
1392 Words
{Cassie’s POV} Dinner was amazing, they had spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread. It had been so long since I had a home cooked meal, I remember having the same thought this morning, then I ended up sleeping almost all day. I quietly ate my food and made sure not to draw any attention to myself, that was until Sammie finished his dinner and dove into my lap. He laid his head on my chest and smiled up at me. I smiled back, and looked up noticing that his brothers were giving him a strange stare, and he turned and stuck his tongue out at them. Seeing him behaving this way I couldn’t help the giggle that slipped out of me. “Sammie seems to have taken a liking to you.” Layla said, also laughing. “Yes, he doesn’t normally like strangers, but he seems to really like you!” Maggie continued. “Will you tuck me in tonight?” He asked looking up at me, he gave me these adorable puppy dog eyes and my heart melted. “Um.. is that okay?” I asked Maggie, and waited for her response. “Of course, if you are okay with that.” She said smiling. “Alright then buddy, you seem ready for bed, so why don’t we go ahead and get you tucked in.” I smiled down at him, his head laid on my chest and his eyes were fluttering shut. “I’m not..” he yawned, “tired!” I looked over to Layla. “Could you show me where his room is?” I asked, standing up carefully with him in my arms. “Yeah, I’ll help you out!” She smiled standing and walking out into the hallway. I followed her and turned back to everyone in the dinning room. “Thank you all for allowing me to stay for dinner, and last night.” I said softly before turning and following Layla down to the elevator. “You want me to take him?” She asked as we stepped in and the doors closed. His grip around my neck tightened and I chuckled. “I don’t think he’s going to let me go, but it’s fine. I always wished I had siblings growing up, so I don’t mind it.” I smiled at her before turning back to watch the door. “So you’re an only child then?” She asked softly. “Yeah, my mother passed when I was young.. I was the only child her and my father had.” I tried not to sound upset about it, but every time I talked about my mother, my heart ached. “I’m sorry..” she whispered. “Our father died.. it was two years ago.. he was sick. Poor Sammie, he lost his best friend. Dad and him did everything together. Mason.. he took it the hardest though. He’s been all shut up ever since. He rarely comes out anymore, mostly busying himself with meetings. It’s hard to lose a parent.. I’m sorry you had to go through that at such a young age.” “Im sorry, I know how awful is.. mom and I used to bake cookies. She’d cook big meals, but after she died.. I think a piece of my dad died too. I know that I have never been the same.” I replied. The elevator dinged and I followed her to a large room. She opened it up and it looked like a jungle. “How did she die.. your mother?” She asked softly, as she walked to a dresser and got out some blue pajamas with white wolves on them for Sammie.” “I-It was a car accident..” I whispered, the memory coursing through me like it was only yesterday. My mother, father and I were on our way back home from dinner. My dad was driving, my mom in the passenger seat, and seven year old me in the back seat. I was playing with a toy, it was a toy astronaut that my mother had gotten me. I dropped it, and was so upset, I just wanted my toy.. Mother unbuckled and reached back to grab it, she handed it to me and smiled cheerfully. “Now be more careful and don’t drop it again sweetie.” She said, her voice soft and sweet. She turned back around and carefully touched my father’s arm with a smile. Then I heard it, the sound of a truck horn.. and the crunching sound of metal. I shut my eyes tightly and held on firmly to my astronaut toy. The car was spinning, then it finally stopped with a loud crashing sound. “Anna!” I heard my father screaming, when I opened my eyes he was outside of the car frantically running. “Anna, where are you?” He called over and over again. Soon.. he found her body in the ditch, she had flown from the car, and died on impact. He held her and sobbed, I beat on the window trying to get out, but I couldn’t. Tears streamed down my face as I screamed over and over again until I was hoarse. “Mama!” Sirens came closer, the lights of police cars and ambulances pulling up around us. I laid Sammie down in his bed carefully and turned wiping my eyes. Layla helped get him dressed and I pulled Sammie’s blankets up around him. “Cassie, will you stay with me for a few minutes, just until I fall asleep.” He asked, he used the puppy dog eyes on me again and the ice that felt like it had frozen my heart, began chipping away. “Of course Sammie..” I whispered softly and brushed his hair from his face. “Would you like me to read you a book?” I asked, looking at the bookshelf next to his bed. “Yes please!” He said cheerfully. I peeked over and grabbed a book about planets and aliens. Before too long he was out like a light, snoring loudly. I giggled softly and placed the book back on the shelf. I moved his blankets back up, tucking them around him snugly. “Wow.. that’s the fastest anyone’s gotten him to sleep in a while.” I heard Matthew in the doorway, Layla was standing behind him. I smiled and carefully made my way to the door, and turned to look over my shoulder at him. He reminded me of me when I was young. He’s sad, and lonely.. I could feel it in the way that he wanted someone to read to him. “He’s just lonely..” I whispered and turned back to them. They both looked slightly taken aback. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have..” I began but Layla cut me off, touching my arm softly. “No, you’re right.. it’s been hard since dad passed.. he’s been inconsolable. Dad always read him to sleep, and none of us have had the heart to since he passed..” she whimpered. I looked back at Sammie then at them. “Sorry if I overstepped, mom used to read to me. It was my favorite time of night. She had this amazing book, but I can’t remember what it was called.” I said softly. “No, you didn’t overstep, you did a great thing for him, I haven’t seen him this happy in a while. Thank you..” Maggie said, appearing behind them with tears in her eyes. “No problem..” I said quietly. “I should really get going.. it’s been a long day, I need to get back to my apartment and get ready for school in the morning.” “Wait! It’s really late, why don’t you just stay the night, and you can ride with me to the college in the morning?” Layla said. “We have lots of guest rooms that you can stay in, and I can bring the other clothes and pajamas for you that are in my room. “Oh.. um.. are you sure?” I asked nervously. All three of them replied. “Yes!” They said in unison as Layla took my arms and walked me down the hallway to my room for the night.
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