
1326 Words
[Trigger warning! This episode contains references of abuse!] {Mason’s POV} I watched as she ran out of the room, my heart ached to see her in so much pain. I stood and chased after her only to see the elevator doors close behind her. “Matt!” I yelled through the mind link. He ran out of our room and turned to me. I showed him what had just happened through out link, and he and I took off down the stairs. “Is mate going to be okay?” Havoc asked. “I’m sure she will, she just needs a little time.” I answered truthfully. By the time we made it down the stairs she was already gone. We ran outside, but we couldn’t see her. It was pouring the rain, and I couldn’t scent her out with it raining like this. “Let me out, I can find her!” Havoc said in my head. “Are you sure? Are you sure you won’t hurt her on accident?” I asked, the panic of what’s happening beginning to set in. “I won’t hurt Mate, send Matt and Chaos with me!” He said back, nodding to me. I took off my clothes quickly and transformed, allowing Havoc to take control. He was a massive wolf, his solid black fur was much like my brothers wolf. Havoc kneeled, allowing Matthew to get on his back and took off running toward the forest. He sniffed the ground, following our mates scent. Keeping his nose close to the mud, I knew her scent was weak, just not how weak. The downpour was causing her scent to get muddled with everything else. He held his head high and howled. Thats when I knew he had picked it up. “Mate is close, she is hurt!” He grumbled before taking off in a sprint. We made it to the edge of a drop off that led off of a short cliff. There at the bottom, I saw her still body. I felt a sharp pang in my heart as Havoc quickly jumped, and climbed down. Once we made it to the bottom, Matt jumped off our back. He ran to her side and carefully touched her head. There was a large bleeding gash on her forehead, and it looked as though one or more of her limbs were broken. Her body was still, almost too still. Havoc walked slowly to her and laid his head in her lap. He looked up into Matt’s eyes, but I could feel the shallow breaths of our mate under Havoc’s large jaw. He jumped up, and Matt cradled her close. Matt mind linked the doctor and asked him to meet us at the pack house, and hopped onto our back, keeping her to his chest. We ran as fast as we could back through the forest. I felt Cassie begin to stir, and her body was shaking. “Matt..” she said softly. “I’m so cold.. and it hurts.. everything hurts..” she cried before I heard another bone break. She shrieked in pain, and her body jerked. “What’s happening to me?” She asked, as her bone snapped back into place. She screamed loudly, and began thrashing. “She’s shifting Mason, Havoc, what do I do?” He asked, gripping her tighter to his chest. “Shh.. shh.. it’ll be okay soon, I promise.” I opened my mind link to Matt. “That must be why she fell, she must’ve began shifting!” I said to him through our link. “Hold her close, do not let go!” I ordered him as we got closer to the pack house. I could see mom standing out on the patio, she was waiting for us. I skid to a stop in front of her and allowed Matt to carefully slide down with Cassie. “Mom.. she’s shifting, and she fell off a cliff! What do we do?” He asked, holding her tightly against his chest. I quickly shifted back, and grabbed a pair of shorts off the patio. They were soaking wet, but it was better than nothing. “Bring her inside and lay her on the couch quickly, the doctor is almost here!” She said, leading us into the living room. Matt laid her down carefully, and once again a sickening crunch of a bone breaking in and out of place. She screamed in agony, and curled up into a ball. Her body shook, but she wouldn’t release her knees from her chest. Her face was stained with tears, and soon her loud shrieking, turned to silent screams. “How much longer until he gets here?” Matt asked frantically, he had gotten a rag and was trying to stop her forehead from bleeding. “I’m here!” The doctor yelled as he ran into the room with his bag, and four nurses in tow. “Little Luna..” he sighed as he touched her forehead. “She’s running a fever..” he held open one of her eyes and that’s when we saw it. The whites of her eyes had turned black, and the iris was replaced with a shimmering golden eye. He flashed a light in her eye and watched the reaction of her pupil. “She has a concussion, along with possible internal bleeding. Her shifter beast is trying to heal her.. but she cannot survive a shift in this condition.” He knelt down and placed his forehead to hers. He had a strange technique, but he is the only one who can connect to shifter beasts even if their human counterpart is unable to communicate. “She started her first shift in the woods, she was so angry.. her shifter beast was trying to help her, but she couldn’t get her to listen. She began trying to shift, and that’s when they fell..” he paused for a moment. “Her beast says that she will wait to shift, as long as her human counterpart can rest, and get the healing she needs.” “Of course! Whatever Cassie needs, we’re here!” Matt said, I nodded in agreement. “We’ll need to get her to her room, and start her on a morphine drip. We’ll also need to get her bones that are still broken into casts, along with stitches for her forehead!” The doctor shouted to the nurses and they began running up to the medical wing frantically. I walked over pulling Cassie into my arms and packing her up to her room. She was covered in mud and blood, her body battered and bruised. Mom followed behind me, along with Matt. “Layla and I will get her cleaned up, everyone else wait outside!” She said, and not long after Layla ran into the room. They closed the door, and after about 15 minutes they opened it. Cassie was lying in her bed, she has been unconscious since the doctor arrived. They had washed her, and dried her, also putting some clean pajamas on her. The doctor and nurses rushed in and got busy fixing her up. The sound of bones cracking back into place was enough to make me sick. I stayed in the doorway, waiting for them to finish. “Keep her in bed, she is only allowed up to go to the bathroom, and she’ll need someone to take her. Keep her wounds cleaned, and make sure she gets her medicines on time. I’ll be sending a nurse to watch after her iv medicines. Goodnight Alpha’s..” he said before turning and leaving. I looked in the room, and my heart broke, her body was so frail and broken. I walked into the room and sat beside her on the bed, I leaned down kissing her head. “Rest Cassie.. I promise we’ll talk about everything when you get up.”
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