Where is She

1048 Words
{Mason’s POV} I waited patiently for Matthew to get home, he took his sweet time, and once he walked into our room covered in dried blood, my body froze. “Where is she Matt?” I asked, a deadly venom dripping through my voice. “She’s safe Mase, she’s in Layla’s room.” He said calmly, walking into our bedroom and closing the door behind him. He made his way to the bathroom and took off his bloody clothes. He hopped into the shower and turned his attention away from me. I huffed and followed him into the bathroom. “Why is she in Layla’s room Matt? I told you I wanted her here, I wanted her home!” I yelled. “She is home! She is here! She’s sleeping in Layla’s room for the night because she hasn’t woken up since she fell asleep at the precinct. I didn’t want her to wake up in the morning and freak out about being in bed with two strangers!” He yelled back. “Just trust that I know what I’m doing Mason! I’m not an i***t, I’m trying to make everything easier for her, while also trying to make sure she stays close to us!” I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. I turned to look in the mirror, Matthew had short black hair, and bright blue eyes, he kept his beard as more of a stubble, and his body was leaner than mine, but still he was big. Then there was Layla, her shoulder length black hair, and bright blue eyes. I was the biggest of my siblings standing at 6’6, and I was more bulky than Matthew. I let my beard grow out a little longer than Matt’s, but still short and well trimmed. My hair was shaved on the sides, and the top was longer, it framed my face when I left it down, most of the time I had it pulled up into a pony tail or a bun. My eyes were the same as theirs, bright blue, like our mother’s. We have a younger sibling too, Samuel, he’s only six. His hair is light brown like our mothers, and he has dark green eyes like our father. “Are you sure she’ll be okay with Layla?” I asked. “Yes, Layla’s really taken a liking to her, she’s already treating her like a sister, and she just wants to make sure that she’s safe and well taken care of.” He said, stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist. “We’ll talk to Cassie in the morning, and tell her everything. We’ll just have to hope that she believes us, and go from there.” “Fine, but you better be right about this! The last thing we need is for Layla to scare her away!” I growled. “If anyone will scare her away, it’ll be you with that grouchy look you always have plastered onto your face!” He smirked, while grabbing boxers and sweatpants and getting dressed. “Maybe just try to smile.” “I’ll smile.. of course I’ll smile.. Havoc hasn’t stopped talking about her since you sent her image to us. She’s beautiful.. also, how did she take out those guys?” I asked, wondering how someone so small could manage that. “You should have seen her Mase! She was leaping over them, throwing punches, kicking, and using force to get one of them into a head lock. I’ve never seen anything like it! She was amazing! Hang on, I’ll show you!” He said, opening up our mind link and showing me the memory of her fighting against them. I growled seeing those men touching our mate, my heart lurched as I saw one of them unbuckling her pants. Then she fought them off, one of them slammed against the wall as she jumped over him, and she flipped the other one over her head and threw him to the ground, placing him in a head lock. Matt was right, she is amazing. Small, but strong, and fast, she ran circles around them. A deep groan let out from the back of my head, then a satisfied chuckle. “Mate is strong, she’ll be good for us Mason.” Havoc said in my head. “She’s perfect for us.” I corrected him, looking over her face, it was filled with fear, but when she took control of the situation you could see that she was in charge, and she was going to make sure they didn’t get away. “Mate is still hurt.. we can heal her..” Havoc said, stirring in my mind once again. “I know Havoc, but we need to listen to Matt right now. He’s right, as much as it pains me to say that, he is. She doesn’t know anything about shifters, and she doesn’t understand what’s happening. I’m not even sure she would understand or feel the mate bond. I hope so, but I agree that she should rest for now, and we’ll talk with her in the morning. Our mate is strong, she’ll be okay, even if she is hurt, she’ll get better I’m sure of it.” I said, he began to calm down and curled up in my mind. “She’ll be okay Mase, she’s tough, we’ll fix her up as soon as possible, we’ll even let Doc Evan’s look her over tomorrow. She’s smart, strong, and beautiful, she’ll be fine and we’ll be able to see her and really talk with her tomorrow.” Matthew said, pulling me out of my own head. “I’m only going to say this once, so listen, and listen good. You’re right, she’ll be better off with Layla tonight, and we can do all of those things in the morning. Me, myself, I’m ready for bed, today was miserable, but I’m actually hopeful that tomorrow will be better.” I smiled, looking over to my brother. “Now let’s get some sleep, we have a mate to care for tomorrow!” I jumped into bed and got comfortable, pulling up the image of her asleep on Matt’s shoulder, I slowly fell asleep, blissfully looking at my beautiful mate.
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