The Worst Of Temptations

2695 Words
My princess? I let out a frustrated sigh. Whatever possessed me to be that reckless and address my mate in such an intimate manner. “You know very well what.” My mind generously pointed out and pulled up a memory of the longing look in those beautiful eyes. She’d made the simplest of inquiries and yet that look was so captivating it would have made me spill the deepest darkest of secrets. It had also taken everything in me not to reach out and touch that flawless skin of hers that was begging to be caressed. “Well, there will be none of that today.” Chastizing the part of me that was already getting too excited at the mere memory of that encounter, I straightened up, taking in my uniformed figure for the umpteenth time and still frowned. My garments remained just my usual guard's uniform and yet I somehow expected it to look different with each gaze. Were the colours too dull? Or perhaps it was the entire combination of them that did not seem quite right? I’d never been one to bother with any of my outfits before, but somehow this tea invitation had left me wishing to dress to impress. I drew closer to my reflection with the intent to make a more definite conclusion about those colours. “I’ve seen maidens take way less time putting themselves together.” Koberic shuffled behind me, drawing my attention. He was perfectly dressed and looking every bit like the king I should have been. The only one I apparently thought was worthy of standing before my mate. “Would you like to trade places, perhaps?” Koberic grinned while I looked him over. Of course he’d see right through me. “I have no such intentions.” Ignoring his amused look, I decided that those colours would have to do as I flung my cloak over the uniform. “Shall we?” I gestured for the man to get moving, but Koberic merely stared at me, his eyebrow raised. “What now?” “Oh, I don’t know, will I be needing armor too?” I knew Koberic would not easily let go of my behaviour last night, but that scolding tone was not something I expected. Neither did I expect to feel like some spoiled prince by it. “You are the king–” “Apparently, that did not save me from almost being dismembered last night.” The arch on Koberic’s brow only shot up higher, making me sigh. “Forgive me, okay? I’ll get a stronger grip on my wolf next ti–” “Wait, your wolf? You are still blaming your wolf?” If Koberic could sound anymore appalled at my pathetic excuse over last night, he would have, but I still remained his king so he merely shook his head. "Somehow I doubt that–" "You doubt your own king?" "Of course not.” Koberic answered with more conviction than I would ever need from the most loyal figure in my life. “However, it is your need to keep underestimating your bond with your mate that I find gravely concerning." I could have scoffed at Koberic's words, but he was right. Even if I did not wish to admit it, finding my mate had turned out to be a thorn in my side that had me acting out of character at every turn and risking everything I’d worked hard for. “A delicious thorn, you mean?” My mind retorted and I swatted that thought away with a glare, but it did nothing for the wandering organ that chose to indulge in it still and left me feeling rather annoyed at my slipping control. “Why not focus your energies on being an honoured guest. I’m pretty sure the princess will love all your tales about Leif.” I snapped, yet Koberic’s look of concern did not waiver even as he drew closer. “Eugan, having a mate is–” “Your king requires this of you.” I growled the command, my aura sending Koberic’s lips shut. I did not need him singing about how much I needed a mate. My life had never been dictated by the rules that some deity from some place imposed on our kind and I wasn’t about to start bowing to them now. It was the whole reason even finding my mate had never taken priority in my life. Besides, my mind was already so filled with thoughts of the wretched princess it felt as though it would take an eternity to get rid of them. Hell, I did not even know how I would endure her gaze while the two of them drank tea or if someone else decided to get close. My mate may not have known it last night, probably because she had no wolf and because of my own restraint, but the air between us had been sizzling. I'd been desired by a she wolf before, many infact, but there was just something about knowing that Aryn desired me. And that so openly. I knew she thought she was being discreet, but those moments, those stolen glances had literally set me on fire and seeing that insolent noble placing his filthy lips on what was mine, what I desired in the moment had been the last straw. “Of course, your highness.” Resigned to his fate, Koberic merely sighed. I hated putting him in such a position, but it couldn't be helped. I needed to reclaim my control. “If there is nothing more, I’d say I’m ready to be entertained by the most beautiful creature to ever grace this realm.” For someone bent on reclaiming their control, mine only seemed to slip out of my grasp even more. Koberic was taunting me, I knew that, but not even the knowledge of that could keep me from growling at him for complimenting my mate. “Forgive me, your majesty. I was merely taking your advice and focusing my energies on being an honoured guest.” He threw my words back at me, an unrepentant grin gracing his lips and only a knock on the bed chamber’s doors made me step into my role as guard flawlessly instead of glaring at the king. "The princess awaits the king's presence." A guard, probably younger than I by a few moon birthdays, his gaze intense and scrutinizing, delivered the news with the seriousness of a seasoned warrior. His demeanour should have left me impressed, but instead I stepped into him and demanded for his identity. It was by no means a desire to get acquainted on my part, but I had already become familiar with all the figures that were my mate’s guards and this particular red head was not a part of them. I did not like the thought of strangers around her. I did not like him. “Tell me…” The guard, instead of backing away stepped into me too so our amoured torsos were barely inches away from clashing. A challenge that neither me nor my wolf appreciated “Is this how ungrateful those from Leif are of their hosts?” I could have backed away, I should have backed away, but this was my mate. It did not even matter that I had not claimed her and as the king of Leif I did not appreciate being insulted either. I stretched to my full height with the intent to intimidate or perhaps more. “This king is deeply honoured by the princess’ eagerness. Shall we, Lord Eugan?” Koberic interrupted and when I did not move still, the man invaded my mind link, threatening to have my head. The threat was laughable, but his stern look that had always got me jumping as a boy eventually got my attention. “Of course, your majesty.” My teeth gritted, I gestured for the guard to lead the way which he did, but I did not miss the smirk that graced his arrogant face. I decided I