A Wolf And An Enchantress

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I take it back? Was everything so easy for him? Could he lay down my heart and take it up again so easily? Was it so easy for him to completely forget of my existence in one fleeting moment, only to remember in the next? Once again the words had left Eugan's mouth so effortlessly and swept up the entirety of my world with it. His caresses and kisses had flowed so naturally they'd broken through my defences just as easily. And why in God's name was it so easy to fall for him too? The mere thought of it brought tingles shooting out of every inch of me even now. As I stood out on the balcony of my new bed chambers, staring and observing the flow of water in the stream on the grounds below, I couldn't help compare myself to it. The way it bent with every obstacle, flowing freely in places where there were none, the way it pooled abandantly in places it was aloud to. That was me in Eugan's hands, I realized. As with the water, my own will failed me when I encountered the obstacle that was him. My own resolve melted and abandoned me when it mattered the most, leaving me to pool at his feet whenever he desired it. I could blame it all on our bond, but I would be lying. Because I longed for him. Desired him too even without bearing his mark. So much it was a wonder I had been able to tear myself from his mouth when he'd furiously invaded it in front of his and my people. It was a wonder I had been able to put one foot in front of the other as I escaped his desperate calls that filled the air right after. It was a wonder I had not left the hallways of Wrenyth to go in search of him at his own castle. "Well, I say good for you." Had I spoken any of that out aloud? The smug expression on Rinarii's face said I had. I grimaced. "You must think me insane for continually mumbling to myself." "If it makes you feel any better, anyone mated to his highness could very well end up losing their minds." "How so?" I was surprised at my own need to hear what nonsense would spew out of my maid's mouth this morning. Or perhaps I sought some kind of validation for my own behaviour. However misplaced it was. "Aside from the fact that he can be confusing-" "Confusing?" "Well, he did reject you and now he's lavishing hot desperate kisses on you in front of the whole realm and making declarations." Hot desperate kisses? I could have rolled my eyes at that description, but Rinarri had got it right and now I couldn't help the heat that crept up to my face at the realization that countless pairs of eyes in Leif had been a witness to that. "Aside from that, his highness is devilishly handsome. It is enough for any maiden to go crazy. Look at Princess Darla." A hearty chuckle escaped my lips at that even when the thought of the princess of Eldoria should have unearthed my usual annoyance. "I have never known of a maiden throwing herself at any wolf in such a shameless manner. Let alone a princess." "She might be in love-" If I could take back those words, I would have before they left my mouth because now instead of amusement, a sharp pain lodged itself in my heart as a question that had not crossed my mind chose that moment to make itself known. Did Eugan love her? Is that why he'd chosen her? I was grateful for the distraction from whoever chose that moment to knock on my chambers doors. "You called for me, princess?" The wolf to insist on Eugan walking me into Leif beamed as she flowed into the room with a grace similar to that of my great grandmother. And speaking of Liira, the matriarch had made herself so scarce that if I didn't know how much she cared about me, I would have thought her absence was her ploy to see me fail at this leadership position in the entourage I'd insisted on. Not that I had done any leading since Eugan's appearance and my own decision to hide away in my bed chambers. "I did." Waving away my own leadership failures, I chose to focus on the she-wolf in front of me. "Nuela, am I right?" "Yes, princess. Forgive me for having failed to properly introduce myself." "It is quite alright. And that is by no means the reason I requested for your presence." I smiled as I invited her to sit. "You wish to know about the procession at the city gates." "Well, yes." Surprised that she knew of my intent, I could only smile. "What was that all about?" "I think you know, your highness." Your highness? I was taken aback by the deep respect that was not usually accorded to a foreign princess anywhere, even if I was heir to my Xatis' throne. "I think you know the reason why." She regarded me with an unusual expression. Something I could easily read for conviction. But that couldn't be right? Because what did I know of the traditions of Leif aside from the little Koberic had been able to speak of while we drank tea. "I do?" "You feel it in your heart." In my heart? Only pain at seeing my mate bicker with his chosen as though they were an old wedded couple resided there. So what was this she-wolf on about? I'd felt an overwhelming pull to the place, but that was not something new. My own heart that had gone out to Eugan's men who'd been slain in Xatis said so. "I'm afraid I do not understand." "The devotion." "What?" "Take this castle for instance." The wolf's gaze darted to the doors leading to my chambers before settling back on me. "How do you feel being in Wrenyth?" "As though I'm home?" That had surprised me. Even when the castle was not exceptionally decorated, a strange familiarity and homeliness had struck me with my first step into it. I could admit that a wave of bitterness had assaulted me when I'd stepped out of my carriage and stood before the imposing structure. Noting the obvious minimal care it seemed to have received over the years, it'd made me feel unwelcome and unwanted by the king of Leif. Even when its grounds had been surrounded by beaming faces of palace servants and guards, my heart could not be comforted over the overhelming feelings of abandonment the old castle had unearthed. Everything had changed the moment I'd stepped inside, however. The air was stale even after obvious notable attempts to freshen it up, but the sight of it had warmed my heart, albeit in a strange way. The bed chambers were the worst. Considerably small in size for the main chambers in any castle and yet the love to have once warmed its walls had filled my heart, leaving me embracing it without question. I loved Leif. I was yet to explore it, but my first impression of the kingdom left me feeling no different from how I'd felt being in Xatis. "Are you an enchantress?" I couldn't help but ask. Because how then could she be aware of my own feelings? To that Nuela merely smiled. "A wolf and an enchantress in one? Now that would be a sight, wouldn't it? I'm a simple tribe's leader of the Doisle tribe." "The Doisle tribe?" My eyes widened, not only at her modesty, but the Doisle tribe or its leader were anything but simple. "That is not exactly an accurate description of your tribe?" "In the presence of the most powerful wolf, that will suffice." The most powerful wolf? Could she not tell that I had none? I sighed, hating the idea of having to endure people's pretense over that matter in Leif too. "If I may ask princess, why have you not accepted his highness' rejection?" I was caught off guard by the question. "I- I- there hasn't been time to-" Even as the words left my mouth, I knew there was no truth to them. I'd had all the time in the world. Many opportunities to utter those words and yet they still remained nothing but thoughts in my head. "I hope you will find what you desire here." Nuela smiled as she stood, seemingly satisfied with the turmoil she'd unearthed within me. "And I do hope I have been of help." She hadn't been. Well, she had, in a way, but then she'd left me with more questions than answers. She hoped I found what I desired? And what did I desire? Him. The thought was so immediate, I was sure I would have blushed had I been in anyone else's presence. My hand travelled to the place Eugan could have placed his mark if I had my wolf or if he did actually want me. It was still tingling, although not as much as when his hand had glazed over it while he kissed me. Closing my eyes, and relishing the memory, I let Nuela's words sink in. I hope you find what you desire.
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