
1198 Words
[TRIGGER WARNING! This episode contains themes of SA, and Violence. Reader discretion is advised!] {Cassie’s POV} The doctor let me go, finally and gave me a couple of bottles of meds. I quickly made my way out of the hospital and began walking towards home. I heard footsteps running behind me, and turned to see Layla. “Hey! I’m glad I caught you! I wanted to help you. Let my brother or I drive you home, we’ll get you there in no time!” She smiled. I shook my head softly. “No.. I can’t accept that, sorry. You’ve done so much for me already, I have that meeting with you in the morning, and I’m not far from home anyways. It’s just a couple of blocks from here.” I said softly. “I need the exercise anyways!” I smiled before turning and making my way down the street. Soon I heard a vehicle leaving and saw Layla driving away. I began my walk towards my apartment and kept my head down as to not draw any attention to myself. I was about a half a block away from home when I passed a bar on the side road. The dark alley beside it was the perfect hiding place for two men who reached out and snatched me. One of them threw me roughly, I hit the metal garbage can with my ribs and I heard a small crack. I gasped, and suddenly I felt a hand around my mouth. “Be quiet, if you scream we’ll make sure you don’t make it out of this alley!” One man sneered as he began undoing the buttons on my jeans. I thrashed and cried out but his hand over my mouth muffled the sound. He got my pants undone and began pulling them down. “Hey!” I heard a man yell at the end of the alley, and the men paused turning their attention to him. This gave me the opportunity I needed. I jumped backwards head butting the one who held my hands behind my body, and his grip on me fell away. I jumped forward away from him, throwing myself to the ground and kicking straight up into his b****. He let out a pained scream and fell to the ground. I jumped up and quickly got into a fighting stance. The other attacker began barreling towards me. I jumped up, spreading my legs and used his shoulders to jump over him. He ran into the brick wall behind me, slamming his head against it and fell to the ground unconscious. The other man jumped up, and began trying to swing at me. I grabbed his arm as he swung and used his momentum to throw him over me. I quickly jumped on top of his back and pulled his arm up, holding him in a headlock. The man at the end of the alley came running and the look on his face was priceless. “I’ll call the cops.” He said looking over us. I stayed on top of the man until the police arrived. The police came and took the men away, and asked if I wanted to press charges. “Yes, they attacked me!” I said before looking down and finally fixing my pants that were still unbuttoned. “Had it been anyone else, they could have done some real damage!” “We’ll take you down to the station and fill out a report. We’ll make sure they get locked up good and tight!” One of the officers said pointing to the men in the car. The other officer turned to the man who saw the attack. “You’ll need to come in too and give a statement.” “Of course, I’ll follow right behind you.” He said walking over and getting in a black car. I followed an officer to his car and got in. Once we arrived at the station I gave my statement and filled out a report. Then was told to wait until the chief told me I could go. As I was waiting the man who witnessed the events came and sat beside me, he handed me a cup of coffee and smiled. “You okay?” He asked, his smile was genuine, he was really concerned about me. “Yeah, I’m fine.. I’ve dealt with worse.” I said sipping the coffee. “Just glad that I took all those self defense classes, I guess they really paid off!” I smiled. I finished my coffee and tossed the styrofoam cup in the garbage sitting back down beside him. “Well, I’m glad you’re alright!” He smiled again, drinking his coffee. A sudden wave of dizziness came over me, and once again I remembered the medicine that is still at home. I need to get there and take it, but I can’t leave yet. I leaned back in my chair, and soon my eyes closed, and I was out cold. {Matthew’s POV} I finished my coffee when I felt tingles spread across my arm. I looked over, and saw my little mate sleeping against me. She fell over onto my arm and was out cold. I smiled, seeing her like this, so small, so sweet, she was exhausted. I mind linked with Mason and showed him what I was seeing. “Why the hell are you in a police station, why is she there? What happened?” He asked, his voice frantic, but in an angry way. “She was attacked on her way home, luckily I followed her to make sure she made it home safe.. the men who attacked her are here, we just made statements. She was so exhausted that she just fell over.” I said, looking down at her. Her soft features twitching ever so slightly as she slept. “Bring her home Matthew! I want her here tonight!” He said, his voice more of a demand than a request. “She’s not a shifter Mase.. she doesn’t know, she won’t understand.” I tried to plead with him to listen. “Then we’ll tell her, and we’ll handle it. I said, bring her home!” He snapped before closing out the link. Da****, I knew this wouldn’t end well, but Mason will have his way one way or another. The police chief came and told us we could go home, my mate stirred softly but then went right back to sleep. I lifted her carefully in my arms and carried her out to my car. I sat her down in the back seat and buckled her up. She never woke up, not once, I drove straight to the pack house, and when I got there Layla met me outside. “Take her to my room, she can sleep there with me tonight and I’ll keep an eye on her.” She said softly. I did as she said and packed her to Layla’s room, laying her in my sister’s bed and leaned down, planting a smell kiss on Cassie’s forehead. I walked out and Layla closed the door behind me.
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