Chapter Seven

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Jerard was standing in the doorway to our home, arms crossed over his chest and face set in an angry scowl. My jog slowed to a walk when he spied me, eyes narrowing as I approached; I was in so much trouble "No more visits to Krane" he growled out before turning and walking inside. I let out an angry moan "I asked one thing Mira, one request to be home before the night whistle, and you couldn't even keep to that" he yelled angrily as he stormed up the narrow hallway. I slammed the door shut as I entered the house, anger boiling in my chest "You told me to avoid patrols and stay out of danger" my thoughts flicked to Calian, someone who Jerard had specifically stated was dangerous. But regardless of the quote Jerard voiced yesterday, Calian hadn't tried to do anything desperate except hide. "Don't get smart with me young lady" he rumbled, half turning back in my direction; his eyes were furious "I was ten seconds way from calling a search" "Half the Makers district is crawling with Guards Jerard, I can't simply stroll past and expect not to be questioned" "Exactly why I wanted you home Mira. If even one of the guards was being particularly nasty or bored, you could have been in serious trouble" I tilted my head back and grunted a sigh "I don't see what they big deal is Jerard" I shot back angrily "Because you could have been killed Serene, that's why!" he roared. I stopped in my tracks, the shock at the wrong name crossing his face quickly followed by regret and shame. Serene was the name of his daughter. He hadn't uttered her name since she died, it was the first time I had heard it leave his lips, Strem had been the one to give me that information. I clamped my mouth shut, hurt vibrating through me. He reassured a lot at the start I wasn't a replacement for his dead daughter, but it was niggle that always lingered in the back of my mind. This man had raised me, I knew nothing of my former life, so part of me hoped he saw my presence as more than just a ward or replacement. That name confirmed my doubts. Jerard ran a hand down his face, breathing in deeply as he did. He knew he made a mistake. A big one at that "Mira, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you...I was scared, and it brought back...memories" he tried to explain. I couldn't calm my racing heart though. I had hoped he would see me separate, as a second daughter. Now I understood I was just a constant reminder of his failing as a parent. I didn't say a word as I strode up the hallway and ducked around him, my jaw clamped tight to stop the tears from falling in front of Jerard. I heard my name called as I entered my room and closed the door, Jerard's heavy footfalls pounding up the hall after me. I locked the door before he could turn the knob, hearing a soft thud as he place his head against the wood "I'm sorry Mira. You mean as much to me as she did. I didn't mean to call you by her name." his muffled voice drifted through, I felt the hot tears now streaming down my cheeks "I worry about you so much, just like a real father should" a moment passed, Jerard calling my name again, softer this time "But you're not my father, and I'm not your daughter" I replied bitterly "I'm just another problem" I pushed away from the door, dumping my bag on the ground and crawling under the sheets. I couldn't look at my room, the overwhelming realisation that I had been hoping to have a place here, but being a complete stranger all alone was a reality I didn't want to face. A few moments passed before Jerard's heavy footsteps receded up the hall towards his own bedroom. I thought of the Upper, and the possibility of finally figuring out whether I had come from above or below a very close reality. I was going to help him get better, only so he could show me how to get to the surface. Reaching down between my mattress and the wall I felt my fingers curl around a small object I had stashed a while ago. Tugging it free I open the small device, holding a button down for a few seconds until it lit up like the little robots that struggled to finish their ancient programming. I clicked on the little bubble, just as Krane had shown me after getting it running . "...turn it on here, then press this, and use these to spell out the word you want to give me" Krane instructed "once done click this one here, and I will get it on my device I have here" he held up an identical object. If I hadn't seen it happen in front of me, I would have thought he was lying. No one in the Lower city that I knew of had devices like this to communicate with each other "This would make telling Jerard I'm out late adventuring so much easier" I had said, letting out a snort. Krane laughed "If my dad knew he could boss me around without being around, I wouldn't never see him again" Krane tried to joke back, but I knew he wasn't really. "So what do I use this for?" I asked, turning it over to inspect every side "If you are in trouble, or need to talk, I will know to come and meet you" he had looked away briefly, not noticing the flushed cheeks "or, you know, if you and Jerard have another fight, and you need a friend to talk to...I'll always keep it running on my end...promise..." . Once the message was sent I flipped it close, hugging the device to my chest, hoping he still had his on like he promised. It wasn't the first time I had sent a message needing to see or talk to him, we had secretly met up many times since he had given me the device. Now, however, it felt more...personal, asking him to come round. My eyes were glued to the tall and ugly buildings when a soft knock came from my window, and upon opening Krane's face appeared, that smile making my stomach flip strangely again "Hey daydreamer" his voice was soft and low, but the moment he spoke tears started pouring down my cheeks. Krane slipped inside, closing the window