Chapter 12: Marriage Contract

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*GIULIANA’S POV*   “Why would I work with you? I don’t trust you,” Chief Lazano said as he looked at me, straight to my eyes with cold and judging eyes.   “I know, but it’s the only way, and you know that,” I replied to him, but he just crossed his arms and stared at me. Again, I saw his biceps moved which really turns me on.   My eyes are glued to his muscles when he spoke again so I looked at his eyes filled with seriousness.   “How are you going to work with me?” he asked.   “I will tell you everything I know about the agency, their clients, their scheduled transactions that I have recorded, and everything else about the AM agency,” I answered without hesitations.   “And what will you get from the PBI?” he interrogated again.   “Protection. That’s all I want,” I replied to him.   “Then, we will put you under witness protection program,” he said and was about to leave when I grabbed his hand and he turned at me, surprised and wondering how I got my handcuffs off.   “How did you~,” he said but I finished his sentence for him.   “How did I get out of the handcuffs? That’s basic knowledge for agents such as myself, Chief Lazano,” I answered with a proud smile on my lips.   “And you know that I can easily slip in and out of this building, however, I will not do that. I want you to take my offer,” I said and stood up from the swivel chair, then walked towards him without letting go of his hands, and my eyes glued at his. My right hand slowly moved from his hands up to his arm, his shoulder, to his chest. I can see him staring at my every move but he did not leave his spot and just let me do what I am doing.   “I have a proposal for you, chief,” I said in a seductive tone of voice while staring at his eyes. I noticed his Adam’s apple moved as he swallowed.   “What?” he replied shortly while staring at me. I just smiled at him before turning around and looking for Aileen, then I saw her standing on the other side of the glass, together with the other PBI officers who are whispering at each other with a teasing smile on their faces, except for Martha who just rolled her eyes at me.   I signaled Aileen and Emmerson to enter the room and so did they, but with three other officers accompanying them, which I do not mind at all. Then, Emmerson gave me the envelope that he handed to me earlier back at the hotel.   “Thanks,” I said and took the envelope, then, I turned to face the chief and gave it to Chief Lazano. At first, he just looked at me, and I know that he’s doubting me but the hell I care about that, I must have him sign this marriage contract.   I eyed the envelope in my hand and looked back at him, and that’s when he took the envelope.   “That’s my proposal,” I said while he’s staring at me, then he looked at the brown envelope in his hand, and after a second or two, he decided to open it and pull the white folder inside and opened it. Then, I just watched him read all the contents of the marriage contract.   After a few minutes of reading the contract, he looked at me and crossed his arms again.   “Why would a marriage be necessary for you to give us the information we want from you?” he asked, and I just smiled at him.   “Do you really think that I’ll just give you what you want without anything in return?” I asked back with a smirk on my face, and his eyes glared at me.   “I’m not scared of you, chief, whether you torture me or kill me, I will not tell you anything,” I said.   “Unless you agree with my proposal and sign that marriage contract,” I added as I turned my back at him and sat on the swivel chair, then, I crossed my legs. I saw his eyes scanned my white perfect legs, then he blinked and looked at me again.   “Oh, I also know that you’re currently in search of a suitable wife that will give you a child, and I think it’s only right for me to demand that you take responsibility after taking my v*rginity last night, don’t you think?” I said and leaned on the backrest and smiled at him.   “I did that to save your life,” he replied, and I just raised my right eyebrow at him.   “But I never told you to f*ck me till dawn,” I answered back then I heard teasing oohs from the officers inside this room, I also noticed Lazano’s ears turning red.   “So, with all that being said, will you agree with my proposal?” I asked him, smiling and then I pulled out the pen that I am hiding in my left sleeve and wave it in front of him.   “This marriage contract will not be valid without the presence of a judge or a priest,” he said and I just nodded my head towards Emmerson’s direction. Emmerson heard me and so he pulled out his wallet and showed his Identification Card stating that he is a licensed judge and he has the authority to wed a couple.   “Did you plan all of this?” Chief Lazano questioned as he looked at Emmerson’s ID.   “Oh, baby, I never go to war without any plans,” I replied and bit my lip as his eyes traveled to mine.   “Were you the one who sent that man earlier this afternoon? The one who gave a report about Agent X?” he asked again and I just smiled at him, confirming his question. He just shook his head as if he can’t believe that he played right to my bait.   “Chief, if you’re still having second thoughts, then think about my proposal this way. First, you will be able to get the information you needed from me about your enemies. Second, you will be able to monitor my every move, 24/7. Third, you don’t have to search for a wife anymore, I am presenting myself to you already. Fourth, you have full custody over me and I will not work for someone else except you. And last but not the least, I can give you a child, which means you have all the right to f*ck me whenever and wherever you want,” I expound to him while he just stared at me, without saying anything.   