Breakfast Time

1326 Words
{Cassie’s POV} Once the elevator door opened she helped me walk down the hall, the smell of a big breakfast hit me, and couldn’t help but smile softly. Pancakes, sausage, biscuits, gravy, eggs, and bacon. The smells filled my nose and I pondered for a moment when the last time I had a home cooked meal was. My mother used to cook big meals all the time, but she died when I was young. After she passed.. dad lost his mind. I wanted to help him, but once he began drinking, that’s when everything went downhill. He took his anger and frustrations out on me, oftentimes leaving me worse for wear. My back was littered with the scars he left, once I turned 16 and fell ill, I was put on medications and he decided he couldn’t afford me. He kicked me out, leaving me with nothing but the clothes on my back. I did okay though, got a job, finished school with a high GPA, and got into the college of my dreams. My mind was wandering on the past when I heard Layla speaking. “Hey, are you okay?” She asked, my vision returning to me, as she stood in front of me. “Oh.. I’m sorry I must have spaced out..” A yawn escaped my lips and I began to panic. “No.. I didn’t make it home to get my medicine!” I said frantically. “I can drive you to your house after breakfast.” She replied. “I’m so sorry, but I really have to go get my medicine, if I don’t then I might faint again! I usually never forget it, but it wasn’t in my bag yesterday!” I said turning for the door. Layla ran up to the door and grabbed my bag that was next to it. “Do you mean these?” She asked, pulling out my bottle of medication. I looked at the bottle completely confused. “But.. how? I looked in there yesterday, and it wasn’t there!” “Regina gave it to the professor saying that it fell out of your bag.” She answered handing me the bottle. I sighed, a sigh of relief and of aggravation, Regina probably took them out of my bag to mess with me. Then when I actually got sick, she must have given them to the professor. I opened the bottle and shook one out into my hand. Suddenly Layla’s hand slapped mine, the pill, and the bottle falling to the ground. The pills flew everywhere and I looked at her completely confused. “Why did you do that?” I asked kneeling down and beginning to pick them up. “Those aren’t medicine Cass, they’re poison! If you keep taking those you’ll die!” She shrieked, once again swatting the pills from my hand. “What are you talking about? I’ve been taking them since I turned 16! I’m still alive, and if I don’t take them I..” I began, but as if on cue a wave of dizziness coursed through me. I fell to the side my eyes getting heavy. “Cass!” Layla screamed, running to me and pulling my head up into her lap. “What’s wrong, what’s happening?” She asked frantically. I couldn’t answer her, my body began to give out. My heart beating heavily in my ears was all I could hear. Until a soothing voice sounded from the distance. “What’s going on Layla?” The voice yelled, footsteps sounded as though they were getting closer. “What happened?” Was the last thing I heard before I passed out. {Matthew’s POV} I was coming down for breakfast when I heard Layla and Cassie shouting about something. When I turned the corner Layla was yelling at Cassie, while Cassie was unconscious in her lap. “What’s going on Layla?” I asked running up to them. “What happened?” “She said she needed to take her medicine, so I got it for her from her bag. It’s poison Matt! It’s wolfsbane! I smelled it as soon as she opened the bottle, I smacked it out of her hand, then the next thing I knew she was out cold.” She cried, her arms cradling Cassie whose head was laid in her lap. “Okay, okay, it’s okay, we’ll get this all figured out.” I said softly trying to calm her. I mind linked with the doctor and asked him to come to the pack house. Once he said he was on his way I turned my attention back to Layla. “It’s okay sis, the doctor is on the way, everything’s going to be okay. Let’s get her into the living room on the couch for now.” I said, bending down and scooping my tiny mate out of Layla’s arms. I carried her into the living room and laid her down on the couch carefully. I grabbed a blanket and covered her up, then made sure her head was propped up with a pillow. Layla followed behind me, her eyes never leaving Cassie’s unconscious form. She was worried, she was afraid, and I didn’t blame her. This was a scary scene, watching your mate, even your brother’s mate fall unconscious like this, is scary. I pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. “It’s okay Layla, the doctor is on the way, just calm down.” I said petting her head. She nodded, before walking over and taking a seat in the chair closest to Cassie. Soon the doctor arrived, and began his exam. “What happened before she passed out?” He asked, looking between myself and Layla. “She was trying to take this pill..” Layla answered, handing him the bottle. She had picked up the pills and sealed the bottle before following me in. “She said that she had to take them, that she has been since she was 16.” He opened the bottle and sniffed it, his face twisting in disgust and horror. “This is pure wolfsbane, there’s nothing else in these, just wolfsbane capsules.” He walked over to her and touched her hand softly. I stifled a growl that Chaos began to sound, then listened quietly. “I can’t sense a wolf, or any other kind of shifter.. but she wouldn’t have this reaction unless she was a shifter.” He sighed and pulled back scratching his head. “Let me take these to the hospital, and have them analyzed, just to be certain. Once I’m certain what’s in these, then I may be able to give her an antidote. I just have to make sure that there isn’t anything else in these that could cause a bad reaction to the antidote.” He said, grabbing the bottle and putting it in the pocket of his coat. “I’ll be back as soon as possible, until then, try to let her rest, if she wakes up, have her eat. Make sure she drinks plenty of water to try to flush her system. Her body may have some withdrawal symptoms, shaking, nausea, and abdominal pain. Just keep her comfortable and get her some food and fluids as soon as she gets up.” He gave his instructions before leaving the pack house and heading back to the hospital. Layla was shaking slightly, but I didn’t understand who could have done this to my mate. Who could give her these pills, especially if she’s a shifter. “Who did this to her?” Layla asked softly, scooting the chair closer and holding Cassie’s hand in hers. “Who could do something like this to her?” The questions wasn’t one she wanted answered by me, but one that lingered in both of our minds. I fully intended to find out, and when I did goddess help them!
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