
1334 Words
"What are we looking for?" I flinched, before glaring at the imbecile who'd chosen to follow me while I searched for my mate. I'd been so focused on sniffing out Aryn's scent that kept disappearing on me, I had not smelled or felt Mythos creep up on me. "Well?" "We are not looking for anything, so get your butt out of here" If he thought I was letting him near my mate, he was gravely mistaken. "But-" "But nothing." I growled, baring my teeth at the insufferable Eldorian who clearly thought this was a game. "Fine, but if my sister gets hurt-" The threat in that had me holding Mythos by the throat and forcing him to swallow the rest of what would have spewed from his wretched mouth. "Are you threatening me, pup?" "Of course not, your majesty." His struggle against my hold only made me tighten it, leaving his eyeballs bulging in his sockets. "No, I'm merely pointing out what a tragedy that might be- and a loss for what we've worked hard for- Because I hate to be the one to remind you of how far we've come and-" His rumblings only annoyed me further. "Mythos?" "Yes, your majesty?" "You are your sister's guest, Gaden is an ally of Leif, of whom you happen to be his son. That is the only reason you are alive. My tolerance of your regrettable presence should be evidence enough that I have forgotten nothing and therefore do not need any reminding." "Of course, your majesty." "Now leave me alone." I hissed, hating having lost precious time talking instead of following that scent. Thankfully, the bastard got the message and left, albeit furiously. There would be consequences for my actions, but I refused to think of them now as I resumed my search, letting myself be consumed with finding Aryn and dragging her back to safety. Relief banned all the anger unearthed by Mythos when I picked up her scent again. It was fading, but for my half shifted self, it was as good enough a lead and soon enough, there she was. Scurrying off towards the gates of Wrenyth. My temper flared at the sight. What if she got taken? The possibility of that happening was close to impossible with all the protection I'd ensured for the castle, but I could not be totally sure. She wasn't even aware of her surroundings! "What do you think you are doing?" I demanded when I caught up to Aryn, but instead of an answer, the hooded figure merely froze, gaze fixed up ahead. Her refusal to acknowledge me stung and I should have let it go seeing that she was safe now, but I simply couldn't. I reached for her, spinning her figure so she would face me. "This is not Xatis where you can- wait, you are not her." "Apparently not." My eyes widened before they darkened at the sight of my mate's maid. "But her scent-" I cursed when I realized that I'd been tricked. The sight of Aryn's cloak that now rested on her maid was evidence enough. Although I didn't get her need to escape from me. "Where is she?" I growled, not caring that I was scaring the maiden who was probably just doing as she was told. "I do not know, I swear it." The maid confessed, the sincerity in her gaze sending me the way I'd come quicker than anything else could have. Retracing my steps, albeit frantically, I picked up her scent and I cursed when it led me away from the gates of Wrenyth and away from my castle. What the hell was she thinking? "I could not sleep." She mumbled, answering my unspoken question when I finally found her, gaze fixed on the waters of the stream that ran outside Wrenyth's walls. I was tempted to ask if I was the reason, but the stiff back she had to me and all the emotion clouding her every word kept my lips pursed. Something was wrong. "I should go." "Please wait." I wished to say something, do something to ease whatever this was, but I ended up reaching for my cloak and placing it on her instead. "Wrenyth gets cold this time of the night." "Thank you, your majesty." I'd never hated my own titles as I did then. "I'll have my maid return it as soon as I'm safely inside." Her quick decision to get away from me and return what would remind her of me brought a bitter taste in my mouth. I deserved it, but it did not make it any less bitter. "Your majesty?" I looked up and true to my mate's word, there stood her maid, my cloak in her hands. The sight annoyed me more than my mate's refusal to be escorted, but more than that I wished to know what the hell was wrong. So I drew close to the only person who could grant me that knowledge. "You are aware that spying on a king is punishable by death?" The maid's eyes widened before she swallowed hard, much to my satisfaction. "So I will only ask this once." "Of course, your highness." "Was the princess at my castle? What did she seek?" At my question, the maid's gaze shifted to the ground so quickly I'd have thought her movement was meant for her to escape. "What are you doing?" I frowned when further movement from the she-wolf left her exposing her neck to me. "Bite me." "Bite you?" My eyes widened at her request. Was she even aware of what she was asking of me. How perverse did she think I was? Not only was she a maid, but she was my mate's confidante from what I could tell. Was this a test? My chest rumbled at the thought, bringing her terrified eyes to mine. "Do you think I'm that perverse that I would jump at your less than tempting offer? How does a princess end up being waited upon by someone with such loose morals?" I sneered, sending her eyes widening further, if that were even possible. "T-That is not by any means what I meant, your majesty-" "Whatever did you mean then?" I hissed, sending her entire body flinching. "I can not betray, my princess, so you might as well carry out your punishment and bite me." She presented me her neck again while I remained dumbstruck at her words. "And just so you know, my morals are quite tight, your majesty. She mumbled, pride dripping with each word. That was an insult, deserving of death, but her position was admirable and I had a feeling that I'd face worse if she did not return to her princess. "Rise." "Are you sure?" "As long as you tell me what I wish to know-" "Then I can't, your majesty. Do your worst, but I'll not betray the princess." She remained bent. "Fine, what if I ask you something else?" "It depends, on what it is." "How is she? Truthfully." At that the maid's eyes lit up, before going to her surrounding as though she were making sure no one was listening. Making sure my mate was not listening. I would have called her out on her hypocrisy, but I was too eager to hear what she had to say. "May I speak freely, your majesty?" "Of course." "This is probably one of your favourite cloaks, but may I keep it?" "Keep it?" I raised my brow at her and only then did she realize what she'd said. "I mean for the princess." "And why is that?" "Well, she didn't seem like she wished to let it go." "You can have it." She was right, that was my most favoured cloak, but there was no one else I'd rather see putting it on than my mate. The maid did not say it in so many ways, but right in there lay my answer of how my mate was doing.
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