Chapter 61

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Beatrice's PoV After a day and a week, I'm getting ready for our wedding, and George has hired someone to style my hair and apply make-up to my face. George was the first to arrive at the venue; Darwin and Johnny will accompany me to the go-to venue. It's also good that the strike in George's Market has been resolved. "You're beautiful, mom," Darwin said, and I smiled back. "And you're the handsome one," I told my son as they finished putting make-up on me. My wedding gown was taken out, and two women assisted me in putting it on. I saw Darwin emerge from George's and I's room, and I removed my blue nightgown. When I finished wearing the wedding gown, I changed into my 2-inch-high sandals, went to the mirror, and I'm sure George would be surprised to me again because I was so beautiful. I exited my room, and the two ladies assisted me in getting down because my gown was too long for me. Darwin looked at me and smiled as we walked downstairs. We exited the house, and Johnny opened the door; I went inside, and Darwin followed. "I'm so excited, mom," Darwin said to me, and I just smiled. "I'm excited, too," I said, and we were soon at the Hacienda venue. It's a good thing George bought another car, so I can be comfortable when we arrive at the venue. The car he purchased for our wedding also has a wedding ribbon in the front, similar to bridal. "I will also take pictures of you, Miss Beatrice, for your remembrance on your wedding day." Our photographer added, and I nodded. The two ladies rode with us with our photographer until we arrived at the Hacienda Venue. "Thank you so much for assisting me with my wedding gown; I appreciate it," I said to the ladies, who smiled back and replied. "Thank you, and we'd like to congratulate you, Miss Beatrice, on your wedding today, and we wish you all the best," one of the ladies said, and I smiled back. Darwin was with me before we left the house for the big wedding day today; I was excited and happy once again cause this was our second wedding. There were already many parked cars when we arrived. Darwin came out when Johnny finished parking the car in front of the venue. First, my son assisted me in getting out, and he lifted the hem of my gown from the back. The two women who assisted me walked with me because they knew my gown was a little heavy, and when we arrived at the wedding hall, the door was shut. "I'm just going inside of the venue and let them know you're here," Johnny said, and I nodded. "Darwin, Go with Johnny, so you're in front of the sit," I said, and Darwin followed Johnny inside. I was taken aback because someone took my hand and drew me close to him when I saw my older brother Joel was wearing a suit and tie. "I'll walk you to George because I know Dad isn't here anymore," Joel said, and I just smiled. "Thank you, brother," I said to Joel. "Don't cry yet. You'll ruin your make-up; mom is waiting for you inside," he said as the door opened. We were in front of the venue's door. As I was preparing myself and putting on my game face because the event was about to begin, I noticed our photographer taking a picture of me as I smiled. Joel and I began to saunter down the hall, and my photographer took pictures of the venue as well. I heard the background music while Joel and I were walking, and I noticed George's family smiling and happy for me. Joel extended my hand to George when we arrived in front of him. "If I find out you did something bad to Beatrice, I'll bring you down myself," Joel said to George, and I remained silent. "I'm not going to do that," George said, turning to face the priest. I approached George while the priest was speaking, holding a flower in my left hand. "Do you accept this woman as thy wedded wife, George Leopold, to live together in the holy bonds of matrimony? To love her, comfort her, honor her, and keep her, in sickness and in health, and for the sake of all others, to keep thee only to her for as long as you both shall live?" The priest inquired of George. "Of course I do, Father," George responded, and the priest turned to face me to ask the next question. "Do you accept this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together in the holy bonds of matrimony, Beatrice Mary Victoria? To love him, comfort him, honor him, and keep him, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, to keep thee only to him for as long as you both shall live?" When the priest asked me a question, I immediately responded. "I do, Father," I said, and the priest read something else from the book he was holding. The priest said something to us again, and George and I just listened. Darwin appeared before us when the priest finished reading his book, carrying the ring for George and me. George already wore the wedding ring for me, and I reciprocated by wearing it for him. "For as much as George Leopold and Beatrice Mary Victoria have agreed in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and