
1186 Words
[Trigger Warning! This episode contains references to abuse!] {Cassie’s POV} I sat on the kitchen counter, my iv pole next to me as I helped Mason cut vegetables. I carefully diced up carrots, potatoes, onions, and some tomato. I threw them in the pot while he cooked some ground beef. Once he dumped that in, I poured in macaroni, and tomato juice. We put the lid on the pot and let it cook. I smiled as he turned and began washing some of the dishes. “I can help with that you know!” I said, carefully sliding off the tall counter. He had to help me get up here, but I was sure I could get back down myself. “You don’t have to help! You helped me cook!” He said, laughing as he washed up one of the knives. I walked over, and looked down into the sink, there was a small pile of dishes. I hip bumped him, and he laughed, finally moving over. “I’ll wash, you dry.” I smiled up at him. “Fine, but only because I know where everything goes when it’s time to put it up!” He chuckled, grabbing a kitchen towel and beginning to dry and put up the dishes. “Do you normally like doing dishes?” He asked, as he opened a cabinet door and began putting away some cups. “Not especially, but my father wouldn’t step foot in the kitchen after my mom passed.. so it was all left to me. Cooking, cleaning, I got so used to doing it that now when I’m not helping I just feel bad. Doing everything yourself sucks, it’s much more fun to have someone to help you!” I smiled, looking up at him. I pulled my hands up and made an o with them, and blew a bubble. He chuckled and popped it. “Sorry to burst your bubble, no pun intended, but no matter how many people help cook and clean, it’s still exhausting!” “Exhausting as it may be, thank you for doing this for me, and for letting me help. I haven’t made a good home cooked meal in so long. Father made me cook, but it was mostly tv dinners, or pasta. Stuff that was basically premade.” I began scrubbing dishes again and quickly finished the last few. He yawned, and turned putting up the dishes. “Sorry if I’m bothering you, you seem worn out..” I said, watching him put up the last of the dishes. “You aren’t bothering me, I just didn’t sleep well last night. Matt snores, and he snores loudly, plus we were all a little worried when we couldn’t get you to answer this morning.” He walked past me and grabbed a large spoon. He opened the lid on the pot and stirred the soup well. “Sorry to have worried you.. I’m feeling much better now though. I’m glad you let me come help you, I feel like I’m finally awake after sleeping for a while. I’m finally not tired, and I’ve been exhausted for years. You guys are amazing for helping me, and I’m very grateful for everything. I promise I’ll get out of your hair as soon as the doctor tells me I can.” I said, walking to the fridge and grabbing a water. I grabbed another, and handed it to Mason. “No worries, you can stay as long as you like, we have plenty of room, and we all love having you here. If you ever want to come back to hang out, or stay a few nights, or even move in, you’re more than welcome. Layla loves having a sister figure, and Sammie is obsessed with you!” He smiled, taking the bottle and opening it. He quickly gulped down half the bottle before closing the lid back onto it and setting it down. “Stay? Or even move in? Are you really sure about that? That’s a longer commitment than just staying until I’m healthy again.” I answered him, looking at him in shock. “If you wanted to live here, we’d move you into the room you have now. Anything you wanted brought from your place, would be brought over. Like I said, everyone loves having you around.” He smiled down at me. “Everyone?” I asked, teasingly, staring up into his bright blue eyes. “Everyone!” He smirked, leaning down over me. He placed his hands on both sides of the counter around me. “Especially me! I don’t normally have someone who comes outside in the middle of the night to make sure I’m warm and happy!” I blushed, trying to sink down into myself. “I-I was just being n-nice..” I stuttered out. “T-That’s all..” “Well, you are nice, and thoughtful, and sweet, for that I thank you.” He smiled his contagious smile, and leaned back crossing his large arms across his broad chest. “I..well.. no problem..” I blushed, and brushed some loose hair behind my ear. I turned around and took the lid off, stirring the soup. I placed the lid back down and felt Mason’s breath on my neck. “Looks like it’ll need to cook for a while, wanna go watch a movie?” He asked, his breath cold on my neck. I gasped softly and turned around quickly to face him. “A movie? What kind?” He backed up away from me. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get in your space, just wanted to check the soup. You can go on in the living room and check out the tv, any movie you could ever watch should be on there.” He said, a concerned look on his face, which softened into a genuine smile. “Oh.. that sounds nice.” I said, turning towards the living room. “You sure any movie is fine?” I asked, stopping in the doorway and turning to face him. “Yeah, anything you decide, I’ll be in there in just a minute.” He answered, rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded, and made my way into the living room. I sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote turning on the tv. I scrolled through until I found a movie about a girl who was cursed at birth to do whatever she was told. I was enthralled and didn’t even notice that Mason had come and sat beside me. As I watched her being forced to cook and clean, it reminded me of my childhood. I sighed, leaning back on the couch. I pulled my knees to my chest and picked up the remote changing it to something else. This movie was about a young boy, but he was forced to live in a cubby hold under the stairs. It reminded me of the closet that my father threw me in. He’d lock me in there for days, and my heart began to beat faster and faster.
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