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"When I heard that his majesty wished to have the entire kitchen to himself, I thought the head cook had had one too many." Koberic walked in through the royal kitchen doors, an amused expression on his face. "May I ask what the gods have done that would have you abandon your very precious chambers to slave away in this place when even the most lowly of the kingdom sleeps at this hour?" "It is none of your concern." I sulked. Damn that head cook and his big mouth! And damn the hum of desire coursing through every part of me. My bed chambers did not feel precious either. "Hmm..." Koberic paused before resuming his walk towards me and if I could escape his unwelcome presence, I would have right then, but I didn't trust myself not to end up where I shouldn't, so I remained seated. Completely undeterred by my lack of enthusiasm at his presence, Koberic rounded the table I sat on until he stood behind me, the position giving him a clear view of what was contained in the cup I held. I was tempted to cover it. "Tea?" His tone remained composed, but it wasn't enough to hide the laughter he was struggling to hold back. "I thought you said this wretched drink does wonders." Ignoring Koberic's amusement, I glared at what was my fourth or fifth or perhaps seventh cup of tea since I'd scared all the servants out of the kitchen tonight. I was still nowhere near dreamland and neither did I feel any effects of relaxation I'd heard Koberic sing about. "And what wonder does his highness need done tonight?" Wonder? Make that wonders wrapped up in one. Aryn. "I can't sleep." I admitted truthfully. I'd tried to, but with the knowledge that she was here, sleep would simply not come to me. The kisses I'd lavished on her, among other things, had not helped matters either. "That has never bothered, his highness before." Koberic took my cup from me and brought it to his nose. A frown crossed his facial features, making me raise a brow at him. "I think I know the reason you may have not enjoyed your beverage. This is a terrible brew." If he could look any more appalled than he did, he would have. "Whoever brewed this tea deserves to be burned at the stake." He exclaimed as he dumped everything down the drain while mumbling more curses than necessary. "That would be me." Koberic froze at my answer, before flashing me a wide grin. "That will be with the exception of his majesty, of course." Whatever he was doing, he turned to it almost immediately. "So now, will you tell this old wolf why you cannot sleep? It wouldn't have anything to do with the open doors of Wrenyth, now would it?" Of course he knew. "Why would she choose to spend her days at Wrenyth when this castle is more suited for her." When my bed was more suited for her? I complained, not caring if I sounded like a child. It had only dawned on me tonight what an inconvenience having my mate at Wrenyth would bring and I'd cursed myself for not realizing it sooner. "Ah... so this is about the princess then?" And the idea that my own mate chose to stay away from me. Aryn had not been the one to ask, but I couldn't help wonder if she'd not been the one to put Liira up to it. "Although, I can't imagine this being simply about the temporal living arrangements either." Koberic placed a freshly brewed cup of tea before me and one sip of it, I understood his disappointment in my brewing capabilities. "What else would it be about?" "Oh, I do not know, the fact that you took back your rejection, perhaps?" "That means nothing." I mumbled, casually, hoping I sounded it too. "It was something uttered in the spur of the moment." I lied, not wishing to speak of it. Not with Koberic who was practically dancing in his shoes even now at the prospect of me wanting my mate. And because it had not meant a damn thing to Aryn. I saw it the moment she pulled away from me. Buried deep in those eyes that swirled with undeniable desire for me in one moment and nothing in the next. God, I loathed how she could do that so effortlessly. "Oh, I see." Koberic brought his own cup to his lips. "Except, I do not think it's nothing and neither do you." Of course he would see right through me, but I was not admitting anything. "Because you know me oh so well?" I scoffed. "Well, yes, but that is not it at all." "Oh please do tell." I spat as annoyance prickled. "Perhaps you could simply pay Wrenyth a visit. You are the king after all." Koberic suggested instead of indulging me. And yes I could. I'd entertained that thought already. I could seek my mate out, but that would require me actually stepping into my childhood home and facing my past. Something I had turned my back on a long time ago except for one thing. Vengeance. "I'm going to go for a run instead." "If you must. That works too." He was too quick to agree, but I refused to dwell on the reason why as I exited the kitchen, surprisingly feeling so much better. The hum of desire still remained, but the annoyance I'd felt towards my mate seemed to have dimmed. "Pity how mate bonds have the power to upset even the most perfect of worlds." Mythos pushed himself off of the castle wall once I stepped outside, the sight of him an instant annoyance to my soul. Had he been lying in wait for me? And if so, then how the hell did he know? "Mighty kings and kingdoms have fallen, all because they allowed the famed moon goddess to meddle in their lives. I hope that is not you, brother." "Careful, Mythos." I growled as I felt all the effects of Koberic's tea evaporate at the Eldorian's words. "I don't take too kindly to being offered advice by the likes of you." The fool merely grinned, but that was not the thing to unearth my anger. "Aryn?" What the hell was she doing lurking in the darkness? I followed after the hooded figure without a second thought.
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