Chapter 11: Caught and Interrogated

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*GIULIANA’S POV*   The trip was filled with silence as I sit inside the van, in between two PBI officers. The one on my right is that Japanese-s***h-Korean guy that I saw at the bar together with Chief Lazano, and the one on my left is the only female officer in this van.   “Hey, Chief is this really Agent X?” I overheard as the man sitting behind the driver’s seat asked Chief Lazano who is now sitting on the passenger’s seat.   “I am not certain yet, but we will find out the truth later,” Chief Lazano replied as I saw him looked at my reflection from the rearview mirror, as I stared back at him, with a smile on my face.   “I am Agent X,” I butted in and I can feel all of their eyes looking in my direction.   “Wow, I never knew that the very famous Agent X is a beautiful and hot chick,” I heard the playboy officer spoke as he sits behind my seat, I even felt his weight on the backrest of my seat so I turned my head to look at him, and I saw him smirked at me, while I just smiled at him.   “Sit properly, or else I’ll put you to sleep,” the woman beside me warned so I did what she told me but I never felt threatened nor scared of any of them.   “Oohhh, seems like Martha here is getting jealous because she’s not the only pretty lady here anymore,” another officer teased the woman sitting beside me. My smile grew bigger with what the officer said, and as the woman named Martha glared at the officer.   “Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” the man apologized and shut his mouth, but I don’t really care about them, all I wanted is to talk to Chief Lazano, alone.   For the rest of the trip, I remained silent as I keep looking at the rearview mirror where I can see Chief Lazano’s reflection as he looked out the window, with his right hand on the window sill and his chin on his right palm.   After more than an hour of traveling back to the PBI main office, the car entered the compound for the Philippines Bureau of Investigation team and stopped on the parking space of the main office. I saw Chief Lazano stepped out of the van first as his subordinates follow. Martha helped me to get out of the van with my hands still handcuffed behind me, and as soon as my feet touched the ground I quickly ran away which made them all panic, not until they all realized that I am already standing in front of their chief, smiling widely while he’s just looking at me confused.   I blinked my eyes and he just sighed before he grabbed my left arm with a tight grip, then he leads me inside with his men gossiping behind us.   “Seems like she prefers to be with the Chief, than be with you Martha,” I overheard an officer say but I ignored them and just continued walking beside Chief Lazano with a sweet yet playful smile on my lips.   As the main door of their main building opened automatically, I then noticed the other PBI officers who are busy with their paper works as they sat in their own cubicles, but when they saw Chief Lazano entering the building, they all stood up and gave him a salute.   “Good evening, Chief!” all of the officers said in unison with a salute.   “At ease,” Chief Lazano replied with a loud voice, and everyone went back to their own works, but most of them are secretly looking at me with confusion and questions in their eyes, but I didn’t mind the attention, and just smiled at them.   The chief brought me to the last room on the ground floor. As soon as he opened the door, I noticed that this is an interrogation room. The whole room is actually divided into another two other rooms. The first one is where two computers and other control panels are stationed with two men sitting and managing all the buttons in front of them, and a thick glass serving as a wall in between the two rooms, and a metal door. Just like the other officers earlier, the two men stood up and saluted to Chief Lazano who simply nodded at them before he dragged me again into the other room. He opened the door and pushed me inside.   “Sit down,” he coldly said and with a stern look on his face, so I did what he told me and sat on a swivel chair in the middle of the room with a table in front of it. As I take my seat, I just stared at him as he locked the door of this room and then he turned around and looked at me with a serious look. I smiled at him again and watched his every move.   “Was that you?” he started asking.   “Hmm? Who are you referring to?” I asked in return and I guess that kind of pissed him off as he glared at me and walked towards me, then he leaned his hands on the table, and looked down on me.   “That woman last night in the bar, was that you?” he asked again and I just smiled at him before answering his question.   “Yeah, that was me,” I answered and he just nodded at me.   “So you planned that last night,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone and I nodded at him with a smile.   “Stop smiling. Now, tell me, are you really Agent X?” he questioned.   “I already answered that earlier in the van. I am Agent X,” I replied and he just furrowed his forehead and crossed his arms in front of his broad chest, making his white long sleeve fits more of his buff biceps. I stared at it and bit my lower lip. He’s freaking hot by just standing there. I thought to myself as my eyes scanned his whole body. I was busy checking his body out when he suddenly asked again.   “Why would I believe you? Prove to me that you are Agent X,” he said, challenging my identity.   “You can check the bottom of my back hips,” I said and gave him a seductive smile while looking at his eyes.   “Stop playing around, I don’t have time for your dirty tricks,” he said seriously but the movement of his adam’s apple did not escape my eyes and the way he licked his lower lip.   “I’m not playing any tricks here. Everyone in the underground society knew about Agent X’s signature mark, and I’m pretty sure you know about that too,” I said and he just stared at me for a few seconds before he circled around the table and pulled me upwards, forcefully, which surprised me and a gasp escaped from my mouth. Then, he pushed my upper body towards the table as he held my right hand tightly, and I felt his presence standing behind me.   I bit my lower lip as my mind started making its own dirty scenarios, and I tried my best to not let a single moan escape my mouth as I feel his warm hand slowly pulling my dress downwards since the hem of that part of the dress has a garter and is easy to move.   “Lower,” I uttered in a low and very sexy voice, then I felt his grip tightened as he pulled my dress lower, and he suddenly stopped. I’m guessing that he has seen my tattoo which is two guns crossing each other and forming a letter X.   “See? I will never lie to you, Chief Zac Morgan Lazano,” I said and looked over to him, then I saw his gaze from my mark transferred to my eyes, but he did not say anything.   “Do you believe me now?” I asked him while staring at his eyes, and he was about to say something when the door of the interrogation room suddenly opened so we both looked in the door’s direction and saw Martha stepped inside with a frown on her face.   “Chief, I don’t believe that this woman is Agent X, I think she’s just acting like she is Agent X to fool us all,” Martha said as she glared at me. Chief Lazano let go of my hand and stepped away from me, so I stood up and just stared at Martha.   “And why would I make a fool of the famous PBI Chief, Officer Martha?” I asked her but she ignored me and just looked at Chief Lazano, which really pissed me off. I raised my right eyebrow at her.   I don’t like it when some other woman is staring at my toy. I thought as the annoyance started to rise inside me.   “No, I think she’s the real deal,” Chief Lazano said which surprised me that he will believe me just like that, I looked at him and saw him staring at me.   “What makes you say that Chief? A single tattoo can’t prove any of her claims,” Martha argued but I did not bother looking at her anymore, I just stared at the chief.   “I know that Officer Martha Heather, which is why I need more proof that she is Agent X,” Chief Lazano said while I noticed Martha nodding her head at him before she left the room and just waited outside, together with the other officers. I even noticed them staring at the Chief with a teasing smile. So I smiled at them too and sat back down on the chair.   “Miss, if you are Agent X, then tell me all the information I need,” Chief Lazano said, then he looked at the glass wall and nodded his head.   “We will conduct a lie detection now, I hope you don’t mind,” he said and the door opened again with Martha carrying four wires with black sensors for the fingers, and another black belt with wires connected to it. She carefully placed the belt around my abdomen and one of the wires at each of my rings and pointing finger.   I just watched them till they finished placing the apparatus on me, and once she’s done, she looked at me with a smirk on her face and I just raised my eyebrow at her till she left the room.   “Now, let’s start with the interrogation,” Chief Lazano said and sat on the table while facing towards my direction. I just smiled at him and let him ask his questions.   “Are you really Agent X?” he asked for the third time.   “Yes, I am Agent X,” I answered shortly and he just looked at his subordinate so I looked at them too and saw one man raising a card with a Truth word printed on it. So I looked at Chief Lazano again and saw him looking at me.   “I see. So that means you have killed a lot of innocent people before,” he said and I saw his hands clenched.   “Yes, I did, since that is a part of my mission,” I replied to him and he just nodded at me, but I can sense his hatred base on the way he looked at me now.   “Who is the President of the Angelus Mortis Agency?” He asked but I did not say anything.   “Answer my question, woman. Who is the President of your agency?” he questioned again but this time he said it with full authority and irritation on his voice which made me even want to tease him more, so I remained silent and just smiled at him, which clearly pissed him more.   “D*mn it woman, speak!” he shouted at me but I did not even flinch, and he was about to say something again when the door opened again so we both looked in that direction and I saw the Japanese Korean guy.   “Chief, there are people here who claim to be her lawyer and best friend,” the guy reported.   I looked at Chief Lazano and he’s also staring at me with curiosity before he turned to face his subordinate.   “Have them checked, and don’t let them in here if without checking for any weapons or threats,” Chief Lazano commanded and the guy nodded his head before leaving the room and closing the door.   “It seems like you have reinforcements,” the chief said and stepped down from the table. We both waited for my lawyer and best friend, which I am guessing to be Emmerson and Aileen.   After a few more minutes, my guess was confirmed as I saw them both entered the room. Aileen waved her hand at me and I smiled at her, but her expression changed as she saw the apparatus connected to me. I even saw her arguing with the other officers outside and pointing in my direction, then she suddenly stormed inside the room where I and the chief is currently with a furious look on her face.   “What the hell are you doing!? Why are you conducting a lie detection to her!?” Aileen complained.   “You did not even ask for her lawyer’s opinion, which violates her human rights!” Aileen exclaimed and crossed her arms while raising her eyebrow at the PBI Chief.   Wow, she’s a great actress. I thought as I just watched her talked her way with the chief.   “Miss this is an urgent matter and I am just doing my job here, so would you please just wait outside and shut up,” the chief replied to her, and Aileen was about to say something but I cut her off.   “It’s okay, I can handle this,” I said to Aileen and she just looked at me before she sighed and left the room while stomping her foot.   “I’m sorry about that Chief, she’s just worried about my safety,” I apologized to the chief.   “And why would she be worried about your safety?” he asked, and I looked down at the table.   “My life is in danger,” I replied to him with a sad tone of voice.   “My father wants to kill me, he’s the president of the AM Agency,” I added and I looked at him with tears forming in my eyes, and I saw his surprised expression as he saw my eyes.   “Why would he want to kill you?” the chief asked.   “Because I disobeyed his orders and left the agency without his permission. I wanted to change. I want a normal life,” I answered and he just stared at me so I looked down on my lap.   “But who am I kidding, what right do I have to gain a normal life,” I whispered and I saw a tear drop from my eyes to my lap.   “Is that why you let yourself get captured?” he asked and I nodded at him.   “But I don’t want to be prisoned without taking my father down. I want him to stop the agency,” I said as I looked at his eyes.   “What do you mean by that?” he inquired again and I just stared at his eyes.   “I want you to destroy the Angelus Mortis Agency, with my help,” I answered full of conviction and determination.
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