Who’s There?

1290 Words
{Cassie’s POV} I heard beeping in the distance, and the sound of a heart monitor. “Wake up Cassianna..” I heard a woman’s voice say to me. It was a familiar voice, but one I didn’t think I’d ever heard. “You must wake up, they need you.. they fear for you! Cassianna, wake up!” The voice commanded. I slowly opened my eyes, as light invaded my vision. “I-I’m awake.. who’s there?” I asked softly. My eyes couldn’t focus, the entire room was blurry, and all I could see was dark figures moving around me. “Cassie.. you’re awake?” I heard Layla ask, I could feel her hand take mine, and I carefully turned towards the movement. “Layla?” I choked out. “I-I can’t see well.. everything’s so blurry..” I blinked my eyes rapidly, and tried to see straight. “I’ll go get the doctor!” She shouted, getting up and running out of the room. I closed my eyes to escape the brightness that had overtaken my vision completely. I heard loud footsteps enter the room. “Cassie?” I heard Matthew’s soft, deep voice. “Matt?” I asked, my face turning towards his voice. I opened my eyes again, and was met with nothing but a blur. “Matt.. I can’t see.. everything’s so blurry.. Layla went to get the doctor..” I cried, my hands reaching out towards him. I felt his large frame sit down beside me, and he took both of my hands in his. “It’s okay, it’s okay! The doctor will be able to fix you up.. Cassie.. we were so worried.. you’ve been asleep for weeks. The doctor hooked you up to a feeding tube, and an iv with vitamins and saline. We didn’t know if you’d ever wake up!” He cried softly. Then, sudden loud footsteps by the door again burst into my room. “Is it true, is she awake?” Mason blurted out, anxiety dripping from his usually calm voice. “Cassie!” He sighed as he ran to the other side of me and sat down. I turned towards him, but couldn’t tell where I was looking. “I..” I began, but was cut off by the doctor. “Ms. Cassianna.. you’re awake, how are you feeling?” He asked. I tried to look at him, but with footsteps everywhere I didn’t know where he was. I frantically looked around the room, trying to figure out why there were footsteps everywhere. “Doctor.. I can’t see. Everything is so blurry.. it’s like I’m looking through distorted glass!” I cried out. I felt Matt move swiftly, and someone else take his place, someone grabbed and pried open my eye and shined a light into it. “Your pupils are reacting to the light.. so that’s a good sign. I think it may be where you hit your head.. your vision should come back.. hopefully soon.” He said, before he stood up. “Let’s get her some eye drops, and something to help speed up her recovery. Most of her outer injuries are all healed up, but her leg is still broken, it’s mending slowly, and now with the blurry vision we need to do another ct scan.” He said, I could see him moving but didn’t know where to. “Don’t worry Ms. Cassianna.. we’re going to make sure you recover fully. Do you remember what happened?” He asked. I paused for a moment, trying to think. “Mason.. he told me that I may not be able to have children. It was after I overheard a conversation.. I was so angry.. I remember I wanted to get some fresh air. I felt something pulling me to the woods, then I heard screaming.. but it was in my mind. I couldn’t understand what they were saying. I made it to an embankment, and I paused to catch my breath. Then I felt a searing pain in my chest.. I doubled over, and when I did my leg snapped. I fell over the cliff.. I remember slamming into a tree.. then a large rock.. then I hit the bottom. I remember.. blood.. lots of blood, then everything went dark.” I recalled the events to him, and gripped onto Mason’s hand. “I don’t understand what really happened.. it still doesn’t make any sense.” “As soon as your vision is fixed, and we make sure there is no damage to your brain, then we’ll have a talk about what happened.” I could hear Matt say softly. He was still beside me, just standing up beside the bed now. I nodded, and laid back against my pillow. I closed my eyes and kept a strong hold on Mason’s hand. He and Matt made me feel safe, and right now I didn’t want them to leave. I felt Mason begin to stand and I tugged on his hand. “Please.. please don’t leave me.. I want you and Matt to stay..” I whimpered. “Okay Cassie, we will, but we’re going to help the doctor get you down to the medical wing to do the CT scan, okay?” He asked, his hand tightening around mine, giving me a gentle squeeze. “Okay.. just please don’t leave..” I repeated, leaning back and releasing his hand. Soon I felt myself being lifted and put onto another bed, a hospital bed. Someone began rolling me around, and I heard the elevator ding. We went down a corridor, before turning into another room. The door closed behind us, and I heard a loud machine whirring. “Why doesn’t she want us to go?” Matt asked softly, I could hear him as though he were right beside me. “It’s your bond.. she’ll want you close now that her shifter is waking up.” The doctor whispered back. Shifter? I questioned myself, and my hearing, surely he didn’t just say something so strange. What’s a shifter? “I am your shifter beast..” I heard the voice from earlier, it was as if it was in my head. It was a deep, womanly voice. “Who’s there?” I asked, trying to look around. “It’s just us Cassie, hold still, or we’ll have to start your scan over again.” The doctor said. I laid back down, and breathed slowly and steadily. “They cannot see me Cassianna, I’m in your head, but I am as real as you are. I am your shifter beast, you and I are two halves of a whole, and I’m here with you now. It’s taken so long for me to be able to come out, but now that I’m here, I swear to you, no one will ever hurt us again..” she said. I felt calmed by her words. “What are you?” I thought, in my own head. “We are a wolf.. a strong wolf.. and an important wolf. It is why our father wanted us dead. He blamed us for the accident that killed our mother. He blamed us for being born, and for being who we were. Our mother was a strong shifter.. one of the strongest in any pack.. and now, we will be the strongest in our pack, and in our family.” She finished, before I heard the beeping of the machine. “Okay, your test is complete.” The doctor said. I didn’t know what to say, so instead I stayed quiet, until we got back to my room. I was moved from the hospital bed, back to my own, and I sunk back into my pillows.

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