would be the one to wipe it off for him. That threat escalated to me wishing for his head the moment I beheld my mate’s beautiful face. “Alad!” For the first time I did not hold the princess’ attention and I hated it. “You are back!” I hated the sparkle in her eyes over this wolf that she apparently had not seen in a long time and the huge embrace she lavished on him. “My princess.” The red head’s embrace was even tighter, his tone filled with more longing and only Koberic’s unexpected grip on my hand kept me from moving and creating a mess. “Well, someone grew up.” My mate punched him playfully and I couldn’t decide what infuriated me more between knowing this wolf had always held a special place in her heart or the fact that he was meant to be around her more than I could ever be. I would know a bond between a king and his second when I saw it. This…Alad, no matter how much I hated what I was witnessing, was to be her second. That is if she ever became queen of Xatis. I found myself hating that thought too. She was more suited for Leif– "Perhaps his highness would like to get some air?" Koberic's suggestion in my mind link was as unwelcome as the sight before me. I was about to glare at him for even thinking it when his gaze fell on my hands. My claws were out, sharp and itching to dig into flesh. "What was that about getting a grip on your wolf?" Not waiting for my answer, Koberic turned to my mate and mumbled some apologies for sending me away. I wished to protest, but king or not, there was only so much dishonour I could portray before Leif and its king were considered a laughing stock. I couldn't have that. Tearing my gaze from the guard and choosing to do what I should have been doing in the first place, I stepped out of the princess’ garden. Albeit reluctantly. The guards we’d passed on our way in straightened up at my presence, but knowing whose guest I was, none dared to stop me or question me. I was left unguarded as I took in what I considered the inner sanctum of the palace. The opportunity was even better than I had anticipated when I’d commanded Koberic to accept the invitation. As I had suspected, the princess had chosen to invite us right into the heart of the palace. A place where, whether maid or guard only those trusted walked its floors. Many times it'd even been rumoured to have been protected by spells too. Although I felt none of that as I descreetly took in the hallways and any rooms whose doors happened to be open. I should have been noting it's architecture or discovering its weaknesses that would be essential to my plans, but I found myself glaring at the warmth it possessed. I glared at how lavishly the place was styled. I'd not expected any less, but beholding all of it brought a bitter taste to my mouth. The warmth it radiated oozed of the love shared by its occupants. This was what was taken from me. The thing, I could never restore in my own castle even if I wished to. The thought stirred my anger and I fed from it even as I felt the grip on my control grow stronger, but that was short lived as I found myself being yanked from the light and into the shadows. I’d been distracted, but my reflexes made up for that by surprising whichever enemy had been foolish enough to do such a thing. My blade was on their throat before they could even blink. “Show yourself!” I growled at the cloaked figure. “E-Eugan?” Someone squeaked, the familiar sound taking me aback. “Princess?” Every one of my senses sharpened even as I got bathed in her alluring scent. I should have demanded to know where her sworn protector was while she wandered alone in such a manner. I should have run too. With what was at stake, I should have stepped away, but against my better judgement, I inhaled, my mind emptying of everything except her and the tempting way she'd pulled me aside. Surely she was not thinking of what this whole moment implied? “Tell me you feel this…” Apparently, yes, she was. Breathless and like one possessed, she drew closer, past what I knew was the forbidden distance a guard could be from the heir of Xatis. “Tell me I’m not the only one…” I saw it coming. I could have avoided it too, but I was but a man presented with the worst of temptations, one I willingly fell into when those tender things I’d long dreamed of doing sinful things to me connected with my lips. What was that they said about first kisses? I was a king, an alpha, one who commanded men in wars and yet here I was, wishing for nothing but to be possessed by her. This was by no means my first kiss, but God! "Are you insane!" I stopped to growl before delving back into her kiss, possessing her with the urgency she demanded, lest I was caught deflowering the princess. “Wait deflowering her? She's merely kissing you.” My mind retorted. "You know what I mean." I snapped even when the thoughts of me being the one to have the honour of doing that fueled my desire. Was she untouched? The way she'd jumped on me said otherwise and I found myself growling at an unknown wolf that would have taken her innocence. "Eugan?" Still breathless, my mate stared at me confused. "Are you untouched?" I demanded, unable to stop myself. "What?" "Has anyone touched you?" "Exactly what do you mean by being touched?" Because the possibility of her being tainted was driving me insane, I decided to show her, my hand slipping behind and grabbing her. “Lord Eugan!” She gasped when I lifted her, aligning her core with the evidence of my own arousal, the action making her completely understand. The colour that crept up to her cheeks was the hottest thing. "You would be my first." She said shyly and I couldn’t help the grin that graced my lips. She was still untouched! Only the prospect of being caught kept me from howling, but that didn't mean my wolf couldn't. The beast was ecstatic, howling to its heart’s content as mine and my mate's lips connected yet again. This was so much better than stolen glances! I could get caught, undoing every one of my plans, but her lips were so soft and so sinfully tempting a momentary connecting would simply not be enough. And against my better judgement yet again, I deepened the kiss, exploring her mouth with a ferocity I'd never displayed with any she wolf. And then she moaned, that sexy sound that swallowed my sanity and only left me with nothing but the throbbing in my lower half and a wolf that wished for nothing more than to claim and mark. "Princess." A hushed voice called and I should have been grateful for the distraction, but I glared at it with annoyance. I wished to tell whoever it was to go away, until I had my fill, but that was not to be had as my mate proved to have better control than I. “I should go.” At that my wolf instantly whinned and I would have too. If only I did not care about letting an enemy of mine know just how much power they had over me. I let out the heaviest sigh the moment Aryn slipped away from me while realization that I had been wrong to think that I'd only need taming me and my wolf dawned on me.
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