I noticed Aileen trying to hold her laughter as she stood a foot apart from the PBI Chief, while the other officers are just looking at their chief with teasing smiles on their faces.   “See? You have five things to gain from me, and all I’m asking for is your protection,” I added and he just sighed.   “What’s your game Agent X?” he questioned, still doubting my intention.   “Nothing, I just want you to help me destroy my father’s agency,” I answered to him.   “Then, why don’t you do it yourself? I heard that you’re the best agent in the AM Agency, so why are you seeking for my help?” he questioned again.   Why don’t you just sign the f*cking contract and stop asking so many f*cking questions!? I thought to myself as I try my best to compose myself and remain calm.   “If only I can. My father is very influential and he has so many agents and assassins that are loyal to him, and battling with him alone would mean certain death. But, the chance of success will increase if I have his number one enemy as my ally, don’t you agree?” I answered and he just nodded at me.   “Woah! Chief, does that mean you’re going to sign the contract?” The Japanese s***h Korean guy asked and interfered with our conversation so I looked at him with cold eyes but he just ignored me.   What a j*rk. I thought as I rolled my eyes at the Asian looking guy.   “Shut up Officer Hiro,” Chief Lazano said so he shut his mouth and stood beside Aileen while scratching his nape, then I noticed Aileen looking at him and he looked at her too, then smiled, which made his eyes looked like lines. I also noticed Aileen blushing.   Oh, please, don’t tell me you like the guy? I thought to myself as I raised my eyebrow at my best friend and she just smiled at me.   “Fine, I’ll agree with your proposal, however, I have one condition,” Chief Lazano suddenly spoke which captured my attention so I sat up properly and waited for him to finish talking.   “You will obey my commands without complaints, do you understand?” he said seriously as he extends his right hand to me. I gladly took his hand and shake it firmly.   “As you wish, hubby,” I replied and winked at him. Then, I gave him the pen so he could sign the contract.   Without saying anything, he signed the contract as I bit my lip to suppress my smirk, and once he’s done, he gave me the pen and the contract in order for me to sign the contract as well.   I smiled at him before I took the pen from his hand, turned the paper, facing my direction, and signed above my name written at the bottom part of the contract. Then, I gave it to Emmerson and he just nodded at me.   “I will process your marriage certificate as soon as possible, and give you your copy once it is available,” Emmerson said and I just nodded at him but my eyes are glued at Chief Lazano who is also staring at me.   “Well, Uhm, I will take my leave now. Good night everyone, and uhm, best wishes, newlyweds,” he added and left the room.   “Oh, wait, Emmerson, I’ll drive you home,” Aileen volunteered and she waved her hand at me, so I just smiled at her and nod my head before she left and followed Emmerson.   “Sorry but you’re not allowed to go home without any of us guarding you,” Chief Lazano, who is now husband, said and I just smiled at him.   “Don’t worry hubby, I don’t have any place to go anymore, except with you so, I’ll go wherever you go,” I said to him and he just stared at me so I smiled even more sweetly at him.   It is the wife’s duty to be sweet and romantic to her husband, is it not? I thought to myself while still looking at my new husband.   “Fine, just wait here,” he said and walked out of the way. My eyes just followed him until he finally left the room, with his subordinates following behind him. I saw my husband talking to his men from the other side of the glass, he even pointed at me and I saw his men looking at me so I waved my hand at them and smiled. Some of them smiled at me too but, Chief Lazano quickly called their attention and left the interrogation room.   Hmm…seems like my husband is also a possessive one. I thought as a playful smile formed on my lips.   I waited alone inside this room for about ten minutes until my husband return and opened the door. He looked at me with full authority, but I just smiled at him.   “Follow me,” he said so I quickly stood up and followed him out of the interrogation room. As soon as we stepped into the corridor, I walked beside him and cling my left hand to his right arm.  He was surprised by my action but I did not mind that and just smiled at him.   “What are you doing?” he asked with his furrowed forehead.   “Why? Is there something wrong with clinging to my husband’s arm, hmm, hubby?” I asked him in return, and I made sure that the word hubby is loud and clear enough for everyone in the corridor to understand what I just said.   I saw him pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before continuing walking, so I started walking too and followed him to another room, that says the Philippines Bureau of Investigation’s Chief Officer Zac Morgan Lazano, so I knew that this is his office.   As soon as I stepped inside his office, I immediately noticed stacks of papers on his Mahogany wooden office table. The walls are painted with plain white color, and the floor is tiled with luxury vinyl tiles.   “Simple yet elegant,” I commented as I walk inside his office. I saw him grab his water bottle and took a drink. I watched as his adam’s apple moved with his every gulped, then, as I became more attracted to the movement in his neck, an idea popped into my head. I smiled playfully before asking the question.   “Are we having our honeymoon here?” 
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