Lost In Eugan

1903 Words
“I propose trade.” “Trade, my princess?” "Yes." I straightened up when sceptical expressions and those meant to speak of how absurd my proposition sounded, filled the table. Back in the great hall as I had been the past days for more council deliberations, I fought the urge to stare in my father’s direction, lest those sceptics thought I needed him to hold my hand while I did this. While I stepped into this world that many of the male wolves present still seemed to think that a delicate princess such as I had no business indulging in. Since that first emotional outburst, I had been quiet through it all, until now. Many had been caught by surprise too with the sound of my voice rising above all others. I was by no means seasoned in matters of politics yet, but I had turned out to be a quick learner. I had not only immensed myself in learning the art of ruling, but I’d learned how men got to be heard. “That is hardly a new idea, princess.” Someone spoke, barely keeping how little they thought of my suggestion hidden. Lord Fal, a seemingly very influential member of my father's council. His house was among the newly elevated houses to the status of nobility, but the man's haughty attitude would make one think the house of Fal held the very foundations of Xatis. I even suspected that if I had been no princess he would have laughed in my face. “Trade already exists between all our kingdoms, I do not really see how it can avert wars.” “It is a wise man who admits to not having knowledge about a matter, my lord.” I smiled, feeling wiser beyond my eighteen moon years. My words, however, were not meant to make the noble who’d spoken to smile. Satisfaction bubbled when the wolf's annoyance shone like the sun at my sentiments and choosing not to waste my time on him, I turned to the rest of them. "It is common practice for merchants from smaller kingdoms to haul their goods to larger kingdoms seeking to trade, but what if our trade routes ran back and forth. Not only would the merchants from smaller kingdoms save more from not having to transport their goods, but having more merchants seek out their valuable resources to trade within the confines of their boarders would put them in a more worthy position and thereby strengthen our relations. As I have learned about Leif, the kingdom might not be as great as Xatis, but listening to and seeing the love shine in King Koberic's eyes for his kingdom, it made me wish to experience it for myself. To explore what else the land has to offer. We could do this for every land." As I spoke, many from the smaller kingdoms were nodding enthusiastically, even some from the larger ones, but as with everything were status was concerned, there was always someone unwilling to discard age old traditions. And right now the great hall held many with such thoughts as evidenced by their sour expressions. "Do you mean to say we should be equal with those insignificant--" "Please do not embarrass your status and yourself by insulting any one here, lord Fal." The man's haughty attitude sickened me and I couldn’t help but snap at him. "I most certainly did not aim to insult any one, but young princess, you should surely understand the need for levels and status in our society." I hated how he referred to me as being young even if he'd added my title. It was certainly something meant to highlight my inexperience rather than my age. And even though I was not the kind of princess to flaunt her status and crown, I felt insulted. “Perhaps before you lecture me about levels and status in our society, you will do well to be aware of your own status while you address your future queen.” “Forgive me, my princess!” The man exclaimed, his head bowing lower than a servant, but I refused to acknowledge him altogether as I turned to my father. The king of Xatis was grinning, albeit subtly. He was obviously proud, but I couldn’t let that get to my head so I focused on the matter at hand. "Tell me father, when the realm is threatened, does war knock only on the poor man's door?” From King Koberic’s portrayal of his kingdom, I did not consider Leif to be poor. Not when the man’s words had been accompanied with the brightest sparkle in his eyes while he spoke of his homeland that a desire to visit it had naturally blossomed in my heart. “If it did indeed, there would be no point in us gathering in such a manner, now would there, Lord Fal?” “Your majesty!” A horrified expression graced the lord’s face as he bowed in apology. “It was by no means my intention to belittle his- his majesty’s– oh, by the gods, please forgive your humble servant.” “It is not my forgiveness you should be seeking, Lord Fal.” My father’s less than amused gaze, sent the lord sinking lower in his seat while his now timid look fell on me. “My princess–” “If my lord has any other propositions to make, I’d rather listen to those than apologies only meant to avert mine and the king’s wrath.” The man