Stolen Glances

1951 Words
“He is but a guard, my princess.” And yet I desired him. Hell, he annoyed me to no end too, but I still desired him. And most importantly, he made me forget. His mere presence was such an intense distraction that proving myself and the sadness that resided in my heart were the furthest things from my mind at the moment. I was merely a maiden longing to capture the attention of a man. Watching Eugan, albeit descretly in the grand reception hall where a banquet was being held, I realized that boys had never really held my attention. Not the way the head of the king’s guard from Leif did. So effortlessly. Even when he had not once looked my way since the moment I’d walked into the hall, my body still felt as though his gaze remained constantly on me, caressing me across the vast space between us and leaving me all hot and bothered. I was tempted to curse at the fact, but this foreign feeling had awakened me in ways I had not thought possible and while I hated that his duty held all his attention, I knew that as a princess, this was perhaps the only way I would be getting a glimpse of the very faithful guard tonight. Until I entertained the king of Leif tomorrow, away from the multitudes, the stolen glances would have to be enough. Although, I had a feeling that Eugan’s demeanour would not improve either even when surrounded by the beautiful flowers in my garden instead of the multitudes. His scowl at the flower in my hair earlier may have spoken of his dislike for nature. Or was that meant for me? I hadn’t forgotten how quickly he’d wished to get away from me after my bold decision to personally invite King Koberic for tea. The mere memory of that stirred unhappy feelings, making me look away from the object of my gaze. Deciding to actually indulge in the reason I was here for, my gaze swept across the vast hall, albeit reluctantly. The place was buzzing with merry conversation instead of the earlier heated conversations of war. Apparently, to keep all those present for the council sane during their week long deliberations about the peace in the realm, my father had declared that the meetings always end with a banquet to give the dignitaries a moment to unwind. Something that had delighted the many guests of Xatis to no end. And watching them now, one would not even suspect that the many wolves who were chatting happily had been a couple of hours ago at each other’s throats while they met in the council. “Perhaps food and wine was indeed a universal language of peace after all.” I thought to myself while at the same time I decided that food and wine would not be as satisfying as beholding the guard. Despite my ealier resolve and eagerness to learn about politics, I turned to the spot where I last saw Eugan while my belly fluttered at the thought of beholding him yet again. Disappointment awaited me, however, as I found the place occupied by an unfamiliar face. The guard from Leif and his king seemed to have ventured into the crowds, making me do the same, except with my eyes only. Now that the music was playing and many were flocking to the dance area, it should have been harder for me to spot them, but merely moments into my search, my gaze met Eugan’s, the intensity of it making my heart flutter and me looking away hastily. I’d been caught! It felt odd too that he’d decided to look my way at the exact same moment. Had he perhaps been stealing glances at me too? The thought made me feel giddy and I couldn’t help looking back again. His gaze had shifted back to his king, however, and I was left with nothing but his backside. A perfect one too that sent me swallowing hard. Where the hell was his cloak?! “You better have a cup of wine or some fresh juice, my princess.” Rinarii suddenly offered, but I declined. “I am not thirsty.” “Really, my princess?” At that I reluctantly tore my gaze from Eugan only to find my maid giving me a concerned look that hid something more. “What?” “It’s just that–” My maid’s gaze darted between me and Eugan. “With the way that you are ogling the guard from Leif, I have no doubt you will combust right here if you do not take anything for your thirst.” “Rinarii!” I almost flew out of my seat to shut my maid’s mouth for her while I blushed profusely. I also couldn’t help but look around for any expressions that would speak of having heard my maid’s embarassing statement. ”I will do no such thing.” Grateful to find even those closest to my seat buried deep in conversation with their neighbours, I glared at my maid, but she remained unrepentant. “It’s only true my lady. And as entertaining as it is, I wouldn’t wish for the king and queen to watch their only daughter consumed with so much desire.” I was left both speechless and flustered by maid’s words which I could not deny either. Something had to be wrong with me. I sighed, albeit dreamily. “Well?” “I’m not admitting to anything, but I will have that drink.” “As you wish my princess.” Rinarri grinned as she quickly got serving and before I knew it, a drink was handed to me. Something I was grateful for when I saw a bunch of regrettable guests approach the platform