Chapter 13: Office Moments

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*GIULIANA’S POV*   When he heard me, he coughed out and wiped his mouth as he glared at me, but that does not make me fear him.   “What the hell are you talking about?” he asked so I raised my eyebrow at him and walked towards the chair in front of his desk.   “I’m just asking you if we will be having our honeymoon here, or would you like to do it in your place?” I asked and he just stared at me with disbelief and he shook his head, then he placed his tumbler on the table and grabbed a folder from a drawer, and dropped it on the table, in front of me.   “We will not have a honeymoon, but I will discuss more about your cases with you,” he said and sat on his swivel chair.   “Okay,” I shortly replied and opened the document in front of me. The first thing I noticed is the personal information paper about Agent X but not all of the boxes are filled up.   “Not much information about me, huh?” I said as I looked at the paper with a smile.   “Am I that good that you can’t even collect more information about me, except from the fact that I am a woman?” I asked and checked all the other documents.   “I must admit, you are very skilled for my men to locate,” he complimented which I did not expect. I looked at him and he’s just busy reading a report in his right hand while the other is holding a black pen.   “Why thank you,” I replied with a sweet and genuine smile on my lips, then I took the pen in his hand, and he just looked at me with a question mark plastered on his face, but I did not mind him and filled up all the information they need about Agent X.   “What are you doing?” he raised a question.   “I’m giving you my personal information. After all, a wife must never keep a secret from his husband,” I answered without looking at him and filling up the boxes in the paper.   After writing all the information about me, I closed the folder and placed it in front of him, facing his direction. He stared at me as he could not believe that I would just give him my personal information just like that.   I smiled at him, then, he took the folder and read the contents.   “Giuliana Rae Cameron? That’s your full name?”  he asked. “Yes, hubby,” I replied and he just nodded his head.   “Then where did the name Agent X came from?” he asked again.   I sit forward and leaned my body on his table as I placed my chin on my right palm and stared at him.   “The agency always gives their agents specific letters to use as their codename. With a maximum of three letters in one codename,” I answered and he looked at me, waiting for me to finish my explanation.   “Three letters mean that they are just ordinary agents, someone who focuses on paper works, maintenance, communication, and other basic stuff,” I said, and he nodded his head.   “What about two letters? Does your agency use that as well for codenames?” he inquired and I nodded my head.   “Yeah, and those two letters signify as the codename for agents who work mostly in electronics, upgrading and decoding the agency’s system and the other agents' gadgets. Most of them are inventors and professionals, and they are divided and assigned for each top-class agent,” I answered.   “Top class agents?” he asked with his furrowed forehead.   “Yes, agents with one letter as their codename, such as yours truly,” I replied and he nodded his head. Then, he turned his computer on and started typing. I tried to look over at his work but I could not see anything so I drag my chair around his table and settled on his left side.   “You’re not supposed to sit there, woman,” he said with full authority so I looked at him, pouting, then, I came up with an idea.   “Alright, then,” I uttered and stood up. He shook his head and started typing again when I suddenly took his left hand, sat on his lap, and placed his big and warm hand on my lap.   “There,” I said and looked at him. I saw that he was surprised by my sudden action, but then he quickly changed his expression and glared at me.   “Get off me,” he coldly said but I ignored him and turned my eyes on his monitor.   “Were you taking notes of what I revealed to you?” I asked as I read the words he typed in.   He did not answer my question, but I heard him sighed and his hands started typing again, as I watched in silence and enjoyed my spot on top of him.   “Are you going to send this to your boss?” I questioned.   “Yes, it is a part of my report,” he replied and I nodded at him.   “You should not trust your bosses, Zac,” I uttered in full seriousness, and I noticed his hands stopped typing, so I turned to face him and saw him looking at me as if asking me a question.   “What do you mean by that?” he asked and I just smiled at him, then I reached for his face and trailed down my fingers on his light stubble, with my eyes staring straight into his eyes.   “Because I know them very well, and not all of them are as loyal to this country as you are, chief,” I said to him.   “There are a lot of them who hired me once, paid me to kill a person who wants to reveal their real intentions. People like you are the ones that should be more careful because you never know when someone will put your name on their blacklist,” I added and he just stared at me, then, he smirked at me, which I never expected him to do.   “I know that already, but I am prepared to die just to fulfill my duty for this country,” he said and started typing again.   My eyes widen with his words. I have never encountered someone who’s more dedicated to saving this messed up country. I did not even expect that someone would be willing to die just to make this country a peaceful one. But the thing is, one man would never be enough to counter all these wicked men and women who have nothing in mind except money, wealth, and power.   “How brave of you, Zac,” I complimented him but he never reacted to my words.   “I wonder where that bravery will take you,” I asked and his eyes looked at me.   “Do you remember Mayor Hadami? The one who was murdered inside his car at the Starpoint roadside?” I asked him and he just creased his eyebrows and leaned on the backrest of his chair.   “I do remember that case, it was murder and it was foul play, why?” he replied and I smiled at him with a seductive and playful smile.   “He was my mission that time,” I admitted to him and his eyes widen, then he glared at me as if telling me to go and die. I smiled at him and stood up but before he could say or move, I sat back on his lap, but this time, I placed his legs in between of mine, facing his direction, and leaned forward to him.   “I was sitting like this on him, as he stared at me, his eyes filled with lust, then I grind my hips like this,” I added and moved my hips as I still sit on top of his m*nh**d. I felt his body tensed up and both of his hands grabbing my hips, stopping me from moving.   “What…the…hell…are…you…doing?” he asked as he tries to stop me and to control himself as well.   “I’m telling you the way I killed that mayor,” I replied and he was about to say something when I placed my right pointing finger on his lips and shut him up.   “Shh…just watch and listen,” I whispered with a husky voice.   “Then, after waking his lower body, I kissed him, just like this,” I said and closed the gap between his lips and mine. At first, he tried to push me away but I pushed myself to him and savored his lips, then, I felt him responding to my kiss and the two of us just enjoyed the moment.   He nibbles my lower lip as I licked his lip, then I opened my mouth and he slips his tongue inside my lips, gentle but demanding. Our tongues played with each other as my body started to feel ar*usal and I wanted to feel more of him.   My fingers grip his hair and they started playing with it, while I leaned my upper body closer to his. I even felt his right hand moved to my back as he pushed me closer to him as he supports my body, and the other one caressed my right thigh.   As we both savor the sweet and passionate kiss, I started moving my hips slowly and I heard him growl and d*mn, which turned me on. I keep moving my hips and I encircled my arms on his nape. I also felt his hands move to my b*tt and squeezed them which made me moan softly.   I am aware that we are making out in his office and that there is a possibility of someone barging in here, but I don’t care. All I want is him. I don’t know why I’m craving for him even though the two of us just met and the thing called love never existed between him and me.   I can’t understand my body as well. My idea was to tempt him, but it seems like I am getting affected by that thought as well, and even though my mind wanted to stop, my body wanted more, and heck, I am losing control of myself as our kiss deepens and his hands roamed my body. I even felt his hand making its way inside my skirt.   “Chief! Urgent news ca~ Oops! Sorry!” we both heard a loud banging of the door and a man’s voice so the two of us let go of the kiss and looked in the direction of the door. I saw Officer Hiro standing on the door as he tries to avoid looking in our direction, but I can see him taking glimpses which made me roll my eyes.   I moved away from Zac and sat back in my seat. Then, I heard him clear his throat and fixed his hair and polo.   “What is it, Officer Hiro?” my husband asked and Officer Hiro turned to face him.   “Uhm, are you two done? Maybe I should just wait~” he stammered but III cut him off.   “Just go on with it. You already interrupted us, so make it count,” I said with an irritated tone and I saw Zac eyeing me so I raised my right eyebrow at him, then, shrug my shoulders.   “Uhm, a letter came from the president, Chief, and it is noted there that it’s an urgent matter, so uh, I’m sorry if I just barged in,” Officer Hiro reported and apologized as he hands over the letter to Chief Zac. My husband took the letter from Hiro’s hand and opened the white envelope. I even saw a red Urgent word on it. Zac opened the paper and read the contents inside, and I just waited for him to finish his business with Officer Hiro as I checked my nails.   “I see, the news about Agent X getting caught has reached his ears already,” I heard Zac said which grabbed my attention. I looked at my husband and raised my eyebrow at him as he looked at me.   “The president wants to meet you in person, Agent X,” Zac said.   “Huh? Why would he want to meet me?” I asked.   “Because you are Agent X, and he knew about your existence as one of the top criminals of this country,” he replied and put the letter back to its envelope, then he stood up, and put the president’s letter to the paper shredders machine.   “What if I don’t want to meet him?” I asked in return and he glared at me.   “You will meet him, with me, tomorrow night,” he said in a stern voice so I just shrugged my shoulders and nodded at him.   “Fine, fine, as long as you’ll be there,” I said and smiled at him.   “Ready the PBI officers, Officer Hiro, make sure that the VIP lounge area is well secured and safe for the president’s visit tomorrow,” Zac commanded to Officer Hiro who immediately made a salute and left the room.   “And you,” Zac uttered so I looked at him with a sweet smile on my lips.   “You should behave yourself tomorrow, or else,” he warned and I smiled at him even more.   “Or else you will punish me?” I asked and he nodded his head as he tidies up his table.   “Sure, I don’t mind. I like it when you’re getting rough and aggressive to me,” I replied and he just glared at me, which made me giggle, as I saw his ears blushing.   “Tsk! Come on,” he said and walk towards the door and grabbed his jacket from the coat rack.   “Where are we going now?” I asked as I follow behind him. He opened the door and held it open until I stepped out of his office.   “We’ll go home now,” he answered so I quickly cling my arm to him, and we both walked out of the building.
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