Doctors Orders

1152 Words
{Cassie’s POV} I woke up once again, with my head pounding, the sound of a door creaking rang in my ears. I looked up, seeing Matt and Mason coming into the room. I sat up slowly, and carefully, looking at the two of them. “Hi.. sorry.. my head..” I started, but Matt cut me off. “Don’t apologize, it’s all okay, the doctor told us what’s going on, and that he wants you to stay here and be monitored. We had this medical equipment brought up to your room, that way we didn’t have to try to move you again when you’re already comfortable in here.” He smiled, and it was contagious. I smiled softly. “I-I don’t know what to say.. thank you.. thank you all so much. It’s been.. it’s been so long since someone cared about me this much. Thank you all..” I whispered softly. “No problem, we love having you here. Layla feels like she has a sister, and Sammie has come out of his shell. We have more to thank you for, and we’re very appreciative of you.” Matt said, sitting down next to me and placing his hand on mine. I felt the sparks on our hands again and gasped, looking down at our hands. “Also, Layla is grabbing your homework and setting up online schooling for both of you for awhile. Is there anything you’d want from your apartment? Matt and I can go pick it up, or we can send Layla if you’re more comfortable with that.” Mason said, leaning in the doorway. “If you don’t care I have some things I need from home.” I said quietly. “My laptop, some of my clothes and stuff like that. I also have a journal under my mattress with a closed envelope. If you think that Layla could go grab that stuff then that would be great..” I softly and carefully spoke. “Yeah, I’ll go call her now and I’ll go meet her at your place. I’ll let her get your clothes and that kind of stuff and I’ll get the items under your mattress. Can I have your key and address so I could go meet her?” Matt said, standing up and looking down at me. “Of course, my purse over there, my id and keys are inside. My id has my address on it, it’s not far from the school.” I smiled, pointing to my purse. Just then a wave of dizziness swept through me, and my head throbbed. I sat forward gripping my head, and groaned. “Um.. there’s a duffle bag in my closet for my clothes. My laptop is on my desk in my room, and if it isn’t too much trouble.. there is a plush toy astronaut on my desk as well. Could you bring it back with you, and please be careful with it.” I asked looking up to him. “Of course!” He smiled, grabbing my id and keys. “If you think of anything else just tell Mason, I’ll call him before we leave your apartment.” Matt said, turning and making his way out of the room. A nurse came in with an iv pole, a bag of saline hanging from it. She had a cart with needles, and such in it. “I need you get this iv started, and get you hydrated.” She said sweetly, setting everything up and pulling out the needle from its bag. She poked me quickly, and hooked up the bag and tube to my iv. “Let me know if you need anything!” She said sweetly, turning and leaving the room. “Thank you.” I said softly, watching her leave the room. I sat back carefully, my head pounding once again. “Oh no you don’t.” Mason said, plopping down on the bed beside me. “You need to eat before you go back to sleep. I’m going to go make you some lunch, anything sound good?” “You don’t have to make anything, that’s too much trouble “ I said, placing my hand on his much larger one. “I’m fine, just really tired..” “I know you’re fine, you’re tough, I can tell. That doesn’t mean that you should ignore doctor’s orders. He told us to make sure you eat, so! What would you like to eat? I know how to cook just about anything, so ask away!” He smiled brightly. I looked down, not really sure what to ask for, what’s easy to make.. “I’m not sure.. I don’t know what sounds good..” I weakly smiled back. “I can make some vegetable soup, or potato, if you’re worried about your stomach. I can make you a homemade burger and fries, or some seared chicken. Really, anything you can think of.” He answered. “Mmmm.. veggie soup.. I haven’t had that since I was little. I haven’t really gotten into cooking since I moved away from father’s house.” I looked down at my hands, one still on top of his, sparks shooting between us. It felt nice, comforting, and sweet. “Thank you.. for being so kind to me, it’s been a while since I’ve had someone care for me like this. My mom.. she was so kind, so fair, and amazing.. when she..” I paused taking in a breath. “When she passed, she took all the joy my father and I had with her.” I looked up, his eyes were focused on mine, he was unmoving, unblinking. “I.. I’m sorry, I know how that feels. You never really move past it, sometimes it just hits you that you’ll never see them again.” I nodded, and gripped his hand in mine. “The thing that helped me was knowing that I’d meet people who would bring me joy again. Now I have, your family and your kindness, you guys have brought me joy. You’re all so caring, and seeing a family so close, it’s nice. Thank you, for taking care of me, do you think.. that maybe I could come help you with the soup? Maybe you can teach me how to make it..” I said, looking back from our conjoined hands, to his beautiful blue eyes. “I’ll call the doctor, but I don’t see why not. You’ll have to take your iv pole with you, and keep it in until that bag is empty.” He said, pointing at the bag of saline that hung from the pole, and led to the port in my arm. I nodded, smiling up at him. His face went red. “I’ll go give him a call then.” He said as he got up and made his way out of the room.
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