An Enemy Or A Guest

1426 Words
"We will speak once the council convenes." The response given by Aryn through her grandmother had been a slap and I did not know what infuriated me more between that or being forced to watch her sit through this council meeting seemingly unbothered by my presence or concern for her. Or perhaps it was her pretending that she was alright in front of this pretencious lot that cared for nothing but their own selfish selves to even notice her troubles. I couldn't help but glare at the figures around the table as they merely carried on with their know it all attitudes. It didn’t even matter that the subject of Leif’s betrayal remained the centre of their discussion. Having been the one to reject her, I did not have the right, but God, I couldn’t keep this growing desire to comfort, to reach out for her, pull her into my embrace and shower her with all the warmth until she felt all better. I did not understand it. She was my rejected mate, but the ache deep in her heart was laid bare to mine, leaving me desiring nothing, but to take care of her. It was as if my own words uttered to sever the moon goddess’ bond between us had not done a damn thing. She remained mine! I was not complaining at the idea and for the moment, I ignored every thought that screamed of what an inconvinience that was. I’d decided to deal with that later. Much much later. “The kingdom of Leif will have to prove its innocence of the attack.” Her angelic tone almost made me curse. This is not where I wished to be, and speaking of traitors and kingdoms was not exactly what I longed to be doing right now. And this audience… The insufferable noble’s faces were not what I wished to be gazing upon, but her. Nothing else, but her. Hell, I’d even considered whisking her away and hiding her in Leif, if only that would not guarantee the entire armies of Xaties marching on my kingdom. “What would the princess have me do?” I did not need her telling me what to do about the wretched intruders who’d dared to attack her. My men and I were already taking care of the matter, but I hoped my inquiry would at the very least have her holding my gaze. It did, but only disappointment awaited me there as her gaze lacked that warmth she'd possessed back in Xatis. The one with which she’d beheld me back in the cave. As though she were beholding her whole world each time those beautiful orbs had found mine while I was buried deep inside her. “That is entirely up to you.” Her tone was flat, almost cold. For how I’d treated her, that was my lot, but I still hated it. “At least allow his majesty to offer his protection while the matter gets resolved. If not to protect the entourage, then to weed out those who do not belong to Leif.” Zakariel, calm as ever, spoke besides me and I could have sworn I saw a sliver of warmth and a smile tug on Aryn’s lips when she turned to him. Jealousy prickled. It didn’t even matter that it involved the wolf I trusted with my life. The one I knew for a fact cared about her more than half of those in her own entourage. I had no doubt she would have used her pleasant tone on him too if only that red head did not decide to have his very unwelcome opinion be heard. “We’ll protect our own princess, thank you very much.” “Of course you will, Lord Alad…” I couldn’t help but sneer at my mate’s protector, his name tasting like ash on my tongue. “By letting the enemy get so close to her throat before you see past your nose, you mean?” Sarcasm dripped with every word and I found satisfaction in the red head’s flaring temper at my pointing out his inadequacies. “That is enough!” Finally, finally that armour shattered, but my relief was short lived with the sight of my mate’s shaking hands. So that’s what it was… I was beside her in a flash as realization of why she’d been hurting dawned on me. At my action, however, blades were drawn and figures jumped, some shifting into their wolves with every intent to shield their princess from me. I was way quicker and on any other day, I would have stopped to rub it in their faces, but she needed me. Or so I thought. “Let me help–” “I don’t need your help, Eugan.” Judging by how fast she’d pulled out her blade and laid it on my throat, cutting my words off, I would agree with her statement, but I knew better. Although, I also knew that pulling her into my arms at the moment would not be a wise decision either, so I stepped back, hands raised. “Forgive me.” She only glared at my sorry attempt at an apology, before dropping her blade. “Perhaps you should reserve all that help for your own people as only you will determine whether I step into your kingdom as an enemy or a guest. You have until the remainder of the journey to Leif to prove your innocence." I blinked, not only at the very real threat I’d received, but also at the person who’d just made it. For a fleeting moment, I was staring right into the deadly eyes of her father, and the way she'd spoken, gentle, yet her deadly intent oh so clear, she was her mother's daughter and the perfect mate… And she wished to have nothing to do with me. The only reason I stayed rooted on my spot instead of going after her. “Now that was refreshing.” I swung around, teeth gritted, to face the person who’d spoken. The royal matriarch wore a proud expression as she stood to her feet. “Wouldn’t you say so, King Eugan?” “What can I do for you, Liira?” I growled, knowing that trying to figure out the matriarch was a futile endeavor too. Especially not when her own great granddaughter had just emptied my mind of everything else, but her with that fierce display. Damn it! I could feel my own control slipping and it had not even been a day since my mate’s appearance. “Oh, I like a wolf who chooses not to beat about the bush. I have a request of my own.” “Name it.” “While in Leif, we shall spend our days at Wrenyth.” “Wrenyth?” Whatever I’d expected from the matriarch’s mouth, it was not that. One look at Zakariel and he was just as surprised. Given my history with Elian and his daughter, I should have been asking Liira about the real reason Leif was receiving this entourage instead of fury from Xatis, but her odd request could not be ignored. “My lady, the old castle has not been used in years.” Zakariel pointed out with concern while I tried and failed to understand why Liira would request that I reopen the doors to the old king’s castle. Not even I had stepped into my own childhood home for years now. “That matters little. Nothing a little sweeping and dusting can’t fix.” Liira waved my best friend away like the entire matter would not be a bother at all. “Why?” I couldn’t help but ask. The entire thing made no sense. “Despite the outcome of whether you are innocent or not, it does not change the fact that you attacked Xatis. Wrenyth will ensure my granddaughter’s safety.” Or would it ensure something else totally? “Done.” “You can’t possibly think this to be a good idea?” Zakariel’s protest was instant, but I ignored him, my mind focussing on Liira’s glint of approval that had just sparked something in me. According to her own words, I still remained a traitor and even now her actions screamed of how much Xatis wished to protect its heir. The number of guards in their entourage spoke of it too. So why would Elian let his heir out of his sight and protection in the first place? Unless…
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