Chapter Nine

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Fear and anxiety twisted my gut as my legs pumped hard, trying to gain some distance between the patrol that was hot on my heels. Their shouts for me to stop only made me run faster, knowing that if I did I was dead. Think Mira! Think! I screamed at myself, eyes darting around in hopes of escape. I skidded to a stop before dashing down an alleyway, the large pipe protruding from the street giving me hope; I could hide in the pipes until I figured what to do. Debris reigned on my head as a loud ban echoed, feet faltering and heart practically stopping in my chest. What the hell was that? I stupidly glanced behind, spying one of the guards holding what I presumed was his weapon in front of him. The sound came again, the weapon in his hand jerking back a second before the stone beside me exploded. A scream escaped my mouth as my body slammed into the opposite wall. I scrambled forward, now very aware that they were closer than before, and had a weapon that could potentially explode my head. The entrance to the pipes was dead ahead, it was one of the bigger ones where I could essentially slip in and scoot quickly along, the bend downwards at the end giving me cover from the guard's weapon if he decided to use it inside the pipe. I started stripping my outer clothing, my rubber suit needed for a faster maneuver. The sound rang out again, this time a searing hot pain shot through my arm. I screamed again and stumbled sideways, looking down in fear - I half expected my arm to be missing. I ran fast once my brain comprehended it was still there, now bleeding from a large gash that had appeared. Did that weapon explode or cut? Not surprising the Uppers had such a deadly weapon to use. With my arm aching I kicked off my shoes, stumbled to pull my pants off, and threw my backpack over the edge of the pipe, hoping I could collect it later since it still had the P.I.P reader tucked inside. I heard the guard shout again as I jumped, grabbing the edge of the pipe to propel myself into the metal. My arm burned as I gripped the edge, causing my fingers to slip and lose hold as I entered the pipe, feeling my side connect with the edge. Another searing hot pain shot through my entire body on impact, jarring my teeth and rattling my brain. Half blind from pain I managed to shuffle forward just enough that the bend downwards pulled my body along and away from the danger. An angry shout followed my decent as well as another one of those bangs. I instinctively covered my head, hoping it wouldn't hit me again. Once I had blinked through the pain I made my way through the large pipe towards the filtration center. ~*~ Cold air blasted through the hollow room, the filtration pump's fan above cycling the air and forcing it through the many entry and exits this one alone had. Krane and I worked on a few of these together, the rusting pipeline and filtration tech starting to wear out after to many years of patching and not replacing. I sat on the small edge just above the pipe I had come from, the water rushing below to make its way to another part of the city. My arms were wrapped tightly around my body, knees up at my chest as I tried to preserve what little heat I had left, hoping Someone would find me before I froze to death. Preferably not the Upper guards. The deep cut on my arm where the Uppers weapon had cut me no longer hurt, the cold numbing the pain and I wondered if that was a good or bad sign. My hair stuck to my head, suit squelching whenever I moved due to water getting inside; it was designed to prevent small amounts of water entering while working inside the pipes, not stop it completely if I decided to take a dive. I couldn't believe I ran from the Guards. Many times I had created scenarios in my head how I would handle the situation if I was ever asked for ID, they all involvded smooth talking my way out of it. Instead, I had run away like a coward. I hugged myself tighter, body shivering uncontrollably as I cursed myself for being so weak. What would I do if I managed to find and help the Rebels? How would they look at me knowing I had run when faced with a simple routine stop? I felt my cheeks burn with shame as I rest my chin on my knees. They would never allow someone like me into their organisation. What felt like hours passed when I heard a loud clang from down one of the pipes. I clenched my jaw to stop my teeth rattling in order to hear over the rushing water. A sob escaped my lips when I recognised Krane's voice, my world almost breaking knowing he found me before I died. I heard my name again, calling back so he knew I was here and didn't move on "You will have to come down this pipe, I can't redirect the water while it's on the Uppers cycle" I felt my heart freeze in fear; I couldn't get back in that water. "How long's the cycle?" I shouted back. There was a pause before Krane answered, my heart sinking "It's just started Mira" which meant it would be like this for another six hours. I wasn't going to even last one. "I will catch you, I promise I will" he called out reassuringly. My breath starting to shorten, panic starting to set in a the thought of being sept away and drowning somewhere in these larger pipes "Mira..." Krane's voice was soothing, pushing back the panic "focus on my voice, take it one step at a time. I am here and not going anywhere until I have you" my stomach did that weird flip at those words Seriously? Now? I cried in my head. I drew in one big breath and lowered my body back into the water, gripping the edge of where I sat so tightly my hands were white. Or was that because I was cold? I shook my head, trying to count to three and let go. But my fingers refused to obey "I can't Krane!" I practically screamed back. My arm protested where my new would was, as well as my forearm from the gash I had given myself earlier. Fear started to override my reason, thoughts of being swept away shutting out all other possibilities. I scrambled to pull myself back up, only for my hands to stop working, the pain returning to my wound. I gave one last scream of panic before I was pulled under. My head connected with the edge of the pipe, a sickening c***k echoing through my brain, causing me to blackout... ...Sunlight streamed in through a open window, the