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Leif was beautiful. As small a kingdom as it was, it was full of picturesque views, many of which I was yet to explore. Koberic had truly not exaggerated anything at all when he'd spoken of it. The beauty shone everywhere I looked, both inside and outside of Wrenyth, but despite all that, I strangely felt empty. As though I were missing a limb or something and no amount of sleep had helped with that. Everything had began with a desire I'd tried and failed to tame. One that had left me sneaking out of my bed chambers like a thief in the middle of the night and heading to the king's castle. I had to see Eugan. The whole endeavor could have been accomplished by me simply walking out of the doors of Wrenyth, escorted by my guards and requested the presence of the king. But this was not one such visit and so I had resorted to treading the dark grounds of the palace even as I sort to have even a glimpse of my mate. What I'd not expected, however, was to run into Mythos and being recognized by him almost immediately or the unexpected conversation he'd struck with me in the darkness. Unlike with Darla, Mythos and I had shared a more civil relationship and where I generally appreciated his honesty, but whatever spewed out of his mouth in the darkness only left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. "We are royalty, Aryn," he'd said. "Surely you understand that pacts, agreements, contracts are a part of life. What's a mate, when an entire kingdom is at stake?" Mythos' words deepened the bitter taste in my mouth. He'd only been trying to comfort me. To make me see reason just so I would understand what it was Eugan had to do. To make me realize that his decision was by no means anything to do with me. Easy for him to say when it was his wretched sister who got to have everything that was mine. Mine...that word echoed long after I'd thought it as if carried by the waves of my heart. And there stemmed the source of my emptiness. I could not possess what was mine. It did not even matter that Eugan had claimed to have taken his rejection back. "Good morning, child." Liira flowed into my bed chambers, an air of contentment all around her that left me envious of the matriarch. Leif had been good to her, or whatever she'd been up to must have yielded some satisfying results. She was too happy for someone who'd come all this way on my account. "Good morning." I mumbled with way less enthusiasm. "I take it you did not sleep much yet again." "Still getting used to the walls of Wrenyth." I lied, but that was so much better than admitting to the real reason I was not as bright as my great grandmother. I warily eyed the thing responsible, as though it had the power to influence my mind even now. The mere sight of Eugan's cloak threatened to draw me in. It was as if by sorcery, he was able to reach me right through it and occupying every one of my senses. "When will the council be assembling?" "Not today." Liira donned a thoughful expression as she took a seat before me. "And why not?" Dread settled on me at Liira's response. I'd been looking forward to being distracted by the conspiracies and lies that were brought to light in the council meeting. While I struggled with being in the same land as my mate, the council had made progress with the spies that went all over Leif uncovering bits and pieces of whoever was determined to upset the balance of the realm. "There has been nothing to report on Eldoria or any other kingdom for that matter." "Nothing?" Disappointment slapped me in the face. I knew from the last meeting to take place that that would be the case, but I still hoped more information could be unearthed so more council deliberations that would serve as my distraction could be held. "Besides, we have breakfast with the king." "Father is here?" I beamed with a misplaced enthusiasm that made Liira fix a scolding gaze on me. "It is rude to make up excuses whenever such a dignified invitation is extended to you. And may I remind you that those trade routes will not open themselves." "I am not being rude, I did really suffer from a terrible stomach ache." If I could keep from seeing Eugan one more day I would. "Five times in a roll?" "It is not my fault, that his highness does not know how long healing from one takes that he keeps sending invitations." In a matter of hours, those invitations has poured through, with each guard's countenance shrinking every time I declined. "And if he is so intent on having breakfast with me, nothing is keeping him from walking through the doors of Wrenyth and demanding that he be served." I huffed with the annoyance brought on by his refusal to step withing the walls of my temporal home. "And how long do you suppose you can keep hiding from him. From your own heart?" "I am not hiding and what has my heart got to do with anything?" I complained even when I knew exactly what Liira meant. A knock sounded on the bed chamber's doors and the sight of a nervous Rinarii brought me to my feet as I inquired what she'd done now. "What is it Rinarii?" The fancy pottery she held was not something I'd seen yet. "Tea, my lady." "From Koberic?" The older wolf had spent quite a considerable amount of time speaking of the types of teas Leif had to offer, so much that I'd promised to try them all. "From his majesty, delivered by Lord Koberic. it's meant to ease your uh... discomfort. He hopes to see you soon." My heart fluttered at the thoughtfulness. "Does he now?"
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