The Next Morning

1192 Words
{Cassie’s POV} Falling asleep was a haze, but the confusion I felt as I woke up in an unfamiliar bed was even more disorienting. I look around noticing Layla asleep in front of me, and as I sit up I suddenly feel dizzy and nauseous. I quickly get up and run to the bathroom vomiting into the toilet. Once I’m done, I take my time standing and flush the toilet. I make my way to the sink and wash my face, along with rinsing my mouth out. A quiet knock comes to the door. “Are you okay?” Layla asked softly. A soft moan is all I could let out, before gripping the sink and standing up straight to look myself in the mirror. “I-I’m fine..” My skin is pale, dark circles are formed around my eyes, blood is caked in my hair and on my face. My shirt is covered in dried blood, and I can’t help but look at the sorry state I’m in, and as I do tears well up in my eyes. The door clicks open and she walks in. “Oh honey, you’re not fine.. let’s get you washed up and change your bandages..” she says before turning on the water and plugging the drain in a huge bathtub. “I-I can wash..” I began but she cut me off. “I have your meds, you need to take them, they’ll help with the pain and nausea. I’m going to help you wash up because I don’t want you to get hurt. You’re still dizzy and sick so I’m going to make sure that you’re okay.” She said in a commanding tone. I nodded, looking down to the ground, a soft wince of pain coming through me. She looked over me with concerned eyes and tried to help me pull my shirt off. Once it was off, shame and fear filled me. “W-Wait! Don’t look..” I whispered softly. I didn’t want her to see the scars on my back. She looks confused and her eyes focus on the mirror behind me, her hands fly to her mouth. “W-What happened to you..” she asked, her voice cracking. “I-It’s nothing.. please.. just don’t look..” I whispered softly, pulling off the rest of my clothes and sliding down into the tub. She kept her eyes focused on the door until I was in the tub then helped me wash off. Making sure she ran shampoo and conditioner through my hair. Then scrubbing my body with a loofa, she had me sit up, and the bruising across my ribs was visible. She gently scrubbed my ribs, and made sure I sat back down comfortably. Once it was time to get out she helped me up and wrapped a towel around me. She said nothing for so long that I was surprised when she spoke. “I love your tattoo’s, both of your arms are completely covered in them, they’re beautiful.” I smiled softly and angled my arms so she could see them better. “My plant sleeve is my favorite!” I showed her my right arm. She walked me out and helped me go into her room. She sat me on the bed and smiled at me, “You’re quite a bit shorter than me, so I had my brothers go buy you some clothes.” She said pulling out some bags. She sat them down on the bed and pulled out some underwear and a pair of black leggings. She pulled out a bra and a flowing maroon shirt next. She helped me get dressed and I winced at the pain in my ribs. Soon I realized it must be from my attack last night. “My brother told me about how you took down those guys in the alley, that’s amazing. After he went to the station and made his statement he said you fell asleep on him. He brought you here and left you here in my room. I thought it’d be best for you not to wake up alone and in an unfamiliar place.” She said finishing dressing me. “Thank you..” I whispered softly and bit down on my finger as she rubbed an alcohol swab on my stitches, my head throbbing still. “Ow!” I gasped as she dabbed on the alcohol carefully. “Sorry, I know it hurts..” she whispered before going back to work. She grabbed a bandage and some gauze and fixed up my head so the stitches were covered. “Alright, good as new.” She said before turning and grabbing some pill bottles and a bottle of water. “Here’s your meds for the pain.” She said handing me the bottle. I opened it and shook out a pill before tossing it back and swallowing it with a gulp of water. “Thanks.. hopefully it’ll kick in soon..” I said softly. I looked around the room, it was cute, pinks and purples littered the room with color. Fluffy stuffed animals cluttered the floor, and her desk. She walked back in front of me pulling my attention back to her. “My brothers would like to meet you.. properly meet you.. would you be okay with that?” She asked, twisting her hands together. “Um.. sure.. you said your brother helped me right?” I asked. “Yeah, he’s the one that found you in the alley.. and he brought you here after the police took both of your statements.” She smiled. “I’ll warn you.. my brothers.. they’re big.. and a little loud, and kinda bad with personal space..” she said laughing softly. “Oh.. okay. I’ll keep that in mind..” I said as my stomach growled. “Sorry..” I laughed. “Let’s get you some breakfast, we can all just eat together. Them eating means less of them talking loudly.” She laughed wrapping her arm under my own and helping me up. She walked me to a vanity and sat me down grabbing a brush and gently brushing out my hair. She pulled out a blow dryer and dried it for me, and tossed it up into a braid down my back. “Thank you, I really appreciate everything you all have done for me.” I said, smiling softly. “No problem, the chefs are nearly done with breakfast so we can go on down now, if you’re ready for that!” She smiled, and cleaned up the vanity putting away her brush and dryer. “Ready when you are!” I smiled back, she helped me up and practically packed me out of her room. She was so careful of the way that she held onto me, and soon we made it down a long hallway and to an elevator. Once we were inside, she helped me stand up better, and I gripped onto her arm. Once the door opened she helped me walk down the hall, the smell of a big breakfast hit me, and couldn’t help but smile softly.
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