that held my seat. The nobles, dressed in fine apparel and moving with the grace fit for their noble status should have impressed me, but I merely grimaced knowing what I was about to endure. “Princess!” “My lords.” I answered, barely keeping my flat tone at bay. I would have accorded them a more dignified response, but I recognised bootlickers when I saw them. Thanks to my great grandmother. “Be nice.” I reminded myself even when speaking so respectifully tasted like sand on my tongue. I brought the cup of wine to my lips, but not even its sweet taste could wash down that discomfort. “What can I do for you tonight.” The men happily stared at each other before the first one spoke. “We only wished to praise you for your fearlessness.” I inwardly groaned at the compliment as I was once again reminded that I seemed to have inspired totally the opposite of what I wished for when I’d thought of standing up to Eugan. Many had expressed their delight over the heir of the great kingdom of Xatis putting a mere guard from an insignificant kingdom in his place. Their whole understanding was misplaced, but apparently no one was interested in seeing it for what it was. “That was quite impressive, princess! Men should know their place." “As should you!” I fought to glare at a young noble who suddenly took my hand and boldly placed a chaste kiss there. It was common practice but it didn’t feel any less unwelcome. And if only there weren’t so many guests, I would have lavished on him a more appropriate response that would have made him think twice before taking my hands ever again. “Shouldn’t my lords be complimenting my father instead.” Tearing my hand away quicker than the young noble had intended to let it go, I faked a smile as I stared from one face to the other, making sure to completely ignore the one who looked self accomplished after kissing my hand. “Your father?” The nobles asked in unison, confusion gracing their faces. “He is the one to throw such an extravagant banquet that you my lords should be enjoying instead of bringing up matters the king meant to remain at the council meeting.” “I, we– You are absolutely right, my princess.” The noble whom I was sure was the father to the younger one, bowed, even though I didn’t miss the painful look that came with being scolded. “Please do enjoy the rest of the night, princess.” Bidding me goodnight so soon had clearly not been their intent, but being at a loss for words over my reception, the nobles had no choice. “I swear they get more stupid everyday.” I grumbled, but my unhappiness was short lived as someone suddenly appeared before me. “King Koberic!” I shot up to my feet when I saw the man approaching, his demeanor urgent. “I did not expect you.” Seemingly looking at the king, my gaze went past him to the guard behind him who was glaring at the nobles? One in particular to be precise. Eugan did not even care to hide the murderous intent as he glared after the noble who’d taken my hand which made me frown. “Is anything the matter?” Fearing that I was being too obvious with how I was staring at the guard, I reluctantly tore my gaze from him and focused on the king whom despite the urgency in his steps a moment ago, seemed at a loss for words. It was as if he’d had no intentions of coming over in the first place. "This might be a little forward, but we are here to relax after all." The king cleared his throat, albeit nervously. “Would you do this king the honour of having this dance?” Whatever he’d wished to say, asking me to dance was simply not it, but I was not about to press for the real reason either as that would only embarrass him and make tomorrow’s tea invitation quite awkward too. Feeling proud of myself at the impressive diplomatic reasoning, I curtsied, accepting his invitation. “I would lov–” “Perhaps not!” The king suddenly blurted out, making me frown. “I- forgive me princess, I seemed to have forgotten of one tiny matter that even though tiny, requires my immediate attention.” King Koberic was about to drop to his knee, a gesture meant to speak of how regretful the situation he’d created was, but I held him up and I could have sworn a growl sounded from behind him at the exact same moment I did. “Thank you for not taking offense.” The king withdrew his hands too hastily and even if a bright smile now graced his lips, it was not enough to mask how uneasy he’d become. Fortunately for him, something, or rather someone else now held my attention. Eugan’s gaze was pinned to a spot on the shiny floor, but I had no doubt in my mind that he’d been the one to growl at my contact with his king. “Lord Eugan, is everything alright?” At my question, he looked up and as intense as his gaze was, it gave nothing away. At least not what I or the heart hammering in my chest hoped for after that growl. "You should go to sleep…my princess." His teeth were gritted as he said those words after holding my gaze longer than I knew he would have liked, but my foolish heart swooned anyway. He'd just referred to me as his princess and not in the sense of it being my title.
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