In the Garden

1032 Words
{Cassie’s POV} I nodded, then he pulled away softly, the sudden movement making me gasp and flinch. I closed my eyes tightly and turned to leave, quickly trying to run. He grabbed my wrist, sending sparks through it again, he pulled me back gently, but both of us lost our footing as I fell onto his hard stomach, my legs between his much larger ones. I looked up at him, as my hair fell around my face. His face was tinted red, and he looked worried. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to..” he began but I cut him off. “I-I’m okay.. sorry I.. are you okay? You fell onto your back pretty hard.” I said, looking into his eyes. My heart was pounding in my chest, this position was revealing myself to him. My robe had opened, revealing my breasts in the deep v-necked shirt. My chest was against his stomach, and my hands were on his chest. My legs were shut tightly between his legs, and I couldn’t help but look over the position we were in. His words pulled me out of my thoughts. “I’m okay.. it would take a lot more than that to hurt me.” He laughed heartily, causing me to bounce slightly on his stomach. He reached down, grabbing a lock of my hair and pulling it towards his face, examining it. “You’ll be sick, your hair is still wet. Let’s get you inside, you can warm up by the fireplace and I’ll make you some hot coco.” He smiled. My heart was beating so loud I could hear it in my ears. I nodded, pushing myself up on his stomach, and sitting up straight between his legs. He sat up, and his face was a mere few inches from mine. His face looked masculine, but under the moonlight his features looked softer, almost kinder. I breathed in and out, panting as the closeness lit up a fire in my stomach. He made no movement, just stillness right in front of me. I could feel his hot breath against my face, and my stomach once again fired up. “We.. we should go inside..” I whispered softly, placing my hand on his broad shoulder. “Yeah..” he said, his voice almost a low growl. “Well, don’t you two look comfy?” A voice sounded from behind us. I turned to see Matthew leaning against the large tree, a wide smile spread across his lips. “We tripped genius, how about a little help, instead of a snarky remark?” Mason said, a slight chuckle in his voice. Matt walked up behind me and grabbed my waist lifting me carefully. Once again I felt the sparks where his hands touched my skin. I gasped, then he put me down on my feet. I carefully tucked the robe back around me, and looked down to Mason. “Are you sure you’re okay? You hit your back awfully hard..” I asked, looking over him. He jumped up and smiled down at me, I had almost forgotten how huge they were. “I’m fine, like I said, it’d take a lot more than a little fall to hurt me.” “If you’re sure.. I should go to bed, it’s already late.” I said smiling at the both of them. I noticed the blanket on the ground and picked it up, throwing back around Mason’s shoulders. “Just make sure to keep warm.” I looked over to Matthew who was standing there in a short sleeve shirt and took off the robe I was wearing, tossing it around his broad shoulders. “You too.. can’t have the two of you getting sick.” I smiled, and turned making my way to the back door. “Goodnight.” I said, entering the home and closing the door behind me. I quickly made my way up to my room, my face burning and my heart beating out of my chest. Being around those two for too long was dangerous. They were both so gorgeous and I didn’t know how to handle myself. I locked my door behind me and walked into my bathroom. I washed my hands and my face before looking up in the mirror. My hair was messy, the wind must have blown it around wildly. I grabbed the brush, brushing it once more and braiding it down my back. Once it was all tidy I walked back into the bedroom and laid down. The bed was huge, and there were so many pillows and blankets. I snuggled in, piling the pillows around me, and covered up. Soon, I was drifting off into sleep, with only the sound of the wind, and pile of pillows to keep me company. I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and people talking in the hallway. The sun was shining brightly through the bay window, but I didn’t want to get up. I snuggled back under the covers, and closed my eyes once again. A knock came to my door. “Cass? It’s Layla, I don’t know how long it takes for you to get ready, but this is about when I do.” She whispered. I looked over at the clock in the room and saw that it was 8:30. As I looked around the room my head throbbed. “O-Okay..” I said softly, before getting back under the covers and falling back asleep. Soon I heard another knock, and people talking outside my door. “I haven’t been able to get her to answer, I’ve been trying for almost an hour, I don’t know where the key is.” A frantic Layla said, I heard the door handle jiggle. “It’s okay Layla, Mason’s on his way with the key.” I heard Matt out there too. I carefully raised myself up, but fell back down into the pile of pillows, sinking down into the middle of them all. My head was throbbing, and I felt nauseous. As I sunk back down under the covers I closed my eyes and drifted back off to sleep.
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