Meeting the Family

1208 Words
{Cassie’s POV} Waking up for the third time today felt like a dream. When I woke up, my pain had subsided, it wasn’t completely gone, but I was much better than before. The crazy part was for the first time in three years, I wasn’t tired. I carefully sat up, wincing as a short burst of pain shot through my ribs. “Are you okay?” I heard a soft voice ring out. I looked around noticing that Layla was beside me, along with an older woman. They were both staring at me, waiting for me to respond. “Y-Yeah.. I feel better.. it doesn’t hurt as much now.. and I’m not tired.” I said softly, my hand going to my ribs. “That’s incredible! I’m so glad!” Layla sighed, I could tell that she was relieved. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, here, the doctor said you needed plenty of fluids.” The woman said, handing me a bottle of water. “I’m Maggie, Maggie Fields, I’m Layla, Matthew, Mason, and Sammie’s mom. We’re glad to have you here, just sorry that you’ve been hurt, and feeling under the weather.” She said smiling. I slowly took the water, opening it and drinking down half of it. “Thank you..” I said, twisting the cap back on. “I can’t thank your family enough, you all have really helped me. “Think nothing of it, you just stay here and get plenty of rest. The chefs are cooking dinner, and soon it’ll be done. I’m going to go help set up the dining room, I’ll tell the boys you’re awake, they’re so excited to meet you.” She said softly, standing and making her way out of the room, she was elegant with every move she made. I looked to Layla who was still in front of me. “Are you really feeling okay?” She asked, looking over me. “Yes, actually, I feel better now than I have in a long time. I’m not sure what exactly happened, but I feel so much better.” I said, looking at her. “Can I run to the restroom real quick and freshen up?” “Of course, here, I’ll take you to the one on this floor.” She said, standing. I followed behind her as we went down a long hallway and we made our way to a bathroom. Once inside I rinsed off my face and dried it with a towel. I looked in the mirror and couldn’t help but notice how red and swollen my eyes were. The thought that my own father wanted me dead was weighing heavy on my heart. I couldn’t believe that this was the way that things had turned out. Once I finished staring at the mess in the mirror I turned and made my way to the hall. As I walked out the door I ran into what felt like a brick wall. I fell backwards, landing on my butt. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t really paying attention, I should have been watching where I was going..” I rambled on, before noticing a massive hand in front of my face. I looked up slightly, placing my palm in their hand. When I scanned up I saw, easily, the most handsome man I’d ever set my eyes on. He had short black hair, bright blue eyes, and a nicely trimmed stubble. He was probably the tallest person I’d ever met. He helped me up, and I felt sparks where our hands met. He smiled down at me, his large frame towering over mine. “Nice to formally meet you, I’m Matthew, you can call me Matt.” He was charming, and sweet, every gesture seemed to try to make me feel comfortable. “Cassie, but you can call me Cass..” I smiled back awkwardly, realizing that our hands were still interlocked. I slowly pulled away, and he did the same. “Sorry, again, about running into you, I was distracted.” “Don’t worry about it, we all get distracted, plus I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was going either. I was looking for Layla, she was right here, then she took off.” He laughed, his deep voice reverberating in his chest. A blush spread across my face, and embarrassment filled me, as the sound made my stomach tighten. It was a deep, guttural sound, it surprised me. “She had showed me where I could clean up, she must be helping your mother with setting the table.” I said turning and making my way back towards the living room. Matt followed closely behind me, his closeness felt strange, but comforting. “Matthew, where’d mom go? Sammie is driving me nuts!” Another deep voice sounded from behind us. When I turned around I could have sworn I had double vision. A man who looked almost exactly like Matt was coming down a staircase with a young boy crawling on his back. He was taller than Matthew, just slightly, and his body was more muscular. His eyes were the same pale blue, but his black hair was shaved on the sides, and tied in a bun on top. His beard was also a little longer than Matthew’s. The boy on his back began kicking and playing with him when he was in the middle of the staircase. “Sammie, stop squirming!” He yelled, before the little boy slipped and began to fall. I ran as fast as I could, quickly reaching my arms out and catching the boy. I pulled his head to my chest and fell backwards onto the ground, shielding him with my body. As we hit the ground, he looked up at me with these adorable green eyes. “WOW, you’re pretty!” He exclaimed, before standing up quickly. “Are you okay? You should really be more careful, you could get hurt!” I scolded slightly, getting up to my knees, and checking over him for any injuries. “I’m okay, thank you for catching me!” He laughed before taking off down the hallway. I smiled watching him run gleefully away, and stood up dusting myself off. “I’m sorry about him.” The man on the stairs finally made it to the bottom step. “He doesn’t really think about things before he does them.” He said. I turned to him, anger filling my chest. “Apparently you don’t either!” I snapped. “Packing a small child down the stairs like that is dangerous, be more careful next time! Kids are fragile, they get hurt easily!” I finished, turning and making my way down the hallway. The little boy came running back and jumped into my arms. “Mama says you’re staying for dinner! Will you sit next to me?” He asked smiling brightly. I kneeled down next to him. “Of course I will!” I smiled down at him. He grabbed my hand and tugged me down the hallway giggling and talking away. He told me dinner was going to be amazing tonight, and that he’s so glad that I chose to sit next to him.
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