer, and she laughed. "Maybe it happened that dad just got her pregnant, and then dad didn't want to let mom go, but now that mom and dad are gone, I know mom is in a good place, and to my father, I don't know where would he be," Summer said, and she laughed. "You mean you have half-low blood from your father, and I wouldn't be surprised if you go crazy and plan to kill me?" Summer shook her head when I asked. "I was a normal vampire when I was born; don't worry if I plan to kill you, and I would rather kill myself," Summer said, and I pat her head. "Why did you pat my head?" Summer inquired, and I ruffled her hair as I walked away from her. Summer chased me while I was running fast, and she couldn't catch up with me, so I stopped when I heard her shout, smile, and put a large shield on her. "What are you saying now? I can't hear you?" I said while she was inside my shield, and she sniffed at me, so I removed the shield from her. "Beatrice's shield is different from yours," Summer said to me as I walked away, knowing she was now following me. "Yes, we have a different shield power because Beatrice is from her family, and Vancil was her last name before," I told Summer, who was walking alongside me. "That's why, but why is Beatrice so frail despite having George's blood?" Summer inquired. "I also don't know if it's because Beatrice is a half-royal vampire who wasn't endowed with strong powers," I explained to Summer as we walked to the library. "This library is so big," Summer said as she entered the library. I followed Summer as she looked at the books but did not pick one up and sit in a chair. "You're not going to read. Yet you enter here," I explained. "I don't like reading books because, you know, I grew up without seeing a book, and I used to be poor," Summer explained, and I took an adventure book. "Read this while we still have time before we go to Randolf," I told Summer, looking at the book I'd given her. "About adventures?" I sat down after Summer asked. "Yeah, about adventures, read that right now," I told Summer as she opened the book. I just stared at Summer as she read the book, waiting for her to say something about the adventures she read about in the book. Time passed, and she abruptly dropped the book, surprised. "What's the problem?" I inquired of Summer. "So that's what it's like when you go on adventures. You have to sacrifice when it is needed when you're in danger, and I sacrifice myself just for you," Summer said; I was laughing. "That's not going to happen," I told Summer, who looked surprised. "Why are you surprised? That won't happen because I'm a strong person, Summer," I told Summer, and she closed the book as soon as she stood up. "Aren't we going to Randolf's place yet?" Summer asked, looking at the clock on the wall. "It's not yet 7 p.m., relax and prepare yourself because you will show Randolf your power," I told Summer. She wasn't surprised, indicating that she was eager to join me on my adventures. "Will you do everything for me?" I asked Summer, and she immediately nodded. "Yes, I'll do everything for you," Summer replied, and she went to the bookshelf. I looked to see if she would get a book, but she looked at the books already there. 'I don't know any books; how can I show him that I'm interested in reading a book here in the library?' I read what she was thinking and used telekinesis to pick up romance books. Summer was surprised, so I placed it on the table, and she immediately returned to me. She looked at the book, and I opened the pages where there was a s*x scene; she was surprised, and I laughed. "What are you doing, Garry? Why are you showing me that?" Summer exclaimed, and I burst out laughing as she covered her eyes. "Don't you want to read a book like this? I read them, and it's good for you to learn," I said to Summer, noticing her cheeks were flushed. "Is it okay to discuss that? You're not my boyfriend, right?" Summer asked, and I smiled. "Don't worry. I'll be your boyfriend one day right now. I still need to know you better," I told Summer, and she took her hand away from her eyes when she looked at me. "Do I rely on that for what you said?" Summer asked me. "Yes, trust me because if I were your boyfriend, I would protect you every day, and then we would do what I showed you in the s*x scene," I told Summer, and she blushed even more, so I laughed. When Summer averted her gaze, I used telekinesis to close the books I had opened in front of her and place them back on the bookshelf. **
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