Cassianna Olivia

1156 Words
{Cassie’s POV} “Cass?” I heard a soft voice, and a gentle shake as I slept in my bed. “Cassie.. it’s time for dinner.” The voice said again, I groggily opened my eyes, groaning as I sat up. I looked over seeing Maggie sitting on the bed beside me. “Oh, hello.. sorry I thought Layla was going to come wake me up, I wasn’t expecting to see you.” I smiled at her, suddenly I felt a small body crash into mine and as I looked down a huge smile spread across my face. “I missed you today Cassie!” Sammie said sweetly, grinning from ear to ear. He hugged me tightly and nuzzled into my stomach. “You smell like Mason!” He giggled. I looked down realizing I was still in his shirt. “He gave me this shirt to wear earlier!” I said, looking between Maggie and Sammie. Maggie winked at me, and turned getting up. “My Mason can be a kind soul, it seems you may have brought that side of him back out. You really are a miracle worker Cassie.” She smiled at me. I stood up and stretched as Sammie ran after his mother. I followed them down the hallway and we rode down the elevator together. As we made it down to the first floor and the elevator opened I saw Mason, Matt, and Layla all waiting in the hallway. “There you are, I forgot to give this back to you earlier!” Matt said handing me back my id. Sammie quickly grabbed it and looked over it. “WOW, your picture is pretty! Isn’t your name Cassie?” He asked, scrunching his nose. “Well, Cassie is the short version of my name. Cassianna (Cass-ee-au-nna) is my full name.” I said smiling down at him. He nodded and handed me back the card. “Your middle name is Olivia?” He asked as he started walking down the hallway. I followed behind him. “Yes, Cassianna Olivia Hart, what’s your middle name?” I asked. “James..” he said, before turning to look at me. “It was my dad’s middle name too..” he said, his voice a little less chipper. I walked closer and picked him up, twirling him around. He was in a fit of giggles as we twirled. “Well James suits you! It’s a very sophisticated name!” I said before setting him back down. “I asked your brother to bring me back some of my things from my apartment today, that included a book, it was one of my favorite stories when I was little. Would you like me to read it to you?” I asked, as we made our way to the dining room. “Will you?” He asked eagerly. “Of course! I’ll even show you my prized possession!” I smiled, and sat down next to him at the dinner table. We quickly finished our dinner and soon Sammie was yawning and leaning against my arm. “Well, I think you may be getting tired Sammie.” I turned poking the tip of his nose gently. “I’m not even tired!” He protested, trying to keep his eyes open as he yawned again. “Of course not, but I was going to read you the story, and show you my prized possession..” I trailed off looking down at his little face. He jumped up out of his chair and yelled. “What are you waiting for? Let’s go!” He pulled on my arm and I couldn’t help but laugh. Everyone else joined in giggling at him. “Alright, alright, you go on up and get in your pajamas. Make sure you brush your teeth!” I said messing up his hair. “Okay, I will!” He shouted before taking off in a sprint up the stairs. I looked over at the dishes in front of me, and gathered up mine and Sammie’s dirty dishes. “You don’t have to do that!” Maggie said in protest. “I know, but I’d really like to help out. You all have been so kind to me, letting me stay here, this is the least I could do!” I smiled, as I grabbed up the dishes and took them into the kitchen. I placed them in the sink and began cleaning them. Soon Matt and Mason brought in the rest of the dishes and sat them on the counter. I scrubbed away at dishes until Mason placed a hand on my shoulder. “Alright, let me and Matt finish the rest! You’ve got a very eager kid waiting for a story upstairs.” He said, a chuckle reverberating in his chest. “Are you sure? I don’t mind finishing them up!” I smiled, looking up at him. I couldn’t understand why, but I felt so drawn to him and Matthew, to their whole family, but especially them. They made my heart flutter in my chest, and seeing them everyday has begun to make me care for them more. They’re both so caring, and kind, I want to get to know them more, but I’m terrified to voice anything out loud. Mason.. he invited me to move in here.. it was a shock to say the least. Yet, with each passing moment I find myself more willing to say yes to that request. I was lost in thought when Matthew spoke up. “We’re sure, we’re no strangers to dishes! Trust me, we can handle it!” I sighed, washing and drying my hands. I looked down at myself, I was still in Mason’s oversized shirt, and my pajama pants. “Mason! I need to give you your shirt back!” I said, trailing my gaze back up to him. “Keep it. It looks better on you, and it’s comfortable.” He said, smiling down at me. “Now go on up, Sammie is waiting for you.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead, and I blushed a bright red. “Thank you for being so good to him, and don’t worry I’ll make sure to find a bunch of movies without any violent triggers that we can all watch.” I smiled up at him, my face burning. “Sounds great..” I said softly, before turning and running to the elevator. When the door closed I couldn’t help but stare at my reflection. My face was red, my hair a mess, and I was in the world’s baggiest shirt. I reached my hand up and grazed my forehead where he kissed me. Once the door opened I quickly bolted to my room and closed the door behind me. I brushed my hair and teeth quickly and got my book and my stuffed astronaut toy and headed to Sammie’s room.
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