Chapter 9

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George's PoV When we were done eating, Beatrice and I looked down at the items below; I just followed, and a man was staring at her. I looked at them, and they were afraid of me. I will admit that Beatrice is beautiful, and if she is not with me, they will approach her. "Perhaps you want to buy something; I'll accompany you," Beatrice suggested. "I don't have anything to buy. I need this phone," I explained as we approached the ground floor. We went into a clothing and household goods store. She went to the beautiful dresses, and I remember Caroline again. Caroline is a fan of gorgeous dresses, so when I approached her, she was taken aback. "Aren't you uncomfortable?" Beatrice inquired as to how I could be uncomfortable? "Why should I be uncomfortable? I want to get used to what mortals do so that I'm aware," When I told her, Beatrice laughed. "You're right. Just follow me, so you don't get lost in this mall," Beatrice said, moving to the location she was looking at. For me, the dresses are the same, but I know women want to look good in the eyes of others. I noticed Beatrice picking up the embossed design on the sunflower dress, and she smiled as she looked in the mirror to see if it suited her. "Does it suits me, George?" She asked, and I smiled. "Yes, it suits you," I said as I followed her to the dressing room, where I came to a halt. I know what the fitting room means, so I'm not going to follow; instead, I waited for Beatrice after she had fit her dress. I heard her scream because I could hear and feel it, and when she came out, she showed me a sunflower-patterned dress. "It's good for you, and maybe it's nice when your hair looks like this," I approached Beatrice and fixed her hair; when I finished, I was surprised to see that her cheek had turned red. "Yes, when my hair is styled like this, I like it," Beatrice said in front of the large mirror. "I'd like to buy this, but I don't have the money yet," Beatrice explained and was about to return to the fitting room when I stopped her. "I'll buy it for you as a thank you for teaching me how to use the phone," I told Beatrice, and Beatrice was taken aback. "It's embarrassing, George. It would be best if you weren't doing this to me because you're so nice," Beatrice admitted. "I'm kind, but I'm not sure why I feel this way for you; I feel sorry for you, but there's a part of me that wants to be kind to someone like you," I said, and Beatrice averted her gaze. "I'm going to change my clothes," Beatrice said as she returned to the fitting room, and I waited for her to get dressed again. Beatrice came out, and I followed her to the counter, where I gave her money to pay for the dress she selected. As we walked away from that store, I could tell what she was thinking. 'It's so embarrassing! When I get some money, I'll pay him!' I just smiled because of what she thought, and I noticed that we had already exited the mall and headed to the parking lot. "Do you not want to go inside and walk for a bit?" When I asked Beatrice, she shook her head. "Perhaps you've been exposed to too many people, you're still a vampire, and you said earlier that you can't control yourself," Beatrice said as we entered my car. I opened my car door, and Beatrice got in as well. I buckled up my seatbelt and began driving. We were being quiet on our trip. Maybe I'll go to my market to get the important phone numbers of my employees. We arrived at the house, and Beatrice came out of me first and entered the house right away, her speed preventing me from saying goodbye. When I got out of my car and entered my house, she looked at me from her seat on the sofa. "I'm leaving to go to my market; will you be okay here by yourself?" I inquired, and I was surprised as to why I asked. "Yes, master, I'll be fine here," Beatrice replied, so I went out again. I got back in my car and thought to myself, why am I getting so close to Beatrice? I need to get to know her. I couldn't tell who it was or me because I found out she was dreaming about me and the face was blurry. I came to a halt and grabbed my head because it was Caroline who had led me here. I want to be with her again and continue to build a family; it would be challenging in this situation if I could return immediately that day; I can still save Caroline. I restarted my car and drove straight to the market, where I saw Edwardo and Johnny standing in front of the gate. "Boss!" When Edwardo called me, they were taken aback by the clothes I was wearing. "Master, you're just wearing a different color than the black you've always worn," Johnny explained. "Is that so? I also don't know what's going on with me since you brought that maid to my house," I explained to Johnny. "Is it because you believe Caroline is that woman?" Johnny inquired, to which I replied with a nod. "As I said, she may be Caroline because she's the one closest to you," Johnny explained. "I observed Beatrice, and