shook his head obviously not wishing to utter the wrong thing yet again. The action invited some noisy chatter among the dignitaries and for a moment I wished I had my wolf so that I could hear their thoughts. “Personally, I consider this to be a brilliant idea and worth pondering on together with those that have been decided upon already.” I felt King Koberic rise to his feet while he spoke. But even though the man was singing high praises for my contribution, I couldn’t bring myself to look his way. My bruised heart wouldn’t let me. Not when I knew I would be met with the source of the ache there in. The ache that had only partially faded while I focused on the council deliberations. “Will you say something, daughter, the king from Leif practically poured out his heart there.” My father mind linked me, forcing me to face King Koberic. “I–” I paused, not knowing what to say because I’d heard nothing of what Koberic had said. “I cannot wait to set foot in Leif and enjoy all of its beauty.” Settling for the truth that I hoped came close to an acceptable response, I smiled at the king, glad that his figure hid the guard who stood behind him. But then Koberic bowed, and my poor heart ached even more at the sight of Eugan. He still would not look at me just as he’d done every other day since our kiss. Our kiss… My heart fluttered at the mere thought. He’d been my first kiss and in the moment I had wished for nothing more than for him to be my first too. That is how far my bold stupidity had taken me that day. He may not have been my mate, but the way desire had reigned in my blood when he’d sinfully taken my mouth, it may as well have screamed of him being mine. I’d not been the only one to think in such a manner either. At least not at the time. Not with the possessive way he’d demanded to know if I was still pure or his ferocious kisses that said I was not wrong. I was not so sure anymore. I mean, my body still vibrated with desire just with a simple memory of it, but his face that had not once been laid on me since then said otherwise. “Leif will most certainly be honoured on that day.” I heard Koberic say, but I was not listening anymore as I was lost in what Eugan’s refusal to acknowledge me or the intimate moment we had shared meant. I had evaded facing the matter for days now. Days that had me both ache and thirst after the man while he continually refused to glance my way even when we were in the same room. “My princess, it is time to leave. Every one is proceeding to the main reception chambers for the banquet.” Alad spoke beside me and only then did I realize that I’d been lost in my thoughts yet again. Lost in Eugan. I hated my failure from keeping myself from doing so. Especially when I knew how easy forgetting me had been for him. “Will you inform father and mother that I will not be attending tonight’s banquet?” “You aren’t?” Alad frowned. “And you are relieved, have fun tonight.” I mumbled before getting up. “Aryn…” Those familiar eyes filled with concern, but I was not about to admit anything to him, even if we were the best of friends, even if he’d tried to get me to do just that the last few days. “I can’t just–” “Of course you can.” I cut off his protest. “We both know no one would dare strike the heir of Xatis in her own bed.” I said, even though my bed was not exactly where I was headed. “At least wait for me to accompany you to your chambers.” “Of course.” I nodded, but the moment Alad headed in my parents’ direction, I slipped into the crowds. Needing to be alone, I evaded everyone. Guards, maids and family alike as the longing in my heart led me to the one place I could perhaps forget. Under the cover of night, the cave was perfectly hidden and perfect for a lonely princess nursing a broken heart. I’d been here countless times before, but never after sundown and stepping inside I wished I had done that sooner as it was even more beautiful this time of the day. I stared with longing at the cool pool of water that glistened under the moonlight whose rays shone down through an opening on the cave’s roof. Well, what are you waiting for? The water seemed to ask and I didn’t need to be asked twice before tugging on my gown and stripping until no piece of clothing remained on me. The plunge was bliss, instantly calming every one of my senses. And after a couple of rounds swimming in the pool, I lay floating, my gaze finding the beautiful dark skies above. I’d been lost in the beauty of the stars so much that I completely missed the sound of approaching footsteps until the intruder stood at the edge of the pool, growling. “Do you have a death wish that you constantly place yourself in unnecessary danger, princess?!” "Lord Eugan." I surprisingly acknowledged his presence calmly while my heart hammered in my chest and not only because he’d scared the hell out of me, but because he was here. “What is to you if I live or die?”
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