Just This Once

1363 Words
“What is to you if I live or die?” I was taken aback by her question. It certainly was not something I'd thought of when I barged in on her in the secluded cave and started making demands. Certainly not when I'd abandoned Koberic earlier and decided to follow her once I saw her slip away from the red head meant to protect her and into the crowd. Not even when I ran after her figure as it disappeared into the darkness that surrounded the palace grounds. I had not thought! That was the whole point and the bloody problem! Not that I was doing anything of the sort even now when I had been accorded a chance to use my head. How could I when my eyes were beholding the most beautiful creature to ever grace the realm? I was hotly distracted. The cave was barely lit, but with my wolf vision it was as if the sun was shining. Right through the space above and into the water, giving me a damn good and sinful view of my mate’s naked body down below. I could claim that I was glad she had not decided to come out of the water, but that would be a lie as it was all the same. Whether she stayed in or out, there was no hope of controlling the insane desire raging all the way to my bones. I swallowed. Hard. Struggling to form a coherent sentence or to keep from staring. "What, nothing to say for yourself?" My mate scoffed. "I should have known." She was upset. I didn't know whether to slap myself or be happy about that because I knew I was the reason for it all. "Let me escort you back to the palace. This is no time for a princess to be out here alone." "I am not your burden to bear, Lord Eugan." She turned away, kept floating and for a moment I thought that would be all, but she spoke yet again. "You did make that perfectly clear." She meant it to sound like she cared not if I cared or not, but the sadness in her voice betrayed her. It also betrayed my resolve as I found myself stripping of my armour. Not that I remembered what that resolve was at the moment. "W-What do you think you are doing?" She lost her floating position, giving me a glorious view of her beautiful cleavage while at it. Being in the cold water had left the tips of it all perked up and I wished for nothing more than to warm them up…with my mouth. To squeeze them until she was breathless and begging for much more than my mouth on her. “L-L-Lord E-Eugan…” I was down to the last piece of clothing when she moaned my name, making me rip the damn thing off and taking the plunge. The water was cold and one would think it would be enough to calm my madness, but it only served to let loose the beast I had barely confined within me after our kiss. Having been endlessly tortured with being in her presence and not touching during the day while we attended the council deliberations and enduring sleepless nights because I couldn’t get her out of my head, the task to keep holding on had been impossible. Not with knowing that it was just me and her, totally naked, under the moonlight with a wall of water separating us. I was by no means a romantic, but this made for a perfect atmosphere to indulge in every one of my fantasies that had consumed my every being since the moment my lips had connected with hers. Since the day she’d bumped into me all those years ago. “If you insist on being wreckless–” “Do not act like you care!” She snapped, but that was not all there was to be heard in her tone. She was trying, really hard to hide it, but I heard the plea hidden their in. What would she say if she knew that I cared? Hell, I had not thought of anything else except her. What would she say if she knew how many times I’d taken cold dips in the wretched streams that surrounded the palace all in a bid to get rid of her and failed? What would she say if she knew that I’d touched myself in the darkness of night…and that I’d been shameless about it while I thought of her, while I pictured her naked, with me buried deep inside her as she screamed my name? What would she say if she knew what I was risking by being here? “I don’t.” I answered, more for myself than her. Not that that would change anything. This still remained a mistake. One I should not have been glad making, but I was powerless to give up what was in front of me. At my words her eyes filled with sadness and a tight chord wound itself around my heart. Damn the wretched bond! “Then go away, Lord Eugan.” She turned away from me and to the cave’s walls. I hated it. “Go and do whatever a beloved royal guard does this time of day. Hell, there is plenty of wine at the banquet to take care of y-your um–” She flushed. Every inch of her naked self and the part of me responsible for it all stood up straighter with pride. I could have sworn my wolf wore a smug smile too. Her shyness enchanted me too and closing the distance between us, I came up behind her with every intention to command her to say it, but I ended up being the one to open my mouth instead and making a confession. “You are not the only one.” I was burying myself deeper with every one of my actions, but I couldn’t seem to stop. “The only one?” “I feel it too, this…” I closed the inches between us, arms circling around and pulling her in. She gasped, the action sending a rush of all my blood to my lower half and emptying my mind of everything but her and the delicious way her skin felt on mine. “You wouldn’t even look at me.” A smile graced my lips at her confession. She was so different from the fierce princess that had commanded the entire great hall while she’d held the floor just moments ago. The one who’d made it near impossible to keep my wolf from howling with pride and me from closing the distance and claiming her in front of the multitudes. “It was not for a lack of desire on my part.” More confessions, but I did not care. Loving how her shuddering body felt on mine, I trailed my fingers down her perfect body eliciting more of it. “Did you miss me?” She was my mate, that was inevitable and with her confession I knew I had occupied her senses just as much as she’d done mine, but I longed to hear it from her lips. To know that she’d thought of me, that she desired me as much as I did her. Just this once… “Every moment…ahh…Lord– ahh…Eugan…” She moaned, the sound delicious music to my ears. “Yes, my princess?” I’d finally had them, the coveted cleavage in my hands. The size was perfect and while I circled and kneaded she arched her back, right onto me, making me growl with pleasure. Tonight…just for tonight. I swore to myself as I relished the way her body reacted to my touch and the way she willingly gave of herself. Tonight…I would give her everything she desired while I took everything for myself too. For tomorrow, none of this would matter anyway. Not her or our bond, not this cave or its memories, not the wretched mighty kingdom of Xatis. Not even the chosen king and queen, except me and my revenge.
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