Side Effects

1192 Words
(Mason’s POV} I was jolted awake by Layla slamming into our room and crying. “I can’t get Cassie to answer me! She was awake earlier, but I’ve called out to her and knocked and she just won’t answer. I’m worried..” she cried frantically. I jumped up immediately running to our office, it’s on the second floor, right now we’re on the fourth. I bolted down the stairs and when I made it back to our bedroom floor Matthew and Layla were outside Cassie’s room knocking and calling out to her. I pushed in front of them and unlocked the door quickly making my way into her room. I looked around finally noticing all of the pillows piled on the bed. Matt and I ran straight to the pillows only to find Cassie sleeping in the middle of them. Her face was scrunched up, and she looked slightly green. “Get a trash can Matt.” I said, pulling back the blankets. I looked over my tiny mate, her large breasts were snugly tucked in the pajama shirt we bought her. I’ll admit, when I saw her in it last night I was sure then that I’d never seen anything as beautiful as her. Matt came back with a trash can and looked at me with a worried look. “What’s going on?” He asked. “I think it’s the side effects from that antidote, she’s beginning to feel sick. She looks like she’s going to puke, her skin is kind of green, and her face is all scrunched up.” I said, leaning down and wrapping my arms around her waist. I quickly pulled her to my chest and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Cassie..” I whispered softly, trying to nudge her awake. “Nnn..” she groaned softly. “Cassie, you need to wake up..” I said, my voice trying to stay low and soft. “M-My head..” she whimpered, her hand slowly moving up to grip her head, the other cradling her stomach. “Her pills are in her bag, the ones for pain and nausea..” Layla said making her way across the room and going through Cassie’s bag. She finally pulled out two pill bottles and handed them to Matt. He opened the bottles and handed me two pills, and a bottle of water. I popped the pills in her mouth and poured the water in. She gulped it down and groaned. “I-I’m sorry.. it’s just my head.. it’s making me nauseous..” “It’s okay Cassie, we understand, the doctor said you’d have some side effects to the medicine he gave you yesterday, this is part of that. You can sleep as long as you want, we’ll bring you something to eat, and I’ll call the doctor to make sure you’re okay.” I smiled down at her. Her tiny body shivered against me and I couldn’t help but admire how gorgeous she is. Even with her eyes closed, and her hair messy, she’s incredibly beautiful. As much as I’d love to sit here with her against my chest, I needed to get a hold of the doctor and get her some food, maybe it’ll help her feel better. I stood up, cradling her in my arms and carefully laying her back down in her nest of pillows. I covered her back up gently, and turned waving for Matt and Layla to follow me. Once we got into the hallways I linked with the pack doctor and told him what was going on. He said he’d come check on her, but what we did should help. She just needs rest and plenty of fluids, and some food. I made my way to our room and threw her bedroom key into our nightstand drawer, that way we had it close by. I sat down on our bed and sighed heavily, Layla and Matt coming in behind me. “I don’t want to keep her here.. not against her will, and I know she wants to leave.. but she’s sick, and still recovering from a lifetime of poisoning. So what do we do?” I asked them both, leaning back and crossing my arms. “I don’t know Mason.. that’s not really a decision that we can make for her.” Matt said, also crossing his arms and leaning back against the door frame. That left Layla, she was always the smartest out of all of us. She sighed then rubbed her temples. “Okay.. the only thing that I can think of is getting the doctor to say that she needs to stay at the hospital, or here in our medical wing. That way she can receive the care she needs, and she won’t be leaving to go back to her apartment alone.” She said, turning to look between the two of us. “That’s the only thing that I can think of so don’t expect any other great ideas from me!” She shouted, pointing at both of us and sending us a warning glare. “I like having her here, I’ve always wanted a sister, so maybe just get the doctor to say that she’s worse off than we thought, and she needs to stay here to be monitored. She should listen to the doctor, and hopefully, stay put.” She smiled. “That being said, I’ll go to the college and get her homework, and see about setting up online classes for both of us for the foreseeable future.” With that, Layla turned on her heel and made her way out of our room and down the hallway. “That should work, for now at least. I’ll make sure to speak with the doctor before he goes to look over Cassie. For now maybe we should get to work on making sure that her suite is set up with some medical equipment. I’ll have someone bring some stuff up from the medical wing, and some nurses to help set it up.” I said, turning and linking with the doctor. I told him the plan, and told him that we’d have some equipment brought up from the medical wing. Soon all of the medical equipment, and the doctor were all here. They got her hooked up to a heart monitor, and the doctor performed a check up. As the doctor walked out, he stopped in front of us. “Alpha’s, she is dehydrated, and malnourished, I’m having some saline bags brought in, and some vitamins for her to take daily. She still needs a lot of rest, just make sure she eats when she gets up again. She was only awake for a little bit, and the whole time I was in there she was gripping her head and trying to go back to sleep. I told her that she’ll have to stay here so I can monitor her, and that I’d let her know when it’s okay for her to leave.” He smiled, shook our hands, then made his way to the elevator, leaving our floor, and the pack house.
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