have pledged their faith to each other, and have declared the same by joining hands and giving and receiving rings; I now pronounce you husband and wife. You are now permitted to kiss the bride." After George kissed me, the priest said and closed his book. I heard the applause, and after George kissed me, we looked around at the guests, and I saw my past mother, who was also present, and she was overjoyed for me once more. The guests began to throw flower petals into the venue and began to cheer; it was a wonderful experience for both me and George. "Congratulations!" Summer spoke up, and Garry and Summer went over to us. "Thank you so much, Summer," I said as she hugged me. Summer was dressed in a dress that suited her perfectly. "Throw your flowers, so we know who's getting married next," George instructed. "Your ladies in the foreground, come here!" I said, and they went in front of me, so I walked away from a little. I saw Summer coming in as well, so I turned around and threw the bouquet I was holding, and when I looked back, Summer had it. I looked at Garry, who was looking away from Summer. "You're the next!" I told Summer and immediately hugged her. "Well, Garry and I are not in a relationship, but I'm grateful to have it," Summer explained. "You and Garry will become couples, and I predicted that," I told Summer, who just smiled. "Good day, everyone!" We want to extend our congratulations to the newlyweds!" I heard mc say, and we went to our table with Darwin, mom, and brother Joel. "We will begin our question after we have all drank our special animal blood to everyone present!" Mc said Darwin's food was mortal because he requested it before George and I married. I drank animal blood, as did George, but when he was done, mortal food was brought to us, and it was the menu George had picked for us as well. "If anyone likes mortal food, feel free to request it from our waiters!" Mc said this as she went down on stage. Our guests began calling the waiter, and when I looked at mom, she was just calm; had older brother Joel told George and me about being a vampire? "Did you find out about George and me, Mom?" When I asked Mom, she looked at me. "Yeah, Joel told me a long time ago because he can't hide that from me. I'm not angry, and I know you'll be fine even if you're a vampire," mom said, and I smiled. "It's a good thing they didn't catch a whiff of me. Are they accustomed to it?" Darwin responded to Mom's question. "Grandma, they don't hurt mortals if they know you're good, and there are only royal vampires here!" Darwin stated, and my mother frowned. "What exactly do royal vampires mean, Beatrice?" Mom asked me, and when I looked at George, he just smiled, indicating that it was okay for me to tell mom. "It means that when they are royal vampires, they are not wild like low vampires who are always hungry and want human blood," I explained to mom, and she immediately nodded. "I understand, but be cautious because I know vampires, like you, have adversaries, am I correct?" Mom inquired. "George and I fought with one of our opponents, Louis, but he's gone. He's dead," I explained to mom, who nodded once more. "The important thing is that you're alive and happy," mom said to me as I ate the teriyaki that had been prepared for me. "Mom, Teriyaki is delicious!" Darwin said this while eating. "Just eat slowly, Darwin," My mom advised Darwin. "Yes, Grandma!" Darwin responded to his grandmother's question. George took my hand, and we noticed that mc had returned to the stage, ready to ask George and our family. "Does everyone have enough food?" Mc inquired, and the others responded our mc was a woman, and she was very talkative. "The first question I'm going to ask is about George's family! We're going to ask them what they can say to their married son George!" Mc said, and George's mother and father rose to their feet. "Good day, ma'am and sir! George's family is both handsome and lovely! Come here in the center so that everyone can see you!" Mc said as she handed the microphone to George's mother. "First and foremost, what can you tell your son," Mc inquired of George's mother. "First of all, I'm so happy because my son is married and someone will look after him, and I know Beatrice will not abandon my son as well," George's mother said, and I saw George smile. "And what will you say to your son?" Mc inquired of George's father. "I want to tell you, George, don't be cold to Beatrice again because I know everything you did to her on how you become cold to her back in those days that you don't care about love, and she approaches me when she doesn't understand you because she loves you. I hope you take care of Beatrice. I will be the one to fight you if you hurt her," George's father said. I laughed because my father revealed that I approached him when I didn't understand George before Caroline. "Many thanks to George's mother and father! Is Beatrice's mother in the room? I'm interested in