almost everything was the same as Caroline," I explained, and Johnny was taken aback. "So you're hoping it's Caroline? Maybe you did something to her already?!" I laughed because Johhny was worried. "Beatrice just knew I was a vampire because I couldn't hide it from her," I explained, and they couldn't believe it. "It means you're comfortable with Beatrice because you said you don't just tell the truth when you're not comfortable with someone, do you?" Johnny said as I took out my phone. "So I came here to get your number, and Beatrice taught me how to use the phone," I explained, and they pulled out their phone. "I'm sorry, master, I didn't teach you how to use the phone because I know you're not interested in what's new in this world," Johnny explained. "It's okay. I'm interested again because of Beatrice," I said, and they teased me. "I feel like I can smell love at first sight, but I notice you're not as sad as you used to be because of the maid I brought you," Johnny said. "Once she has saved her salary, I will tell her not to come back because I don't need a maid," I told Johnny, and Edwardo followed by giving her phone number. "But what if you discovered she was Caroline?" Johnny inquired. "If she's Caroline and she doesn't remember me anymore, I'll let her go, I'll let her live her mortal life," I said, adding that I'd save Johnny's phone number. I went inside the market and asked the essential employees for their numbers; after that, I went to my office and sat in my swivel chair. I looked up Beatrice's name in my contacts and dialed her number; the time she took to answer suggested that she was cleaning the house, even though it wasn't that dirty at this time. [Hello? Isn't it a good thing you know how to use your phone right away?] Beatrice immediately told me, and I smiled. "It's simple," I said to Beatrice. [Do you want to say anything else? What prompted you to call me? ] Beatrice inquired. "I have nothing to say, and I just try to use my phone and call you," I said to Beatrice, and I heard she was doing something. [I'm going to end the call now, I'm doing something in my room,] Beatrice explained. "All right, I'll go home as well," I told Beatrice, and she hung up the phone. When I looked at my phone, I saw the 'gallery,' so I pressed it, and a picture of the two of us appeared. Beatrice's smiles are sincere and loyal, and there is something that I read it silently. It says 'set as a wallpaper' I press that, and I see our picture when I press the home. "What are you doing here, boss?" I was taken aback when Edwardo walked in unexpectedly. "Knock when you get in here," I instructed Edwardo. "Why? Are you doing something I shouldn't know about, boss?" Edwardo went inside after teasing me and laughing. "A lot has been sold today, the boss; tomorrow I need you because I have a customer to talk to who wants to buy from us and then sell to others," Edwardo said, and I considered it. "I can be considered that we will have many salaries if we accept that seller as our regular customer," I said, and I stood up, but I felt someone in my house. I immediately exited the market and got in my car; I drove immediately. When I arrived at the mansion, I heard Beatrice's scream, so I went inside. "George! Help me!" she screamed, and these vampires had no control over themselves, and perhaps they came to my house and smelled Beatrice. "Stay away from her," I said, and as if they hadn't heard me, a nail sunk into Beatrice's neck. I could smell her blood, but I controlled myself and used my power to confuse the vampire who was choking Beatrice. These vampires are known as Low Vampires, and Beatrice was released once I had finished disturbing his mind as well as the minds of the others who were with her. "Never come back here. You don't know who I am," I said, and they quickly left, terrified of me. I heard Beatrice crying, and when I looked at her, she was clutching her neck, clearly afraid she wouldn't be able to speak. I healed her wound, and the deep wound on her neck vanished instantly. "Take a deep breath, then calm yourself. You're okay. I treated your wound," I told Beatrice, her tears still streaming down her cheeks. I wiped it, and I was surprised because Beatrice suddenly hugged me. She is hugging me tightly now as if she didn't want me to leave. I hugged her as well, caressing her back as I felt her grip on my clothes. "I was so scared, and I thought I was going to die, and I thought I wouldn't see my mom when I died," Beatrice said, her voice is still trembling. "Don't worry, my status as a vampire is high now that they've met me; they won't come back here," I told Beatrice as she hugged me. "Thank you, and you saved me," Beatrice said to me as I wiped her tears away from her cheek while she stared at me. My heart began to beat, and I wondered why I felt this way about her. Caroline is evident in her, and I can feel her presence inside her body. **
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