Prized Possession

1326 Words
[Trigger warning! This episode contains references of abuse!] {Cassie’s POV} When the door closed I couldn’t help but stare at my reflection. My face was red, my hair a mess, and I was in the world’s baggiest shirt. I reached my hand up and grazed my forehead where he kissed me. Once the door opened I quickly bolted to my room and closed the door behind me. I brushed my hair and teeth quickly and got my book and my stuffed astronaut toy and headed to Sammie’s room. Sammie was already snuggled in bed when I walked in. He turned and smiled at me brightly. “Cassie!” He shouted gleefully. “Hey there Sammie, you ready for one of my favorite books from when I was little?” I asked, smiling and sitting on the bed beside him. He nodded and scooted closer to me, laying his head on my shoulder. “Now this.. this is my prized possession, my mother gave him to me when I was just a baby. I named him Astro once I could speak, and I’ve had him ever since. He goes along with this story, so I brought him in here to listen too!” I smiled at him. He grinned from ear to ear and pulled out a stuffed rabbit from under his blankets. “This is Robbie Rabbit! Daddy gave him to me, and I love him so much. Robbie.. he still smells like daddy, and he helps me sleep at night.” He pulled Robbie close to him, and snuggled up on my arm. “Well I think the two of you are both ready for bed, aren’t you?” I smiled. “Let’s begin.” I said opening the story, I began reading to him about a space pirate that adventured through time and space. He helped solve big problems, and always saved the day. I began to yawn somewhere along the way, and with Astro and Sammie snuggled in one of my arms, and the book in my other hand, Sammie and I both fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of giggling and chatter. I kept my eyes closed as I laid comfortably in bed. “She fell asleep reading to Sammie, they look so adorable!” I could hear Maggie’s voice saying sweetly. “They really do!” Matt chimed in. I heard a soft, and sad sigh, before Maggie began to speak again. “She would make a wonderful mother. Has the doctor said anything else about the poison, and what it did to her?” Mason let out a sad grumble. “No.. the last we heard was that she may never be able to have children. The doctor is still waiting for those results. He said it’d be easier to know, once she recovers more..” I.. I can’t have children? A whimper left my mouth before I could stop it. “Cassie? Are you awake?” Matt asked, I could hear the bedroom door creaking open. I laid still, and slowed my breathing, I didn’t want them to know that I had heard them. “She must be having a nightmare.. should we take her back to her room? Or should we leave her in here with Sammie?” Mason said, his voice calm and monotone. “You should get her into her room, I’m sure she’d much prefer waking up in her bed, especially since Sammie is a bed hog!” Maggie snickered. I felt large arms wrap around me, and lift me from the bed. I held onto my book and Astro as I was carried back into my room. I was laid gently back down onto my bed, and I felt covers getting pulled up around me. “Cassianna..” Mason whispered lowly. “I know you’re awake, I could hear your breathing, and your eyes keep moving. How much of that did you hear?” He asked, brushing my hair back behind my ear. “I’m not sure, possibly all of it..” I whispered back softly peering up at him, tears forming in my eyes. “So.. I.. I can’t have kids?” My hands instinctively go to my stomach, and the drop I felt in it was nauseating. “The doctor isn’t sure yet.. he said that the poison may have caused damage to your ovaries.. I’m sorry, we asked him to wait to tell you until you were feeling a little better. The only reason he discussed it with us was so that way we could help with recovery.” He said, his hand still wrapped gently in my hair. I laid there, silent, I felt a pain in my chest, and the drop returned to my stomach. I had always wanted children, I loved children. Spending time with Sammie has only strengthened that resolve for me. I closed my eyes and allowed the tears to stream down my cheeks. “It isn’t fair..” I cried. “I know..” Mason said softly as he lifted me and placed me in his lap. He held me to his chest, and pet my hair, smoothing it down my back. “We’re trying to locate your father.. we think that he needs to answer for his crimes.” I sat up quickly looking in his eyes. “No.. I don’t want to see him ever again, I don’t want to be near him.. I can’t..” I said, bile coming up in my throat. “I know you’re afraid Cass, but we’ll be here, Matt and I, well..” He began again. I cut him off. “You think I’m afraid of him?” I pushed my way out of his arms and stood in front of him. He sat on the edge of my bed, and he kept his eyes on me. “I’m not afraid of my father now.. not when I’ve seen what a coward he is! I’m afraid of what I’ll do..” I said lowly. “I’m afraid of what I want to do to him.. these thoughts have invaded my mind since the moment I found out he had poisoned me. All I can think about is the many ways that I could hurt him. For all of the horrible things he has done to me, I want to hurt him worse! You have no idea.. you’ve only learned of my scars and the poison, nothing of the rest. I was tormented for years, neglected, beaten, my life was hell! No one came for me! No one saved me! I endured it, until I could escape. I told him I was going to leave, to go to college. He beat me so badly that night that I couldn’t walk for a week! Once I was able, I ran, I ran as fast as I could until I made it to a bus stop. I left, with only the money I had made working, my book, and Astro!” I pointed down to my astronaut plush. “I ran, and hid away, got a new job, made more money. I lived in an abandoned building for a while, until I saved up enough for an apartment. That man took everything from me, and now I may never have children? If you bring him here, I promise you, he will not leave with his life.” I said, turning and storming out of my room. I got into the elevator and quickly went downstairs. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but the bile in my throat made it impossible to breathe. I needed air, and I needed quiet. As I made it downstairs I ran to the patio, and it was pouring the rain. I looked back and forth and decided to run, I just needed some time, and some quiet. So once again, like I always had, I ran towards the forest behind their house.
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