A Different Truth

1387 Words
“Are you alright?” At Liira’s gentle voice in my mind link, the tremors in my hands intensified and I could only shake my head while I stared at them through teary eyes. “I see it. All their blood, grandmother.” Grateful for the privacy of the mind link and the royal carriage, I melted into Liira’s outstretched arms. “It’s everywhere.” I’d washed my hands to the point of almost peeling off my own skin, but none of that had helped with erasing the bloody image that was forever imprinted on my soul. While everyone had celebrated the victory which I’d unexpectedly played a huge part in, I’d only felt broken at the sight of all the blood and the dead. While everyone gushed about the fearlessness I’d displayed, while they proudly spoke of their future queen, the chocking sounds made by those whose throats I’d slashed without a second thought, haunted me. The fluttering closed of their eyes which no longer possessed life scraped at my heart, at my soul and chased me as though they were my own shadow. Alad had comforted me saying it had to be done. That it would have been either me and my people or those who’d driven us to defend ourselves. My best friend had made it clear that he was glad it was us who got to keep our heads, but what did he know of the horrors that now resided in there. Never to be escaped again. “Oh, dear child–” “You did this…” I accused, cutting Liira off. “You knew of it and yet you insisted that I trust my insticts.” The damn things had gladly led me down the bloody path which I’d welcomed in the moment. Wielding my weapons with the precision of a seasoned warrior. Strong and fierce, something I wasn’t at the moment. “And so I did.” At Liira’s answer, I pulled back and pinned the matriarch with a surprised expression. “You won’t even deny it?” “We are at war, child. And if only you could open your eyes and see this for what it is, you’ll realise that these should be tears of joy instead of sadness.” “Joy? What is there to be happy about?” I’d always appreciated my great grandmother’s views, but right now, I couldn’t see how whatever I’d done could bring me any joy at all. “You have so much more to learn.” Liira pulled me back into her embrace, her strong arms squeezed, making me melt and take all the comfort she offered. “Do not worry, grandmother is here.” “Why do I get the feeling that you’ll have me committing many more atrocities instead of keeping me away from them?” I sniffled. “Because a queen and king’s enemies are never in short supply, child. And I wouldn’t very well call protecting one’s kingdom as committing atrocities. Besides, how else does one get good at anything if not by practice?” “Grandmother!” My jaw fell open at what Liira was insinuanting and that so freely. “You can’t possibly be saying–” “I’m not saying anything, child, but if you are lucky, you will get enough of that practice before we head back home. Leif has so far proved to be a good enough ground for it. Which brings me to the second reason I’m here.” I sighed even before Liira could voice out her thoughts. Having chosen the carriage was not only for the purpose of rest as I had declared. I simply did not wish to face the matter that was Eugan. “What would you have me do?” Those steel gray eyes had begged me to believe him when Eugan had declared Leif’s innocence in the attack, but for all I knew, it could have been him simply using my weakness to sway my judgment. Or it could have been my own doing as I couldn’t face the truth of Eugan hating me so much he’d wish me dead. Although his heroic efforts that I refused to think about sang of a different truth. “Oh, you tell me, child.” Of course she would choose this moment to settle for my opinion on such an important matter. And as if she could hear my thoughts, Liira sat back, her eyebrow raised. “You did insist to lead this entourage, did you not?” “He’ll have to prove it.” “Hmm…” Liira appeared thoughtful before she held my gaze again. “Isn’t saving the heir of Xatis enough proof in that regard?” And he’d been fearless! “It is.” I agreed. “But we were alreading winning when he showed up. For all I know, it could have been that realisation that would have given him a change of heart. It wouldn’t be the first time.” My heart ached at the memory of how Eugan had fought my father, just so Koberic and the rest of his people could escape Xatis. That had only come to light when it was too late and the entire entourage had crossed Xatis’ boarders. The news of Koberic being free had gladdened my heart, but it was the reality that Eugan refused to fight for me that fiercely that had bruised my already aching heart and still did. “So while I’m thankful for my neck not ending up inbetween that wolf’s canines, it simply is not enough for me not to hold Leif and its king accountable for this attack.” “Very well.” Seemingly satisfied with my reasoning, Liira got up to leave, but not before giving me one of her concerned looks. Happy with what she observed, yet again, a smile spread across her lips. “You are doing just fine, child.” I couldn’t help but smile at that too. In a way, it eased my heart a little more. “I’m here to see the princess!” “What is he doing here?” I shot to my feet at the sound of Eugan’s furious growl. “She is not seeing anyone.” Alad was quick to answer, the sound of his voice making his intent not to let Eugan through clear. I was grateful for that. Despite all the fierce fighting, I’d realised that my ex mate still affected me the same and that it was only thanks to the remnants of the rush of the battle, it had taken me longer than I thought to return to my usual self. To that girl who would have melted in his presence the moment he’d come close. “Whatever you have to say–” “She will see me damn it!” Eugan’s growl turned possessive in an instant. “She is my–” My breath hitched when Eugan stopped himself. What was he going to say? I held my breath as I wondered, but as I had come to learn of him, disappointment was inevitable. “As Leif’s guest there are some matters that we need to discuss.” He let out a breath audibly, the restraint in his tone oh so clear, making me turn to Liira before those two decided they needed their wolves to settle the matter. “Please inform him that we will speak once the council convenes.” “The council?” Liira’s arched brow voiced all her questions, but I wasn’t about to tell her of my own weak restraint when it came to Eugan. At least the council would provide enough distraction and less opportunities for him to get close. “King Eugan…” For someone who’d wished for my mate to end up on the list of those whose throats I should slice, Liira sounded way too happy once she stepped outside. “I’m afraid the princess is not–” “Is she okay?” “I’m sorry, what?” Liira was just as surprised as I at Eugan’s question, that was dripping with concern. Although the hammering in my chest spoke of more than just surprise. “Don’t lie to me, Liira. I can feel it– her–” He could what?
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