One Pleasurable Moment

1947 Words
It felt like the calm before a storm, but I couldn’t keep myself from indulging in everything Eugan was offering. I'd never been so reckless. I did not care for his status or mine, or what tomorrow would bring. Before tonight, while he still refused to acknowledge me, I'd wished for time to stall, to keep the days from evaporating so quickly and drawing his return to Leif ever so near. But now, now that I had him, I wished for none of that except this one thing…him. And if tonight was all I'd get in this lifetime with him, I would take it. All of it. There was something else bubbling in my heart too. Making me feel the happiest since…well, forever, but I did not wish to think of it either. With a moan, I dug my nails into Eugan’s shoulders and threw my head back, relishing his large hands that were worshipping every inch of me as pleasurable moans left both our lips. I’d never been with a boy before, but with him it was as if my body knew exactly what it desired or perhaps it merely danced to the rhythm his hands seemed to unearth each time they caressed my bare skin. Thirsting for more of his caresses, I thrust my chest into his hands and moaned when Eugan answered me without question. Squeezing and kneading, threatening my own sanity. Not that I cared for it in the moment. I was lost in the waves of ecstacy and I wished not to be found. “L-Lord Eugan…” I moaned yet again when the evidence of his desire caressed my arched backside, leaving me all hot and bothered despite being surrounded by the cool water in the pool. “It’s Eugan…just…Eugan.” His chest rumbled, albeit sexily, the action taking away with it all my inhibitions as I parted my legs, granting him access to the most intimate part of me. He hissed, then growled, the sound filled with so much hunger for me it left me in awe and my own need for him raging. I'd never imagined anyone being filled with so much desire before. “You've never been with a boy before.” I agreed with my mind except for one thing. Eugan was no boy. As he caressed with one hand and expertly delved deeper inside of me with the other, it did not speak of him being a boy. He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew how to pleasure me. Sending me to heights of pleasure I never knew existed. Heights I did not wish to ever descend from. “Let go Aryn.” He commanded, but I shook my head as something bubbled in my belly, its intensity growing the more his hands delved deeper inside of me with an unfathomable urgency. I knew what he was asking of me, but I did not wish to, or perhaps I did not know how. “I’ll catch you, I promise.” My own voice was lost to me as it filled the expanse of the cave. One thrust! One final pleasurable thrust and his promise is all it took to undo me, making me let go. Of everything. I trusted him, I realized. It was a foolish endeavor to indulge in after one pleasurable moment, but I did. And while I shattered in his arms, I knew there would be no one else for me. His strong arms were the only ones I wished to embrace me in such a possessive manner. The burn of his tongue was the only imprint I wished to remain on my skin and my lips. And when he spun me around and took my mouth in another possessive kiss, it only served to cement my resolve even as I melted into him. But then everything stopped. He let go and swam away from me without a word, taking all the warmth with him. “Eugan?” Panic laced my tone while I beheld his retreating back. “A-Are you leaving?” I’d be forever embarassed if he did leave without me returning the favour even if I did not know if it mattered or how I’d get it done.”Do you not wish for me t-to–” I blushed, the words getting stuck in my throat, but thankfully the little I’d uttered was enough to stop him and have him swimming back to me. “Say it.” He growled, his eyes as dark as the skies above and the need there in heavier than a dark rain cloud full to bursting. “I– I– what?” “What you think I wish for you to do to me, say it.” “I–” I paused, staring at him with wide eyes when realization struck. Surely he wasn’t asking me to– “I can’t.” I shook my head, regretting having opened my mouth. “Then show me.” He mumbled with his next breath, his voice barely a whisper. A needy whisper that gave me enough courage to reach out and touch. He hissed at the contact before his breath became a rugged pant that stirred my own desire. “Of course I want you to touch me, princess.” His hand closed over mine, forcing me to squeeze him and I wished the pool would swallow me then. I had been bold enough to kiss and touch him, but this…this was just plain scandalous and I knew I would never look at my hand the same again. I was only too glad when he let go, albeit unsure of what to do with myself after. Eugan on the other hand seemed to know exactly what he desired as he crashed his lips on mine and took not only