Chapter Eight

2160 Words
Bright lights cast smalls shadows along the hallway as I sat on a little bed the lined the wall. As I had predicted there were many people here, people from both the Makers and Mech sectors, with things from bruises, to scratches, to gashes so large I could see bone. The blood that seeped from the medic wraps caused my stomach to churn and head to swoon; I wasn't overly good with large amounts of blood. One of the medic workers recognized me, her friendly smile helped with the uneasy feeling of being in the medic ward. I didn't know why, but I hated the weird buzz I would get when I stepped foot in this building, my gut turning and senses on high alert from the adrenaline pumping through my system. I held a medic wrap to my arm that I craddled to my chest, the long gash nasty and crooked. It wasn't as bad as some others, which was why I was left alone on this bed. Every now and again the medic worker came to check me and the wound. I hissed through my teeth when she flushed it with some clear liquid, causing the cut to feel as if it were on fire. Otherwise, I was left alone. I slipped from the bed, checking no one was watching I silently made my way down the hall and into a room I had seen a few Medic workers come out of with supplies. I gathered I had around five minutes before someone else came in here, so I needed to move quickly. Grabbing what I thought would be useful I stuffed them into my backpack, only to spin around when the door opened suddenly. The Medic worker that recognised me stood in the doorway, her eyes wide as they flicked between my face and my hands. I stared at her for a moment, unsure on what to do, my adrenaline pumping so hard I felt like I was about to pass out. The moment that passed felt like hours, neither of us moving. She opened her mouth and broke the silence "If it's for a wound from a guard, grab one of the pill bottles to your left, take two a day for six days, a few of those clear liquid capsules to flush it out and that balm in the little green container to help it heal" her voice was quiet. I glanced to my left, spying the little bottle, realising she knew what I was doing. I turned my eyes back to her, curious now to her motives. She pursed her lips "Things need to change. Jerard isn't the only one that mourns her disappearance. She was my sister" I felt myself jerk backwards at that revelation; Jerard made no mention that his wife had a sister here "I...didn't know" I replied quietly. The woman nodded "He's never been good with the sentimental stuff. Be quick, and use the back entrance, the guards have been watching this ward for a few days now" she was about to close the door when she glanced back in "Mira...tell him there are more willing to fight then he wants to admit" I blinked a few times as the woman closed the door, allowing those words to sink in. Willing to fight. Did that mean many of the Lowers were willing to stand up against the Uppers? Did finding a better way to live seem more possible? Why would Jerard not try and plan for another rebellion, one that would actually make a difference? I clenched my fists. First things first, I needed to help Calian. I grabbed the supplies the Medic worker had instructed, slipped out the room and up the hallway to my right. The back door had a large sign that said exit. After peering around the corner and checking there were no guards, I quickly made my way back towards the restricted sector. I just hoped I wasn't to late. ~*~ I stepped carefully through the old building, the crunch under foot from the debris sounded like the air itself was splitting. I quietly stepped into the room, only just managing to avoid the swing of Calian's weapon. I cried out in alarm, Calian letting out a wounded grunt as his legs gave out, crumpling to the floor. I managed to reach out and grab him, both of us practically tumbling to the ground. As I tried to prop him back up I realised how close he was to my face, those blue eyes revealing they had small streaks of green. My face blushed and I moved backwards, giving him some space. Once he was settled I glanced over, only to notice his cheeks were flushed as well. Did he feel the same way I did right now? And did that mean Krane did when we were on top of the old warehouse? I quickly looked away "You didn't need to swing so hard" I mumbled, pulling the medic supplies from my bag "I thought you were one of the guards" I raised an eyebrow "The only time one of the Upper guards would be in this area, so close to the restricted sector, would be with an patrol group" Calian grimaced as he moved, shooting me a confused look "Why is this area restricted?" I placed the items on the ground in front of the Upper "It was sealed off by you guys years ago after a sickness broke out, killing almost everyone inside" the horrified look that passed his face was strange "didn't you know?" "Just because I come from above, doesn't mean I know everything that happens down here" well that was odd. And disappointing. That meant he might not be able to answer my questions "She said take two of these" I pointed to the pill bottle "and flush it with these" indicating the clear liquid tubes "and this one to keep it clean" I picked up the green container of balm. Just then Calian grabbed my arm, pulling it out to show the medic wrap "What happened?" I pulled my arm free, placing the balm in his hand instead "How else was I going to get into the Medic ward for this stuff" I sniffed, pushing the pills and liquid towards Calian "So you cut yourself?" he sounded mortified "I hurt myself almost every day on the pipes, mostly just scratches, but it's not uncommon to get bigger cuts when not careful" I pulled my sleeve back down, covering the