The Antidote

1040 Words
{Cassie’s POV} I woke up with a jump, shooting straight up where I was. I looked down noticing a blanket on top of me, and Layla was beside me holding my hand. “You’re awake, how are you feeling?” She asked, looking over me. “Just tired..” I whispered softly. “Very tired, I need to take my..” I started, but she cut me off. “I was trying to tell you before you went to sleep, that your medicine is poison. We sent it out to be tested and see what we can give you to help with the adverse effects.” She said, clutching my hand tighter. “You’re lucky to be alive..” I pulled my hand away, “No.. I.. that can’t be right. My.. my dad took me to the doctor, they told me I was ill. They put me on that medication to help with my illness..” I said, looking around confused, my heart was racing in my chest. I knew my father hated me, but surely not enough to kill me! My breath became ragged and shallow, my vision blurred with tears. “No.. no.. it’s not possible..” I cried. “Cassie, calm down! It’s okay, I’m here, you need to breathe!” She said, her voice filling with panic. “N-No, my dad.. he wouldn’t try to kill me.. there’s no way.. You’re wrong! You have to be wrong!” I cried, my breathing still frantic, my heart racing and tears streaming down my face. “Cassie.. please.. calm down!” She whimpered, trying to pull me into a hug. I curled up with my knees to my chest as panic and pain flooded my senses. My dad.. he was poisoning me, he hated me so much that he poisoned me just to get rid of me! “What’s wrong?” Came the same beautiful voice from earlier. My mind was racing, I couldn’t focus on anything, anything except the ache in my chest. My body began to shake, and I fell to the floor convulsing. “Cassie!” I could hear Layla screaming beside me. Then once again my world faded to black. {Layla’s POV} Cassie dropped to the ground and began having a seizure, I didn’t know what to do, I frozen in place and my heart was racing. Luckily mama walked in, with Matthew and they were able to get her on her side and keep her steady until the shaking stopped. “I-I don’t know what happened, one minute she was fine. Then I told her that her medicine was poisoned. She started to cry, she said..” I began, but the words got stuck in my throat, I didn’t understand how a man could give his daughter poison. “She said what Layla?” Matthew asked, a slight annoyance, but mostly worry seethed from his words. I swallowed hard and my heart sank. “She said her dad.. took her to the doctor for the medicine..” Mason walked in, looking down to the floor where Cassie was lying on her side. Little bursts of shakes still rocked her body. “Her father fed her that poison?” He asked through gritted teeth. “There’s no way that he wouldn’t have known.. wolfsbane wouldn’t even have an effect on a human..” he said, his jaw clenched tightly. “I know, the doctor is trying to make sure that there isn’t anything else mixed in with the wolfsbane so he can begin giving her the antidote. We just have to wait for him to come back here.. he should be here any minute now. It’s had to been enough time..” Matthew said, brushing the hair out of Cassie’s face. My mom held Cassie’s head in her lap, looking over her frail body. “She’s beautiful boys, and so strong to have lasted this long with that poison coursing through her. She’ll be okay, I’m sure of it.” She said softly. Just then, the doctor came running in with a vial of deep red liquid. “Okay, I found out that within her medication there was wolfsbane, and a hormone suppressant. Whoever put her on this was essentially weakening whatever shifter beast she had within, so that way they could keep her weak. Where her shifter is weak, once she begins to withdrawal from that poison, her body grew weaker because her shifter was trying to heal. That caused the fainting spells, if she drinks this, it should help begin to heal her shifter beast and her. She’ll have some symptoms at first, crippling headaches, nausea, possible vomiting, but once the toxin is completely gone from her system she should begin to heal properly. The only remaining issue is.. I’m not sure what all the hormone suppressant has done to her. Her body may be too weak to carry a shifter beast, and..” he paused, his face twisting with something I couldn’t quite read. “And?” Mason asked, his voice filled with anger and frustration. “She may never be able to carry a child.. if the hormone suppressant has had any effect on her ovaries..” he said sadly. “Okay.. okay.. give me the antidote, I’ll force feed it to her, maybe it’ll help her wake up.” Matthew said from the floor, reaching towards the doctor. The doctor passed him the vial and Matthew pulled her up into his arms. He tilted her chin, and poured the liquid down her throat. Once it was gone, he handed the vial back to the doctor, and carried Cass back to the couch, laying her down and covering her up. I looked to my mother to see her crying silently, it was only then that I noticed that my cheeks were also wet with tears. For a shifter, having a child was everything they could ever ask for. Knowing that there’s a possibility that she may never have that.. it broke something within me. The antidote has to work, it has to help her and her shifter beast heal. If it doesn’t work, if she doesn’t make it.. I don’t think either of my older brothers will ever recover.
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