my breath away, but the very essence of my being. I'd revelled in our earlier kisses while this…this undid me in ways I never knew a simple kiss could. Although I admit that there was nothing simple about this kiss either. Not about the way his strong calloused hands brought me pleasure by simply tangling in my hair while he kissed me or how he held the small of my back and pressed, bringing me flash to his body, making me feel every shuddering movement of his body that came with each stroke of his tongue in my mouth. “And no…” He pulled back, his gaze still thick with desire, “...I’m not leaving. Not yet.” His lips found mine in a sweet kiss and this time when he swam away, I was left with a lingering smile that quickly got replaced by a gasp the moment he emerged out of the water. He was perfection! A god in the flesh and I couldn’t help but stare. Did he know it too? I had never seen anyone so confident in their skin! “Will you join me, princess?” He’d spread his cloak on the cave’s floor, making his intentions known, but that was not the thing to make my inhibitions resurface. Did he expect me to just walk out of here too and make a spectacle of myself? Surely my trust did not stretch that far that I would confidently parade myself in front of him the way he’d done? I had never considered myself to be shy, but for the first time I realized I was self conscious. My eyes darted to my clothes that were so far from me I wished I possessed a witch's power so I could cast a spell and have them come flying over to me. “If you must know you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen in all of our realm.” “Flattery.” I thought while I couldn't help but also wonder how well travelled the king's guard was. “And if you doubt my word, let me show you.” “How did you–” I felt myself being scooped up out of the water while I tried to wrap my mind around how he’d gotten back in the pool so quickly. “I can only take so much, princess.” He rasped as he laid me down on his cloak. “And if you wish to change your mi–” “Show me.” I cut him off, my voice a needy sigh. I did not care for it as I surrendered to him and relished the appreciation in his gaze. Perhaps it was true that I was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. But even if there was no truth to it, I knew with the way his gaze grew thicker with desire, that I was the sole object of it. At least for tonight. “This might hurt.” I was not oblivious to that fact, but I definitely was oblivious to the utter pleasure that came with Eugan being deeply buried inside of me and how right he felt. I had not been prepared for the tenderness with which he claimed me either. It was as if I was the most delicate thing he’d ever held in his arms. And when he started moving, rocking us to a rhythm reserved for lovers, everything else faded. My mind emptied of everything else except him and the pleasure he lavished on me. Words remained unspoken as we both drank of each other. It was not about merely fulfilling our desires, Eugan made love to me. Even if I had not been with a boy before, I knew it. The tenderness with which he held my gaze as he thrust deeper and harder, bringing me untold pleasures spoke of it. And I couldn’t help but smile at the fact even as I got lost in the sweet magic of it all. Coming to this cave, I’d wished to forget him, but now his being was forever imprinted on my soul. The sound of our lovemaking a song that would forever echo on the walls of this cave. Mine to savor. “Come with me Aryn…” Sweat dripped, muscles flexed, growls and moans escaped both our lips. My name on his lips had never sounded sweeter and even if I knew what he was asking of me, while his thrusts brought me over the edge, while I shattered and shuddered under him, as everything else faded, those words meant more to me than a simple invitation to soar to the peak of our lovemaking with him. My dreams were filled with it too. While I lay wrapped up in his arms, fully sated, I dreamed of Eugan and me beyond tonight… We were both jolted awake by what sounded like an army of a thousand wolves engaged in battle. Well, at least I was. "Eugan?" He was all dressed up and about to step out of the cave, his back stiff as a rod. Had he intended to leave without saying a word? My heart ached at that, but I waved it away as I grabbed my gown and started dressing up. This was my home after all and if it needed defending I had no intentions of standing back. "I'm coming with yo--" "Stay away from me!" He growled before shifting into the most gorgeous wolf I had ever seen. And without sparing me a glance, the beast disappeared into the darkness. Eugan didn't have to turn to let me know how much he despised me and I shouldn't have cared as whatever had happened between us was my choosing, but my foolish heart shattered all the same.
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