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“You have until Leif to prove your innocence?” My own demand to Eugan, made in the heat of the moment had come to bite me. Where I’d thought I had gotten rid of him and his intense gaze for a time, his request for my audience had come way too soon. We had reached Leif too soon. “Why didn't anyone not think of telling me that we were less than a day’s journey from Leif? Why the hell did Eugan not mention it, either? Was he that confident of Leif’s innocence, perhaps? And what if he couldn’t prove it. Was I really willing to march on Leif? I shifted in my seat, glad to have the privacy of my carriage again. I was anxious. Yet not because of the possibility of a war I did not mean to wage, but because of him. He made me anxious. Him and his all caring self that he’d been towards me since laying my eyes on him again. The very idea of being in his presence made my belly turn too. It did not even matter that the entire council would be present while I met with him. “Not that I’m favoring your mate, but my lady did not give him a chance to even breathe when you laid your blade on his throat.” The only way I could think of to keep those hands off of me in the moment. God knew that after thinking of the way his hands had gone all over my body searching for wounds I did not possess, it had roused my own desire to have them roam my skin for a whole different reason. “He’s not my mate.” My heart fluttered despite what came out of my mouth, making me curse. I needed to keep the damn organ from doing that. Although, as much as I’d already tried it, the thing refused to be tamed. Not when Eugan refused to stop insisting on being my hero. On being the mate he should have been. Why did no one tell me his rejection would mean nothing. Hell, I hadn't even thought of accepting it since I'd laid eyes on him. “And he should have said something.” I huffed. “At which point exactly? Right after you stormed out of the council meeting?” Fled was the more appropriate word and I had been so grateful for his decision not to follow. “Whose side are you on?” I arched a brow at my maid, to which she only grinned. “Yours of course, but–” “But?” My arched brow shot up even higher. “I must say I never thought a day would come when my own maid would betray me–” “Betray you?! Oh my princess–” “Relax yourself, I was merely joking.” “Oh thank the gods.” My maid visibly relaxed at that, but her lips split in an unrepentant grin the next moment. “But don’t you think that, perhaps, his highness regrets his actions, I mean–” “Perhaps it’s time you let Lord Alad know that I will be joining him now.” I was nowhere near ready to join the council, but I cut Rinarii off before her rumblings gave me one more reason to delay my appearance. Not that I hadn’t considered her thoughts myself. “Of course, my lady.” Flashing me her usual knowing look, my maid let herself out of the carriage. The sight of more royal guards through the momentarily open door reminded me to brace myself for another one of Eugan’s outbursts. A light knock on the door got me moving, while my heart hammered in my chest, but that was not what made me consider heading right back into my carriage the moment I stepped out. “What? Now?” Despite how inconvinient I thought it was, I inhaled, lifting my nose in the air searching for the source of that one scent I’d only smelled once. I’d not even realised that I had not picked up Eugan’s scent again until now. “Is something wrong, Princess?” “I–yes, no.” I frowned when just as suddenly as I’d picked it up, Eugan’s scent was gone. “It’s nothing. We should go.” I headed in the direction of the council meeting, my steps quicker than I thought they would be. “Are you sure you are alright? Or is there something in the air? Intruders?” “In the air–” I stopped midstep, Alad’s words making me realise that I’d not stopped searching for Eugan’s scent even as I practically rushed to get to where the king of Leif was. “I–” My heart stopped and started again when Eugan chose that particular moment to appear at the tent’s entrance, the most dazzling smile gracing those lips that had done sinful things to me back in Xatis. “What is he doing?” My heart raced when he took a step in my direction, that smile growing ever so wide and taking my breath away. “Welcome.” He gestured. “Welcome?” What the hell was he doing welcoming me to my own– What the hell? I blinked when he disappeared into the tent without warning. Just like his scent, he was gone as quickly as he’d appeared. His scent… I couldn’t still pick it even when he was in front of me. Why was that? “Argh!” I resumed my walk, albeit furiously. Plagued by annoyance than anxiety, I stepped into the tent, eyes immediately searching for him. Eugan was sitted, oozing a confidence I both loathed and admired. “Princess, we have been waiting for you.” General Misk stood, his action a reminder of how I’d finally gotten the wolf’s and many others’ respect. I waved the shadows away, choosing to live in the now and acknowledging the greeting instead. “Shall we proceed, then. I believe Leif has something to say.” I took my seat, barely ignoring Eugan’s gaze that was heavy on me. "No." No? I stared at Eugan as though he'd lost his damn mind. That little word would seal his people's fate and yet he sat facing me, uttering it with no care in the world? Was this a test? Or perhaps he did not think I was actually capable of waging a war. Against Leif. Against him. He was so right, but there was no way in hell I’d let him think that. “General Misk?” “Yes princess.” “I believe all our arrangements are in place.” “Of course, just as you requested.” An insane request I’d made without thinking. “Then ready the men, we’ll march on Leif at once.” “My princess– we can’t–” “Would you rather Xatis and your king suffer more shame for letting a traitor go scot-free a second time?” I glared at the wolf, even when I understood his reason’s for his protests. “Of course not, my princess.” Battle cries rang out through the entire camp as I stepped out of the tent, ignoring Eugan while at it. He’d shot to his feet at my declaration, but unlike last time, Alad gave him no opportunity to get close. “Get out out of my way red head, do not forget you are standing on Leif’s soil!” “From the way I see it, that won't be for long.” I stopped, waving Alad out of the way. “Unless you have had a change of heart, Lord Eugan.” I hoped he did. However, the gray in those eyes merely darkened at my statement. “This is not how you decide to go to war!” Eugan stepped into me. “Do you prefer seducing your mate first, shatter her world, then destroy her people?” The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could put a reign on them. Wherever I’d intended my actions to lead, it was nowhere near here, but I couldn’t seem to stop. “Don’t you mean seducing your mate while your dear father s.laughters his people?!” “You forced his hand!” “Just like his hand was forced all those years ago?!” If it were possible for Eugan’s gaze to get any darker, it would have with those words and the ones after. “If it is a war you want, Princess, a war you shall have.”
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