medic wrap "this should help keep the sickness away. Once you are healed you can go home" I stood and shrugged on my backpack. I needed to get home quickly before the night whistle blew. "Wait! I can't go back yet" I frowned "Why not? You'll just die if you stay down here" my words were harsh but true "I'm looking for someone. She disappeared a few years back when you Lowers attacked above, it caused part of the dome floor to collapse and many people fell down here" I blinked a few times, the day I was found coming to mind "I was hoping I could find some trace of what happened" I stared at the Upper, his eyes open and pleading. From what I heard from Jerard and Strem, it wasn't us that attacked. "We didn't attack you. We were defending against your elite guard that invaded" he jerked back as if I had slapped him "there were many bodies found in the rumble, many that weren't claimed or identified" his face fell, sympathy tugging at my chest "you weren't the only ones that lost people that day Upper, we lost many families and friends down here to. Just because we live beneath you, doesn't make us less worthy of living" he slumped against the wall, looking defeated "I came all this way...for nothing" he mumbled "she's gone. Now I'll never know" he added, barely a whisper. Calian pinched the bridge of his nose, fighting back tears "who was she to you?" I couldn't help my curiosity. Calian looked back up after a moment, eyes red as he attempted to not cry. He cleared his throat "She was my best friend. We grew up together, but in different cities" I stepped back, shock rippling through me "What?" the look on Calian's face was confusing "what do you mean...different cities? There's more than this one?" he raised his eyebrows at the questions, surprised "Yeah, five others to be exact" my blood pounded in my ears "we hadn't seen each other in a few years, we both had...other things we needed to attend to" My heart crashed against my ribcage as I listened, unable to comprehend what Calian was saying "When I heard what happened, I pushed in a rush transport to get here as soon as I could. But by was to late" "Are all the cities like this one?" he squinted as he thought "Each city has the Upper and Lower half, but this one seems to have forgotten the importance of the Lowers" "Seems like a lot of people have been forgetting things" I mused as I chewed my bottom lip absent mindedly, unaware that Calian was studying me closely. I knew I was cutting my time close to getting home, but there was something the was niggling in my mind, something Calian had said "Before, you said 'Now you'll never know" I gripped my bag straps tightly, trying to stop myself from bouncing from foot to foot in anxiety "Never know what?" He blinked a few times, weighing up his choices and words "I'll tell you if you come back" I froze on the spot, brain spluttering. I hadn't thought that far ahead, the plan was to help him, get my answers, and send him back up top before anyone got hurt. I hadn't thought about if he stayed "You're...not going back?" he shook his head "There's still so much I need to understand, so much that's been hidden from us. And lied about it seems" Calian let out a sigh as he picked up the pill bottle "I will tell you, if you come back before my wound has healed" I glanced over my shoulder, nerves running rampant knowing the whistle would blow at any moment. I needed to see Krane, I needed to tell someone about this information "And if I don't?" his face dropped for a moment "Then I guess we will both have to live with a lot of unanswered questions" I started bouncing on the spot, the decisions weighing me down. If I came back, and the guards somehow found out, Jerard, Krane and Strem would all be killed. I glanced over my shoulder again. However, if I didn't, any chance at changing how we lived and died, mostly died lately, would be gone with Calian. I threw one last look at Calian and bounded for the door, stopping in the doorway as I turned my eyes back to the Upper, his features, though dirty and bruised, were so striking I felt my breath hitch "Once more Upper, to get what I need to understand above and below. Once more, and then I never want to see you again" the smile that spread across his face almost made my chest hurt. That was weird. I didn't wait for a response as I bounded away, pushing my legs hard to get home before the night whistle. My mind was racing with questions and doubts, threatening to drown me under the weight of the potential consequences. I stood outside the shop, my chest rising and falling rapidly while I considered what I would tell Krane. I touched the pendant that hung under my shirt, the feeling of the stone sitting there comforting; Krane needed to know. My foot lifted from the ground as I prepared to face Jerard after yesterday, knowing it was going to be awkward and difficult, but I knew why he called me Serene. He needed to know that I understood. A shout came from my left, my blood freezing in my veins as my heart stopped pumping. Fear froze my legs to the spot as the Officer from yesterday stormed forward with his patrol squad, eyes firmly fixated on me "You are out past curfew. Produce your papers now" I felt my eyes widen, the one thing Jerard had been trying to protect me from becoming reality. How could I have been so foolish? I had been so engrossed in my conversation with Calian I didn't even hear the whistle blow. Now, I was going to be caught and executed for not having papers or an ID number. I felt my body respond before my mind had a chance to react, the panic at what would happen to those I care for making my legs pump harder than they ever had before. I turned and ran.
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