silently like he had done a few hundred times before. He said nothing as he bundled me into his arms, listening as I quietly explained what happened between Jerard and I tonight. The hurt sinking in further the more I thought about it. He made no comment as to why I was late getting home from his house, I hoped he believed me about avoiding the increasing number of guards. "He only cares Mira. I know it's not what you want to hear, but calling you by his daughters name doesn't mean you are thought of less. It just means he's scared" I didn't answer. I knew he was scared, that didn't make it hurt any less. Krane ran his fingers through my hair, gently tugging out the knots. I could hear his heartbeat beneath my ear, the sound familiar and comforting. "Will you stay?" I whispered. His hand brushing my hair faltered for a moment "I don't want to upset Jerard" I shifted until I was gazing up at him. Those green eyes stared back "I won't be ok if he tells you we can't see each other" he added, a hint of panic entering his voice. That made my chest tighten "Just until I'm asleep then?" his smile caused my body to go all fuzzy. His eyes flickered to something on my chest, the fingers on his free hand picking something up. I realised it was the necklace he had made for me. Making no comment Krane gently place the pendant back, smile bigger than before "Ok, just until you're asleep" hope laced his eyes and words as he pressed me harder against his side. I snuggled further in, this moment one we had shared many times while I had been adjusting to my new surroundings. I felt my eyes start to droop, body going limp as sleep began to pull me under. I was barely conscious when I felt Krane shift closer, a small pressure as he kissed me on my head for a moment before he pulled away. His voice whispered close to my ear, his fingers still stroking my hair, but his words were low and mumbled, jumbling together as I slipping into sleep. ~*~ I woke as the morning whistle blew. My bed was empty, but still slightly warm where he would have lay, indicating he slipped out not long ago. I felt myself smile; he stayed longer than he said he would. Why did that make me feel giddy? I heard Jerard's boots down the hallway, pausing briefly at my door. I waited for a knock, or his voice to call out, but after a moment he walked on, making his way downstairs to his shop. I contemplated skipping work again, but if I missed to many days even my absence wouldn't go unnoticed. I also couldn't keep relying on my little stockpile of meal tickets. Once dressed I climbed out my window, not able to face Jerard just yet after our fight last night. Despite what Krane had said, it didn't stop the hurt from lingering. The air was crisp, my breath coming out in little white clouds as I made my way along. The cold rotation would happen in the next week or so, which meant rations would be cut further. This was why I saved my meal tickets, if acquiring rations proved to difficult, or to dangerous, at least we still had a way to eat. I climbed the long stairs, heading to the water pipes above. These always seemed to be more effected than the ones closer to the ground, and going into the cold rotation meant they could freeze over more easily, stopping the supply of water to this part of the City above and below. I made a plan, to get my work done as quickly as I possibly could, even working through meal break, so I could finish early and check in on the Upper, Calian. But I needed a way into the Medic ward first, if I didn't clean and wrap that wound soon, he would be dead before I had a chance to ask him any questions. ~*~ Sweat beaded my brow, arms aching from the long hours I had spent cleaning and fixing the long stretch of pipework. As planned I hadn't stopped, my stomach protesting at skipping my meal, but I couldn't afford to stop. The end of shift whistle blew, a exhausted sigh leaving my lips as my arms dropped to my side. I crawled from the tight space, my rubber suit squelching. The city cascaded away below me, the twinkling lights and steam rising always so familiar. One of my dreams drifted back, the one where I had been overlooking a large garden, a tall tower rising above. I raised my eyes and squinted through the haze that settled over the top of the city, barely making out the almost identical tower that loomed in the middle of our City. I had never seen it up close, I had barely ever left the Makers sector, each sector divided by large walls that separated us all. Jerard said it was to help tell the difference between each sector, but Krane says it was to keep up separated as people. The Medic ward was on the boarder of this district and the Mech district, serving for both sectors. Which meant, hopefully, there would be enough people I wouldn't look out of place. I glanced at the bolts and bars that held the pipes together, many of them now rusted and sharp. I had cut myself a few times when I had first started this job, but only once Jerard had insisted on taking me to the Medic ward to be checked. He state the sickness could form from those rusty nails, and if not treated properly I wouldn't live long enough to figure out who I was. It was the most awkward wait I had ever experienced with Jerard. He hadn't set foot in the Medic ward since his wife had disappeared. Many had recognised him, giving small waves in his direction, but none approached for small talk. I think that was the reason no one looked for my ID either. I crouched over the bolts, contemplating what I was about to do. I was insane, putting my health, and life, on the line for a man I didn't know, just because I wanted some answers. I was either desperate, or crazy. Placing my forearm on the bolt I squeezed my eyes shut, breathing in deeply while trying to mentally prepared myself. Without counting or warning I shoved my arm forward.
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