warmth where the light landed soothing. The image flickered, changing until the light was gone, replace by water falling from above. The bright blue was replaced with what looked like heavier versions of the steam that rose above the Lower City. Why did I feel sad looking at this scenery? Is that why the water fell from somewhere up high? I heard a name called, though it was fuzzy and mumbled. I strained to hear it as that someone called it again. I felt myself shaking my head, spinning quickly to confront the person who had been calling. I held something in my hand, my mouth moving as I shouted, but there were no words. I shook the object in my hand a few times in the persons direction, a feeling washing over me that I wasn't familiar with Was this regret? I saw the other person, a male, the same one I had seen in my other dream. He held his hands up, mouth moving but again no sound could be heard. I couldn't see his face, my eyes refusing to focus. I opened my hand, seeing then the necklace that sat in my palm... I jolted upright, lungs gasping for air at the same time spewing water onto the concrete. My body shook as I vomited the water that was also in my stomach, squeezing my eyes tight while my body desperately tried to work right. I felt a pressure on my back, a gently voice in my ear as he encouraged my vomiting "How about-" another vomit "you try this and see if its easy" I retorted between breaths. Krane was silent, his hand still rubbing my back. I glanced up at him, seeing now his eyes were hard and mouth set in a thin line; he was mad "At least you caught me" I added "I keep my promises" he mumbled. I was about to reply when he gripped me under my arm and hauled me to my feet. I let out a protest before he silenced me "this whole sector is crawling with Upper guards. They are looking for you" his voice was tight, eyes now searching mine "I...What? Why?" I didn't think running would cause the entire squad to come after me "That's what I want to know? Where were you Mira?" his voice was low, eyes accusing as they stared into mine "Krane....I..." a shout went up nearby, Krane's head whipping in that direction "Never mind, I need to get you somewhere safe" he started hauling me along the pathway, my whole body squelching and body aching from heaving all that water up. Did I just...drown? My breath started coming out shorter, panic taking control again. My feet stumbled, Krane turning his angry eyes to me only to pause when I stumbled again. My eyes were glazed over, chest rising and falling as the very air around me seemed to push in, making it impossible to draw the next breath. Krane gripped my face with his hands gently, locking my eyes with him "breath Mira, just breath, like this" he drew a long breath in and out "You are ok, you are here. I have you, I promised, remember?" slowly my senses came back, allowing me to follow Krane's deep breaths in and out "I always, always, keep my promises" I felt myself nod, voice non responsive as I struggled to remain calm "we need to get off the streets. There's a door across the road that leads to an old control room. Can you make it?" my eyes darted to the street that lay beyond the small alleyway we were in. I breathed in deep again, nodding quickly before I had a chance to stop myself "Good" Krane interlocked his fingers with mine, the motion helping calm my panic and anxiety further "stay close, keep your head down." he instructed "I've got you" he added, those words causing my chest to tighten again, but not in the same way my panic did. Before I had a chance to think or respond Krane was dragging my across the street, my body pressed firmly to his side. In a flurry of steps, doors and narrow hallways I found myself in room that was filled with dust and cobwebs; no one had been here in a very long time. I turned to Krane when he closed the door, the light above flickering and buzzing as it came to life "so..." my voice croaked, sore from vomiting water "what now?" Krane's arms wrapped around my frame, drawing my into a tight hug, his body heat seeped through my rubber suit. I didn't move for a moment, not realising what was happening while my body slowly stopped shivering. Lifting my arm that wasn't hurt I returned the hug, the overwhelming emotion on how nice this was causing tears to start rolling down my cheeks. "I don't know whether to mock you for your stupidity, yell at you for idiocy...or tell you how terrified I was thinking I lost you" I buried my face in his chest "Damn it Mira, why were you out so late?" I hesitated, not sure if now was the best time to tell him about the Upper So I did something I never thought I would do to my best friend; I lied "I couldn't face Jerard after our fight. So I went for a walk to think" I kept my head buried in his chest, if he saw my eyes he would know I wasn't telling the truth "I must have got lost in my own head" "Oh daydreamer" he chuckled. He rubbed my arm, causing me to hiss through my teeth. Krane pulled away quickly, head snapping to where my open wound from the Uppers weapon was "what happened?" I explained the weapon that they used, how it had exploded the wall beside me, but cut my arm. Krane guided me to a stack of crates where he could inspect the cut. I unzipped my suit, pulling my arm free with a grunt of pain so Krane could have a closer look, thankful it was warmer in this little room "I had to dump my bag and clothes" I explained. I felt his hand slide down to where the medic wrap for my earlier wound still sat. I pulled away, keeping my eyes downcast "I slipped while working today" Krane sighed, grabbing a blanket and draping around my shoulders "Honestly, how have you not lost a limb?" he mumbled "I'll have to get some medic supplies for this. I'll let Jerard know you are safe, he's one breath away from calling the whole Maker's sector to search for you" I felt a pang of guilt pass through me. I had let him down again because my head was focused on above, not below where it should be Krane's hand cupped my cheek, the motion making my stomach flutter. A moment passed before he leant forward and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. Before I had a chance to process what was happening Krane was gone, the door closing gently behind him.
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