hearing what Beatrice's family has to say at this wedding!" Mc spoke up, and older brother Joel stood up to support his mother. "I'm the only one going! Mommy and Beatrice's brother, you sit down again!" Mc said, and mom sat down again as Mc approached. "Mommy, you're the one I'm curious about; what can you tell your daughter?" Mc inquired of my mother and handed her the wireless microphone. "When Beatrice's father died when she was young, no one truly loved my daughter. I was the only one who worked hard for Joel and Beatrice, and I knew she lacked a father's love. But when George came into her life, I noticed how they stared at each other and how much they loved each other, so I agreed to George to be Beatrice's boyfriend. I now trust George because he is determined to take care of my child for the rest of his life. He also helped me get surgery because of my illness. I know this is just the beginning. Still, I pray to God I will beat this disease, Beatrice. As long as mom is here, everything is fine, I know I am sitting in this wheelchair, but this is still me. My mind is still sharp, and I am happy to be here at your wedding with you, with George, with your brother Joel, and with George's Family as well. I love you from the bottom of my heart," mom said, looking at me. "Remember that your mother loves you no matter what happens, and to George, thank you for your assistance as well; I appreciate every bit of it, and I will make every effort to recover." My mother said, and as I looked at George, he was also crying. "I wasn't angry with my daughter Beatrice when she was mortal, and when I found out she was a vampire, I wasn't afraid because I would support my daughter in whatever way she wanted. I didn't want to be a bad parent to her," I cried as mom spoke. I immediately hugged her. Mom stroked my back, and I fought back the tears because I knew my make-up would be smeared. George hugged my mother as well, and Darwin joined our hugs. "What a lovely mother and daughter! I'm crying as well!" I heard Mc say and close my eyes; I still want Mom's life to last as well! George's PoV I just looked at Beatrice as she chatted happily with our guests here at the Wedding Venue; Garry sat next to me. "I can't believe Summer would be the one to catch those flowers earlier," Garry said. "Do you not want that? If she becomes your girlfriend, she is the one you will marry," I told Garry, and he bowed. "You know my parents are a little picky about who I marry; it's good to your parents that they accepted Beatrice right away," Garry said to me as I patted his shoulder. "Mom and dad already know Beatrice, so they have a lot of trust in my wife," I told Garry, who turned to look to his parents, who were talking to Beatrice today in our wedding venue. "My parents knew Beatrice was the one I used to like, but now they don't know Summer is the one I always hang out with," Garry explained, and Summer returned here. "Beatrice talks to your parents, but your family looks down on me," Summer told Garry. "Don't mind them because they don't talk to someone they don't know fully," Garry advised Summer. "Don't worry, Summer, if Garry's parents object, Beatrice and I will help you," I told Summer, surprising her. "It's embarrassing that we still don't know if we're going to be together," Summer said, taking a seat next to Garry. "I'm not sure if we'll be because I can see in the future that Garry's parents don't like me," Summer said, and Garry abruptly stood up. Garry forced Summer to stand up, and they left our table; I just let them because they needed to talk; Summer is pitiful because if that happens to me, I will do anything to be with Beatrice. I smiled as I saw Beatrice and Darwin return, and Darwin sat next to me as well as Beatrice; I was in the middle of them. "What happened to Garry and Summer?" Beatrice inquired. "They're talking. Let them talk to each other," I told Beatrice, who looked surprised. "Of course, we'll have to wait for them to marry; there's still something we need to do before this wedding is over," Beatrice said as I saw mc go up on stage again. "Getting the attention of those who have partners! For those who have partners, we will play a romantic song!" Mc said this, and I stood up. "Video us, Joel," I said, and he was taken aback because he was drinking wine. "Okay, go to the middle," Joel said as I handed him my phone. Beatrice stood up, and I took her hand in mine. We went to the center, and I thought we were the only two there. Beatrice smiled at me, and when we heard the romantic song, I was the first to move, and Beatrice quickly followed. "I'm so happy today. It's as if this scene reply, you know when I was Caroline," Beatrice said as we danced. "I feel the same way now; I feel happier now; I saw you wearing a wedding gown again, but this time it's the new fashion, and this wedding hall is also beautiful," I told Beatrice, and she looked at me again. **
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