A Movie

1094 Words
[Trigger warning! This episode contains references of abuse!] {Cassie’s POV} I nodded, and made my way into the living room. I sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote turning on the tv. I scrolled through until I found a movie about a girl who was cursed at birth to do whatever she was told. I was enthralled and didn’t even notice that Mason had come and sat beside me. As I watched her being forced to cook and clean, it reminded me of my childhood. I sighed, leaning back on the couch. I pulled my knees to my chest and picked up the remote changing it to something else. This movie was about a young boy, but he was forced to live in a cubby hold under the stairs. It reminded me of the closet that my father threw me in. He’d lock me in there for days, and my heart began to beat faster and faster. I flipped the channel again and this time a vicious fight scene filtered through the tv. I watched as these people fought and died, their fighting reminded me of when my father would beat me. I knew he wanted to hurt me, but I didn’t realize he wanted me dead. He had so many times that he could have just done it.. gotten me out of the way, but he didn’t. He let me live so he could poison me, and I could die slowly and painfully. I felt an arm carefully go over my shoulder and I was pulled into a rock hard chest. I tilted my head down, tears pouring down my face. I didn’t want him to see me like this.. he had been so kind.. but I didn’t want to bother him for anything else. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, he began rubbing my back as I cried into his ribs. “It’s okay, whatever’s wrong, you don’t have to tell me, but I’m here if you want to talk about it..” he whispered, continuing to rub my back gently. I carefully sat up, and kept my face turned away from his. “C-Can we find a happy movie, one that’s just fun.. nothing mean or violent?” I asked, not wanting to make eye contact. “Yeah, I’ll try to find something.” He said before flipping through the channels. It came to a funny movie, about a group of friends who did a lot of stupid things with their families. I sat back, pulling my knees to my chest once again and watched the screen, not daring to look at Mason. He got up to stir the pot throughout the movie, and once it was over I stood up, stretching. I heard what sounded like a growl come from behind me. I turned to see Mason in the doorway. “Are you okay?” I asked, looking at him confused. “What happened to your back?” He asked in a low voice. I froze, my skin paling, and my stomach churning. “I-It.. nothing happened..” I turned to face him, moving my back from his view. “I saw scars on your lower back..” he said, his eyes trailing up and meeting mine. Tears were falling down my face, and once again I was crying in front of him. “What happened to your back Cassie?” He asked again, this time moving towards me. I backed up, keeping my eyes on him as he closed in on me. My back hit the wall and I felt as though it couldn’t breath. Flashbacks of me trying to escape my father’s wrath flooded my vision as he placed his hand on the wall beside my head. I dropped to the ground and tried crawling away, the iv in my arm getting tugged as I did and I hissed at the pain. “No..” I cried. “Wait Cass.. what are you doing? You’re going to hurt yourself!” He picked me up in his arms and held me bridal style. “No! Please! Don’t hurt me! I’m sorry!” I cried, pulling my hands up in front of my face, and flailing around. “Cassie, I’m not.. I would never hurt you..” he said, his voice sounding broken. He sat me down on the couch and sat down on his knees in front of me. He pulled my face into his large hands and forced me to look at him. “Cassie, it’s me! It’s me, Mason!” He said, pulling my attention out of my flashbacks and back to his beautiful blue eyes, they were fixated on me, worry spread across his face. I jumped into his arms, burying my face in his chest. “Mason..” I breathed a sigh of relief, I gripped onto his shirt as if I let go he would disappear. “It’s okay, I’m here..” he said softly, petting my hair. “It’s just me, I’m here..” he sighed, I felt him rest his cheek on my head. “I..I’m sorry Mason.. I don’t know what.. it was like I was.. I felt like I wasn’t here..” I cried into his chest, he was probably more confused now than ever, but I’ve never spoken about what my father had done. “What happened Cass? Who did that to you? You can trust me, I can handle it.” He asked, his hand still playing with my hair. I shook my head. “No.. no.. I can’t.. I..” I cried in his chest. “Tell me Cassie.. Matt and I will handle everything else.” He said, he pulled me tighter to his chest. “You can trust us!” I’m not sure why, but I believed him, something in me told me that I could trust them. I could trust all of them. “I-It was my.. my.. father..” I sobbed into his chest. “YOUR FATHER?” He yelled angrily, he sat back and pulled me back to look me in my eye. “Can you show me?” He asked, his eyes keeping focus on mine. I nodded. “Can we go to my room though.. I don’t want anyone else seeing..” I said quietly, I looked up at my iv bag and noticed it was nearly done. I pulled the iv out, and grabbed a napkin pressing it to the bend of my arm. I then grabbed the bar pulling it to the elevator with us.
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